Blog Archive

Saturday, January 25, 2020


          For years when I was a supervisor, I told my employees (friends, really) that how they felt and what they did about how they felt was a “choice.” It even got to the point where they parroted this back to me on the unusual day when I went to work feeling bad for one reason or another.

          Choice, in my opinion, is a very powerful word, one that I need to pair with conscious and make a conscious choice about how I am feeling and what I am doing. Since my last post, I’ve made the “conscious choice” to feel good, to look at and list what I’ve accomplished as well as what I’ve still to do.

          I’ve chosen to enjoy the Christmas cards that arrive, to stare at and love the Christmas tree in all its glory, to decorate and prepare my house for my loved ones to come and enjoy on Christmas Eve. I’m also looking forward to making their favorite Christmas cookies and wrapping the gifts I hope they truly enjoy as much as I enjoyed choosing what to give.

          While this could be the most difficult time of the year with John so very absent, I am choosing to make it a good time of the year. I must remember that each and every single day of this season will not be repeatable so I must also choose to make each one a good, if not great, one.

P.S.  Just wanted to point out for my "employees/friends" that the cartoon above is EXACTLY what I looked like each and every day...okay, you can stop laughing now.

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