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Tuesday, February 28, 2023



          It is likely that each one of us has a BFF, or Best Friend Forever; and sometimes, one can be fortunate to have more than just one. I believe I’m one of the lucky individuals who does have more than one BFF. I am immensely grateful for each and every one.

          What brought this to mind today is that it is my closest BFF’s (meaning I see her at least once a week) birthday. We no longer exchange gifts, but we do exchange cards and take each other to lunch when our birthdays come around. We also don’t always manage to have the birthday lunch on the actual birthday, but it doesn’t matter when or where, just that we do this.

          Claudia is my BFF even though we haven’t known each other all our lives. I have another BFF who has known me longer than anyone else who lives on Cape Cod. Anyway, Claudia and I met at Woodland Park Zoo. Initially, we were merely acquaintances until there was an upheaval that left an important position vacant. Claudia was drafted to fill that position part time and performed in that position much better than the woman who had held it full-time.

          At that point, we came to share an office, with our desks adjacent. That’s when we began to know each other and first became friends. I look back on that time with a smile on my was work, but we had fun. Claudia is a hard worker and was appalled at some of the discrepancies she found in various sections of the zoo. I estimated at one point that she had saved the zoo more than ten thousand dollars by eliminating phones and modems that no longer existed or were not in use.

          A few years later, my boss tasked me with “temporarily” supervising several people, one of which was Claudia. I had to work very hard to make sure I didn’t show any favoritism in the workplace and think I managed quite well. My last year at the zoo, after “temporarily” supervising for more than ten years, I was relieved of my supervisory responsibilities.

          As an aside here, I’d like to note that I supervised another woman who also became my BFF.

          Anyway, it’s now been more than two decades since Claudia and I have been in each other’s lives. There are so many memories, i.e., numerous birthdays, lavender festivals, ferry rides, nursery trips, family successes and worries, becoming grandparents, zoo events, health scares and problems, death…the list is incredibly long. Throughout the years, we have laughed and I’ve cried…Claudia is very positive and I don’t think I’ve ever seen her really depressed or hardly ever manifesting tears. However, Claudia’s always been quick to support, encourage and dry my tears. I am so grateful and blessed by her strength and reassurance.

          You often hear people say or read thoughts expounded by other individuals about how important it is to express your feelings while there is still time. Today, I’ve taken the time to write about my BFF, although I don’t feel as though this even comes close to depicting Claudia or our friendship. Words simply aren’t enough, or my ability to use them in this instance fails.

          What is important is we share each other’s lives. What’s important is that I love Claudia deeply, strongly, without a single reservation. Claudia fills my heart with love and joy. I’ve already wished her Happy Birthday, called and sung the Birthday song, but here, again, I do wish with all my heart a very Happy Birthday to my BFF.


  1. You truly are a blessed human!

  2. A beautiful tribute to your BFF! We are lucky to call you both friends ❤️
