Blog Archive

Thursday, April 25, 2024



          John was addicted to Percocet. I now understand why and am so thankful he had just renewed his prescription before he passed. I was somehow smart enough to keep that big bottle of medication when I went through and eliminated the other hundred bottles of stuff…and, okay, I exaggerated there just a bit.

          Some mornings my back hurts so badly, it’s difficult to move and just sitting up and getting out of bed HURTS. But move I do and make my way to letting the dog out, fixing myself a latte and leaning against my heating pad set to HIGH. Most mornings, depending on what I did the day before, the heating pad is enough to make the pain bearable. I get up and continue with my day, beginning with my home exercise program which seems to help.

          I do not want to become a Percocet addict, so I’m extremely careful about how often I resort to those wonderful pills. Very rarely, I’ve taken three in one day, but it’s usually just one and that just one not even every day. On some days, though, Percocet becomes my absolute favorite medication. I pop one of those babies before or after my latte or even after my home exercise program because the pain hasn’t improved even a little bit. Then, it’s back to my favorite place…bed…until the Percocet does its job.

          It’s my hope the MRI shows something in my lower back that is fixable. As I said, I do not want to become an addict were that even possible the way they administer pain medications these days. Meanwhile, I’m most grateful for this inheritance, but also find myself wishing the bottle was magic and could refill itself. Of course, then it would undoubtedly become my absolute favorite medication Multiple. Times. Every. Single. Day.

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