Blog Archive

Tuesday, April 23, 2024



          An article I read indicated that a person my age or older was lucky to have one BFF. I guess I’m more fortunate than most because I have several BFFs plus other friends and lots of acquaintances. This is how I identify my groups.

          A BFF is someone you see on a regular basis, with whom you lunch, attend various events, help out, support and love a whole bunch. In turn, they provide their love and support. This kind of friendship cannot be bought and as that old credit card commercial used to exclaim, “It’s priceless.”

There are other friends I don’t see very often, but whenever we do get together, it’s as though we just saw each other a few days ago instead of weeks or months. There was always the potential for us to become BFFs, but location, time, energy, life demands prevent that possibility. Still, I deeply value and love these people and appreciate what our relationships bring to my life.

Finally, there’s the acquaintances. Some, I see regularly, but we don’t lunch or do other stuff together, i.e., the folks in my fitness class. Others are sort of in passing. We run into each other, chat for a bit to catch up and go on our ways. I always rejoice and feel good about those interactions.

          I’m extremely grateful to have all these folks in my life. Each and every one is a favorite in one way or another. I value each for their love, support, concern, care, talent, energy, and kindness. Each one brings a richness to my life for which I’m always grateful.

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