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Sunday, March 10, 2024



          It was decided last December and arrangements were finalized in January, but I didn’t want to post too soon and have those pesky gremlins who like to mess up plans get in the way. And, yes, those gremlins have done their best to screw up these best-laid plans to the point where it didn’t look as though my preparations would come to fruition, or if they did, my enjoyment would be on the minus scale.

I did something to my back last fall and regardless of my efforts, the pain just kept getting worse. I’ve seen the doctor more than once, had x-rays, physical therapy, continued with my home exercises and fitness classes, but the pain never improved. In fact, beginning in January, I was extremely grateful I’d saved John’s Percocet because when it became intolerable, I’d take one. There were even a couple of days where I took three in a twenty-four hour period. That’s a lot for me because I have a high pain threshold and a low drug threshold.

Anxious about the upcoming trip and really tired of the pain, decided I’d try massage therapy. I found a new masseuse (my previous one moved to Spokane) and began weekly massages mid-February. They did and didn’t help. Finally, I asked the doctor if I could try muscle relaxants last week. The first day they helped…maybe because I was mostly unconscious…but it isn’t a medication I can take on a regular basis.

The third massage was this past Thursday and my masseuse worked my back and hips over quite vigorously. Initially, it didn’t seem as though anything had changed; and yet, as of this typing, the back pain is about a two on that one-to-ten scale they use when asking how bad your pain is. Also, on the masseuse’s advice, I’ve stopped exercising for now and that seems to be making a difference as well. That doesn’t mean I won’t return to my fitness routine once I come back from my trip, because I will since I want to remain strong. Perhaps one more massage and this three-week hiatus from physical activity will do the trick.

          Anyway, it’s now just a week before I’ll get on a plane for the first time since 2020, not counting the plane I took in 2022 in order to attend Haley’s graduation. This plane is going to take me first to Los Angeles for a layover and then on to Costa Rica…YES, COSTA RICA!!!! Not only that, but my BFF Claudia is going to be my travel companion. We are excited and can hardly wait.

          With so much less pain today, I’m dreaming of sunshine’s hot kiss and the caress of tropical breezes on my skin not to mention having my entire body embraced by Pacific Ocean waves. Those pesky gremlins may have been determined to mess up my plans, but I’m even more determined. I plan to have a wonderful, joyous, sunny, fun, exciting, terrific trip to Costa Rica with my BFF and little to no back pain.

          Not only that, I'm looking forward to sharing all our experiences in Costa Rica with all of you on our return. 

1 comment:

  1. Have fun, don't get kidnapped or do anything dangerous. And you better write all about it and include pictures
