Blog Archive

Sunday, April 21, 2024



          It’s so easy to look back and find lots of favorite things in my memories. It might be more difficult to find favorite things in the present, but for every “favorite” that’s attributed to the past, there has to be one that is in the now.

          It goes without saying/writing that Kuma is definitely my favorite puppy. He brings so much joy to my life I cannot imagine it without him. Kuma is loving, stubborn, learns easily and is so smart it’s scary some times. Not only that, but Kuma has a schedule, and damn it, I’d best adhere to that schedule. I believe I’ve blogged about this before.

          On and off the bed beginning at 6:00 am that continues until I’m sitting on the side of the bed. Kuma straddles my legs, takes my hand in his mouth and expects me to give him lovie loves before I stand up. Most mornings, unless it’s pouring and sometimes even then, Kuma goes out to do his business, eat some grass, and poke around the yard catching up on the smells the night visitors left. I, his servant, make myself a latte and refresh his water and food bowls.

          On the couch, Kuma demands and gets more lovie loves, brings me either his chicky-ball or his beefy ball. It’s time for me to throw it down the hallway so he can dash off and bring it back. He doesn’t always give it up right away and enjoys playing keep-away. This stops when I say, “Mommy has her coffee.” All it took was one spill ages ago for him to learn this means we’re done playing for the moment.

          There are days when I swear Kuma can read my mind, that or habits inform his response to me. He some how always seems to know the times he has to stay home rather than accompany me. He stands in the hallway looking forlorn. The times he gets to go, he’s already at the door. And, if we’re going out to play bally-ball in the street, he’s always waiting at the front door with expectation exhibited by perked ears and dancing feet.

          The end of the day Kuma exhibits his herding ability to the max. By 7:30 pm, if I’m not up and moving, he comes to me with a reproachful look, as if to say, “C’mon, don’t you know what time it is.” If I don’t’ respond right away, he continues to come and go with “that look” until I get up and say, “Bedtime peepee.” If it takes a lot longer to respond, he goes down the hall and comes back, sits in the hallway and stares at me. I swear I can hear him thinking, “How stupid is she. What else can I do to make her understand it’s bedtime?”

          The bedtime peepee is followed by my spraying him with a daily brushing aid, giving him spray cheese on a mat so he’ll allow me to give him a good brushing. Then, he waits in the hall while I perform my nighttime ablutions. Finally, on the bed, Kuma supervises my nightly routine until I turn on the TV and turn out the light. Then, he assumes his position on my right where he remains until I snuggle down for the night. At that point, he gets up, turns around a couple of times and fits his body against my tummy or my back. It feels very good to have him there.

          Can you understand why Kuma is one of my favorites and why I’m so grateful for him.

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