While mucking about in my computer today as I waited for the printer to print all my stuff, I came across a folder entitled “Holiday Greetings.” The last holiday greeting/newsletter I prepared was Christmas 2019. I haven’t done one since, nor have I sent very many plain Christmas cards. I’m not sure exactly why, except I felt I didn’t really have anything newsworthy to share, plus my family and friends network has become small.
Now, it’s five years later and I’m wondering if I should try sending either a newsletter or Christmas cards to the “important” folks on my address list. For all I know, some of them may have joined John in which case I would waste the seventy-some cents postage. On the other hand, it would be one way to find out who remains alive.
All the years I did a newsletter, starting when I typed, cut and pasted graphics, etc., I really enjoyed putting it together. It became even more fun when computers took away the physical cutting and pasting. I loved looking back at the year and relating what John and I and the boys had accomplished. Even after the boys grew up, married and had their own kiddlings, I always enjoyed reporting on everyone’s accomplishments.
I remember John’s sister referring to our newsletters as “bragletters;” however, I always included the bad with the good, so I never looked at our newsletters as bragging about our lives. Sometimes, we all had a good year and sometimes not. Sometimes one or more of us experienced failure in our efforts to reach some kind of accomplishment. To me, it was all worth sharing and I did so. Not only that, but I enjoyed receiving the newsletters family and friends sent out.
Over the years, I always saved a copy. They’re all in a three-ring binder in the bookcase. I wonder if the kids will enjoy looking back over them when they’re going through all my stuff at some point. Perhaps I should take a gander at them now and decide if the time has come for me to look back over my own personal year and “brag” about my accomplishments or share my difficulties. I haven’t quite decided yet. Guess I’ll have to give it some more thought while browsing years past.
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