Blog Archive

Thursday, February 23, 2023



          Do you ever wonder about the roads less traveled? I do now and then as I make my usual way to whatever destination awaits. I have this mental image of myself going to and coming from the same place throughout all the years I’ve lived in this house. I sometimes wonder if there are other dimensions and the other mes are busily traversing the same path as me over and over. 

          My parents lived in Lynnwood for many years. Since my son and his family moved to Lynnwood, I take the same roads I took when I went to my folks, just go a few blocks further west. Why have I never taken the time to drive around that neighborhood or the one my son lives in now?

          When I was taking daily walks I sometimes would take a different route just to see what was down or up that street. Why don’t I do that when I’m driving my car? Why don’t I turn left instead of right? Why don’t I decide I want to see what’s on the other side of this hill? Would it matter if I got lost? Probably not because sooner or later I’d find my way; and who knows, maybe see some interesting stuff.

          For that matter, why don’t I pick a neighborhood I’ve never ever been to and go there to see if it resembles my own? I wouldn’t necessarily have to drive the entire neighborhood because I could park and walk for however long I wanted. I know just on the walking route I usually take in my own area, there’s almost always something I didn’t notice before, especially as the seasons change.

           I think in addition to the other new stuff I’m doing and plan to do, I’m going to choose destinations to which I’ve never gone and go there. There’s sure to be new and interesting details just waiting for me to discover.

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