It’s been quite some time, five years actually, since I sat
down to write a Holiday Newsletter or send many Christmas cards. Perhaps some of you have breathed a sigh of relief while others might have missed my lovely prose. I decided to give it a try this year, five years after John passed away, to share some of what’s happened in my life since then.
To say life has been extremely lonely since John crossed the Rainbow Bridge would be a massive understatement. And, okay, that bridge is supposedly for pets, but I like to think of John on the other side with all the animals we shared over the years. With more than one day shy of fifty-three years together, his absence left a huge hole that, while I’ve become accustomed to it, hasn’t diminished one little bit.
Just after my first trip away, which was to the Caribbean, ended the pandemic began which made my life more insular and a bit scary although I haven’t yet succumbed to that virus. Just this past year, I traveled to Costa Rica with my best friend and our doggies and to Tennessee with my son, granddaughter and her boyfriend to visit family and enjoy all Nashville had to offer. Maybe 2025 will see me jetting off to other places.
So, what else have I been up to in the last five years. I continue to garden and have no plans to leave the family home. I’ve been here for fifty-five years now and am hoping and praying the coroner pulls into the driveway before I have to vacate. My son, AJ, and his daughter, Haley, do a lot to help me whenever I have a need and I’m most appreciative. Other needs are met by the hiring of companies or individuals.
Before John died, I had joined the Shoreline-Lake Forest Park Senior Center and was participating in the Enhanced Fitness classes. I continue to do this three days a week. I also decided I wanted to learn about Driftwood Sculpture so signed up for a class. I now go once a week to join fellow sculpturers. Not only that, I’m now the Northwest Driftwood Artists’ newsletter editor. I love my classmates and this organization and thoroughly enjoy seeing ugly driftwood become beautiful creations…both my own and my fellow artists as well. In 2024, I was awarded second and third place for the two sculptures I entered in the organization’s contest. The NWDA show will be on May 10, 2025, at the Brightwater Center in Woodinville. Put it on your calendar and go see some great artistic driftwood works.
I also continue to enjoy the company of friends from Woodland Park Zoo, including that of my previous bosses. It’s great fun and a source of pride when we get together and talk about the “golden” years of the zoo when we were “in charge.” I have also maintained my friendships with other individuals who were part of my life before widowhood. Unfortunately, many folks who I thought were my friends as well as John’s are no longer in touch.
When John died. We had two dogs, Karma and her son, Kaizer. It was a couple of years before Kaizer died and his mother joined him six months later. Well, John had always been the one to want a dog, so I gave away all the dog paraphernalia with the idea I wouldn’t have any more pets. Six months later, I was so depressed I could barely stand myself. My doctor didn’t prescribe a pet adoption, but she did say, “It will certainly give you a reason to get up in the mornings.” A week or so later, I saw Kuma, an Australian Shepherd, on Facebook and knew he was the one. I purchased him, brought him home and he’s been my joy, solace, entertainment, and fun for about two-and-a-half years. His name is Aboriginal for “Rascal,” and while he’s not a total rascal, he’s certainly brought a lot of happiness, comfort and love into my life. There are times when I barely wake and think it’s John snuggled against my back when it's actually Kuma…still a great comfort. Kuma is the biggest change in my life since John departed.
AJ is less than two years away from retiring from the Seattle Department of Parks and Recreation. I’m not exactly sure what the Department will do once he’s no longer available to take care of major HVAC problems. I’m also not sure what he’ll do in retirement since he has no major hobbies…maybe I can get him to take up Driftwood Sculpture???
Angie continues to work for Edmonds School District and is the Office Manager for her elementary school. While she is still a Partylite candle representative and you can order candles and other products from her, she no longer does parties in other people’s homes. She, too, has always been available and more than willing to assist me with any needs I may have and for which I’m extremely grateful.
Haley graduated from the Everett Community College’s welding program as well as the WyoTech Diesel program. The result was she is now a welder for a company in South Park. She loves her job and the men with whom she works. She also works at Roscoe’s Ranch, a dog boarding facility, a few evenings a week closing up. Since it would be silly for her to actually take a day off, she spends Saturday’s cleaning stalls at the horse farm at which she takes riding lessons. I am extremely grateful for her, however, because if Nana needs help, she always comes through.
Haley also has a very good friend, Tyler, whom she met in Wyoming. Thankfully, he lives in Renton instead of Wyoming. They seem to be a great couple and I’ve enjoyed getting to know Tyler as well as watching the two of them together. Only Haley’s second serious relationship, it’s clear she made good choices in both instances.
Thor continues to work for ProSweep and his wife, Amber, manages a marijuana dispensary. Their daughter Arayli is now sixteen, is being educated online and may graduate early because she really wants to begin training as a hair dresser/manicurist. She’s a gorgeous young woman who will get her driver’s license the beginning of 2025. I’m looking forward to having her do my nails and/or hair at some point.
Thor’s and Amber’s son, Xander is ten years old, and, I swear, has his phone permanently affixed to his right hand. He expressed an interest in driftwood sculpture, and found it fun to look for driftwood and to scrape the nasty off. The sanding part isn’t much fun because it takes FOREVER. He also was very interested in learning to sew, but Nana fell down on the job and bought a pattern that was far too small and difficult. Maybe this winter, Xander and Nana can work on further developing his sewing skills. He’s played soccer the last couple of years and it’s been a joy to watch him on the field.
As far as my own health goes, this past year has been hard. Out of absolutely nowhere, I began experiencing chest discomfort in May. I had no idea what it was until a two-day visit to urgent care, when I was diagnosed with stable angina. A month later, the stable angina was no longer stable, and I apparently suffered a mild heart attack, with the end result being the installation of six stents in my heart. Talk about a shock…it still seems surreal four months later. Still, I feel just fine, no longer suffer from angina and am able to do pretty much whatever I feel like doing without any problems. Good for another twenty years or 200,000 miles?
I’ve also been writing off and on. I wrote three complete romance novels during covid, one of which actually had a publisher interested. Alas, it came to naught. I do post my essays and book chapters to my blog, “My Widow’s Mite.” I’ve been blogging for years about all kinds of stuff; and in case you’re interested, you can find my postings at https// Of course, there hasn’t been a publisher or a huge interest in what I think and/or write about. Still, I enjoy putting fingers to the keyboard.
How’s that for summarizing five years in a little more than three pages?
It is my fondest hope you and your families have an absolutely wonderful Christmas and a New Year that brings you the happiest of times.
ReplyDeleteJust found your blog. I'm 2.5 years into widowhood and still trying to navigate this life without my soulmate.