Blog Archive

Friday, January 13, 2023


          My eldest son likes me to blog about the past. This post is the story of two teakettles and how amazing it was the fire department didn’t visit.

          December 1965. My parents had moved out of town, so I’d had to get an apartment. It was just a couple of blocks from where I worked. Of course, being young and horny  all the time, John spent the majority of his nights with me in my apartment.

          When John got to the apartment, I was still at work. The firm consisted of all men except for me. That particular day was just before Christmas, so the firm was having the office Christmas party.

          Oh, did I mention it was cold and snowy outside? Well, it was. So, John very thoughtfully drove the couple of blocks so I wouldn't have to walk home. The men in the firm welcomed him with open arms and full glasses. We had a lot of fun before we finally got in the car and returned to the apartment.

          It’s true about John being a thoughtful man. Before he left to get me, he put the teakettle on the stove so we could have tea when we got back.  Well, it hadn’t been a quick trip and that teakettle melted onto the burner. It was ruined, but thankfully, nothing caught fire.

          The second teakettle loss happened several decades later. It had nothing to do with being thoughtful. John was home with Thor who was either in his late teens or early twenties. John put the teakettle on the stove but raised the lid so it wouldn’t whistle…not the smartest idea.

          John and Thor were watching something on TV…probably that crazy guy who had all kinds of weirdos on his show. I don’t remember who or what they were watching, but it was hugely entertaining. By the time John remembered the teakettle, it too had begun to melt onto the burner. They rushed out and bought a new teakettle and tried to make me think it was a gift they simply wanted me to have; however, neither of them could keep from laughing and smirking, so they had to tell on themselves.

          It was all fine. The new teakettle was better than the melted one and I'm still using it.

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