Blog Archive

Sunday, August 6, 2023



          This may be a whiney blog…whiney about more than one thing too. And, I really don’t have a serious reason to be whiney, but that’s how I’m feeling today (Sunday).

          I hate feeling sticky. The weather yesterday and again today is warm and humid as in the air feels thick. The very act of breathing makes me feel sticky. Actually, doing something that requires muscle use makes me really sticky. Today was the day I water everything in my garden except the grass which is well and truly dead. Just walking from front to back and setting up the hoses/sprinklers made me feel as though I need a shower…a cold shower.

          And, okay, it could be way worse. I could live in one of the southern states that have had temperatures over 100 degrees for days, weeks, months. But it’s a dry heat they tell me, but I still think that has to feel really hot. Of course, most have air conditioning (I think), so it’s a quick walk from one air-conditioned location to another. So, yes, I agree I probably don’t have a lot to whine about here, but I HATE feeling sticky.

          It hasn’t been long since I blogged about my pot garden and the flowerbed gardens, but I’m tired of them today as well. I’m tired of having to water everything so it stays alive and continues to produce and/or bloom. I’ve also reached the point I reach at some point during the summer where I feel as though I’m done, just done. I’m at that point now where I’d be happy to begin putting the garden away for the winter and most of my dahlias haven’t even begun to bloom yet. I’m sure I’ll feel differently tomorrow or whenever movement doesn’t leave me feeling sticky.

          My final whine (I think) is about Kuma. He is one very smart doggie so why can he not learn two things I’d love for him to learn, i.e., no bark and no dig. I went back to bed this morning and left the door open so he could come and go. He went all right, right out to a place he’s dug before and dug not one area there, but three. He’s after the moles, I think. So, once again, I’ll need to scrape the dirt back into the holes. And why is there always less dirt to go back in the hole than what came out? Once I’ve replaced the dirt there, and in another location, I’m going to put metal grids over the dirt so he cannot dig there again.

          Kuma simply will not get the “no bark” command. Today, he made me so angry I upped the number on his shock collar. He yelped and I felt extremely bad. I’ve used the sound button and the vibration button as well as the shock button on a low setting, but maybe it’s going to take a bigger shock to make him stop barking. I don’t even know why or at what he’s barking because I can’t see anything out the window. So, what will make me feel worse, giving him an actual shock or putting up with his ignoring my “no bark?”  I’ll probably feel worse if I make him yelp again…I felt so cruel I wanted to kneel and love him all over to let him know how sorry I was.

          I guess I do have one more whine and it has to do with my resilience. And, okay, I know I’m much older than I once was and it’s probably the reason. Still, when I spend an entire day working away at whatever the project may be…yesterday it was taking all my plants outside and giving them a nice bath; cleaning up the areas in which they reside, washing all the plates that go beneath to catch water, and then hauling them all back inside. Yes, they look wonderful, all bright and shiny, plus I changed the way some are displayed and added a few new ones that required transplanting. I also baked a pork roast in the early morning so I can have pulled pork sandwiches.

          There was a time when I had hanging plants at every single window, plus a three-tiered display at one end of the living room. Back in that day, I would haul the plants out, transplant those that needed it, hose them off, clean and oil the shelves, wash the plates, and then haul them all back inside. Back then, I did the entire thing in one day. Today, I have about six more plants that need to be transplanted and returned inside and I’m feeling very tired. I’m not sure I’ll get to those plants today.

          I’m sure if I sat here a while longer, I could find moer things about which to whine, but I’m not going to do that. I actually feel a bit better and more energized now that I’ve whined for two pages. Thank you for reading and understanding.

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