Blog Archive

Wednesday, August 2, 2023


          Just a bit sad on Monday…Kuma graduated from puppy food to adult food. I realize there’s no comparison to when I gave up nursing or the boys began eating real food in their high chairs. From there, they graduated to eating at the table with mom and dad. Those were all sad and happy occasions. The only family member that took the latter stages very sadly were our doggies. They loved sitting by the high chair and gobbling up all the various foods that didn’t make their way into the boys’ mouths.

          Kuma now weighs about 45 pounds, but on Sunday it felt more like a hundred. He needed a shower and it’s not his idea of a good time. Once I had everything prepared, I had to pick him up off the couch where he was cowering and carry him to the bathroom door. Once the shower was running and the water warm, I had to again lift him up and push him into the shower.

          He does fine once we’re in there, but again wants to cower against the shower wall so I can’t wash both sides without getting him to move. On Sunday, he almost escaped. I was scrubbing his back legs and thankfully had a good hold on one of them. Kuma pushed the shower door opened and had three legs outside the shower with me hanging on and pulling on the fourth one. What a mess it would have been if he got away and shook suds and water all over the bathroom.

          Once I finished my shower and dried myself, I hauled out the blow dryer. Kuma doesn’t mind that appliance and will come to have air blown on him when I’m trying to dry my own hair. He didn’t sit still so I could dry him completely, but he was just a bit damp when I released him from the bathroom.

          My body didn’t let me know I’d overdone until I got up Monday morning. Then, my lower back wasn’t very happy at all. My home exercises and fitness class loosened it up some, but the heating pad was utilized before the day was done.

          I don’t regret the back pain because Kuma smells good again and his fur feels like silk. He’s my Cutsie Putsie Kuma.

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