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Saturday, April 16, 2022


           Once again, I skipped my fitness class but did do my home exercises…yay for me. I did leave the house because I had to go obtain some cash so I could pay for my haircut this afternoon and my nails on Monday. I like to pay cash for some of my expenses so the recipient can have it under the table or put it on their taxes.

          As I drove to and from the bank, the spring beauty was all over the place, and it was a good thing I didn’t look too hard at any one particular item or I would have had a car accident.

          Thought about going outside and doing some gardening, but it felt so cold and the wind was biting…why do they say biting…and sure, I would probably have warmed up as I worked, but my hands were so cold just from driving the car, I scurried back inside where it was warm.

          It was good to catch up with my hair cutter, and she reminded me we are going to be ushers the end of the month at a theater in Everett. We’re going to make an evening of it with dinner and maybe even a drink…will be sure to have gum, so the folks we’re ushering won’t smell the alcohol. I’m looking forward to that and it should be very fun.

          After my haircut, my friend Maryanne came over to have a glass of wine with me and catch up. She was limping badly and has a very painful knee. She has a doctor’s appointment tomorrow and I’m hoping the MD can help her out. This is a woman who has almost always been a gym rat and participated in some form of exercise. To see her and hear her so worried about her physicality and potential ability to continue yoga and walking made me feel bad for her. But, I’m holding good thoughts, rubbing Buddha’s belly, lighting candles and sending the most positive thoughts possible her way. I simply don’t see Maryanne just sitting on her couch reading books or watching TV.

          My granddaughter called as Maryanne was leaving and we had a nice long chat. Haley provided me with information I never knew and am surprised John never investigated. John’s grandfather immigrated from Sweden via the Boer War, the Boxer Rebellion and the Spanish-American War. The family joke is that he left to be a missionary and became, instead, a mercenary.

          Anyway, Haley had been researching the Karlberg name and found there is a Karlberg Palace in Solna Sweden It was built in 1630 and now houses what is now the Military Academy Karlberg on the Karlberg Canal. There is also a town/city called Karlberg. There is a Karlbergs BK which appears to be a soccer team.  Sofia Karlberg is a popular Swedish singer and songwriter. Wouldn’t be amazing to find out we were all related in some way, even distantly.

          John had an Ancestry account because of research his sister and cousin were doing. I saved what I thought was the log-in information, but, alas, that wasn’t it. On Monday, I’ll have to call Ancestry and see if they’ll let me into the data so I can provide Haley with the information so she can do additional research. I think I’ll also email cousin Kathleen and see what she can provide.

          I like the fact Haley is interested in family history because I have a pile of information, mostly for my side of the family, but cousin Kathleen has reams and reams in comparison. I told Haley when she comes back from school, we’ll spend some time on the information I have. I was wondering what to do with it, but if she’s interested, it’s all hers.

          Another good day with a nice surprise at the end.

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