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Saturday, June 26, 2021



         The first two months of the new year seemed to move a bit more slowly than the ones at the end of the year. Charlie’s body continued to change and she was finally feeling hugely fat and pregnant. She still had a hard time believing there was only one baby in there, but Sandi assured her that being pregnant the last two months had always made her feel as though she must be having twins or triplets. They agreed they couldn’t understand how any woman could have huge multiple births and remain sane in their own bodies.

If Charlie had felt like she needed to move into the bathroom because she had to pee so often, as each and every day went by, the water she took in seemed to pass right through her. If she hadn’t been so thirsty most of the time, she swore she’d have given up drinking anything. Sandi also suggested she try Depends or begin wearing menstrual pads, but that seemed disgusting, although she wondered what was more disgusting panties with pee in them or something to catch the pee. And, it only got worse when the baby turned head down. She was sure her bladder was incapable of holding more than a tablespoon of fluid.

Charlie was looking forward to beginning her maternity leave the beginning of March. She was looking forward to spending some time nesting and just lazing about the house for a week or two, but the baby had other plans. She was holding her final meeting with Stephanie and Dennis before beginning her leave when her water broke. And, it didn’t just begin to leak out, but gushed, wetting her from the crotch down. By the looks of what ended up on the floor, Charlie thought there must have been gallons in there. She was horribly embarrassed, but Steph and Dennis, both parents, immediately took over.

          “Dennis, while I call Adam, go get my car. We’re gonna need to get her to the hospital ASAP.”

          “Adam, this is Stephanie. Charlie’s water just broke and I’m taking her to the hospital now. We’ll meet you there.”

          Just then, Charlie felt the first contraction and it hurt. Once it passed, she looked at Stephanie and said, “Jesus, but that hurt like a bitch.”

          “They do sometimes Charlie, but you’ll be fine. Now, let’s walk you out to my car.”

          On the way out, Charlie had to stop as another contraction rolled through her. When she could walk again, she asked, “How long is this gonna last. It’s horrible.”

          “You won’t even remember once the baby arrives.” Stephanie reassured her as she grabbed a blanket from the backseat and placed it on the passenger seat. “Now, climb in there and let’s get you buckled up. I’ve a feeling I need to drive faster than the speed limit because your contractions are strong and so close together. This is amazing for a first baby.”

          While Stephanie drove, Charlie tried to concentrate on what she’d learned in the birthing classes. The next time a contraction arrived, her breathing was her entire focus. She had additional contractions before Stephanie pulled into the hospital ER and jumped from the car.

          In the midst of another contraction, Charlie barely realized the car had stopped or Stephanie had left until her car door opened and a white-clad person reached in to help her out and into a wheelchair. She was barely pushed through the entrance when Adam appeared by her side. “Oh baby. You okay? What can I do?”

          “Excuse me sir, but you need to get out of the way. We need to take her to the maternity ward right now.”

          Charlie didn’t pay attention to anyone. Another contraction was coming and this time she wanted to do something about it. She clenched her teeth and took a deep breath only to have her concentration broken by a voice in her ear, “Don’t bear down, don’t bear down. Pant, that’s it, pant. Just pant, don’t push.”

          When the pain began to leave, she heard the voice yell, “We don’t have time for a labor room. We need to get her into delivery STAT.”

          Before another pain arrived, most of her clothes were gone, she’d been moved onto a gurney, and there was someone, her doctor she realized, between her thighs. “She’s fully dilated and I can see the head crowning. Okay Charlie, the next contraction, I want you to push. I want you to push as hard as you can.”

          While they waited, Charlie realized that somehow Adam had managed to get behind her and as the next contraction began, he raised her to an almost sitting position. She grabbed hold of the arm he’d placed around her chest and squeezed so hard he thought she’d break his bone. Teeth gritted, grunting and groaning, Charlie pushed before the pain left and she slumped back against Adam. It wasn’t much of a rest because almost immediately, the pain began to resume. Again, Adam propped her up as she grunted and pushed with every muscle she had. Before the pain totally diminished, there was the sound of a newborn cry in the delivery room.

          Charlie sank back against Adam as an ugly little thing was placed on her abdomen. Oh my god, there’s something wrong with my baby she thought as Adam moved away to cut the baby’s umbilical cord.

          “You have a beautiful, healthy boy Charlie. Congratulations.” Her doctor said.

          Charlie shook her head and crying, asked, “What’s wrong with it? It looks so bad.”

          “Charlie, there’s nothing wrong. He’s just covered with birthing material. Once he’s been cleaned up, he’ll be pink and lovely. Here.” And her doctor placed it on her chest.

          Charlie looked down into a pair of dark blue eyes that seemed to know her down to her very soul. His forehead wrinkled and his mouth seemed to form a smile before opening wide in a yawn, as if to say, “Getting born’s hard work.”

          Then, he was taken away while they tended to Charlie. The doctor told Adam how surprised she was to have Charlie’s water break and the birth happen so closely together. “She’s a lucky woman. It may have been painful, but it didn’t last long. She’s a natural breeder.”

          Charlie, still conscious of the horrendous pain snorted. Natural breeder my ass she thought. I won’t ever be doing this again in my life.

          Once she was ensconced in her room, all clean and tidy, the nurse brought in the baby bucket on wheels in which her son was all bound up tight and sound asleep.

          “Do you want to hold him?” The nurse asked.

          “Yes, please.”

          Once he was in her arms, with Adam beside the bed, Charlie undid the snug blankets. She knew it was important to keep the baby tightly wrapped, but she had to see him. “Oh, Adam, look at those toes. Look at his little fingers. Oh, Adam, isn’t he the most beautiful baby you’ve ever seen?”

          Adam agreed and helped her re-wrap the baby as he began to cry. “Maybe he’s hungry.” Adam suggested.

          It was as if she’d been doing it her whole life. Charlie moved her gown aside and lifted him to nestle against her bare chest. She used her hand to direct his mouth to her nipple. He looked like a little bird as his head flopped back and forth, looking for a way to get the nipple. Then, he latched on and Charlie felt such a connection with her child, she wasn’t sure she could explain it or identify it. Such contentment. Such peace. Such love.

          Charlie looked at Adam with tears in her eyes. “Thank you for this Adam. Thank you for him.”

          Adam responded with the gentlest of kisses as his huge hand cupped the baby’s head.

          Since Charlie was already breastfeeding successfully and since her labor and delivery had no complications, her doctor allowed her to go home late evening. Before the birth, Charlie had thought she’d be terrified to bring the baby home all on her own. She’d thought she’d need her mamma and maybe even Sandi with her for reassurance, but that wasn’t the case. 

          The birth had happened so quickly, there hadn’t been any time to call the various family and friends who were going to be involved at the hospital and when she went home. Once Adam got her settled into their bed, the bassinet with the little guy in it adjacent, he began calling everyone to share the news. Of course, most people wanted to come visit, but realized it was much too late. He even managed to hold Ruth Ann off until late morning the next day. He also hoped there wouldn’t be a deluge of visitors because he really wanted some time for just the three of them to adjust to each other. 

          As if the fast labor and delivery had been a gift, the new baby made his presence known almost immediately. Adam was still making phone calls when he began to cry. Charlie scooped him up and offered him her nipple, but he ignored it, continuing to cry to the point he was all red. Charlie was sure there was something wrong. She tried jiggling him against her chest and that didn’t help. She checked his diaper and he was dry. She didn’t know what to do and joined her baby in crying. While she wasn’t screeching like he was, the tears were flowing fast and hard down her face when Adam came back in the bedroom.

          “Something’s wrong Adam. We have to go back to the hospital. Something’s the matter with our baby. Oh my God, I don’t know what to do.”

          Adam took the little guy from Charlie and began to hum a tune he’d hummed against Charlie’s tummy throughout the pregnancy. He, too, jiggled the baby but walked around as he did so. Soon, the cries had turned into little whimpers and hiccoughs and he was again sleep.

          Charlie smiled through her tears, “Well, look at you, the baby whisperer. Oh Adam, I’m so glad you knew what to do. This just scared the hell out of me. What’s going to happen when you’re not here? I can’t believe I thought I could be a mom and raise a child. I’m going to be horrible at this.”

          “Honey, you forget I have nieces and nephews and was around when most of them were born. I babysat for every single one of them when I was needed and mom wasn’t available. I’ve had crying babies in my life before, but this one is the most special. As for you being a mom, you’ll be great and I’ll be here to help always.”

          Adam put the baby back into his bassinet and climbed on the bed with Charlie. She carefully snuggled up against him because her bottom was sore from the birth. She didn’t know if she’d had to have stitches and hadn’t asked, but very much pressure caused pain.

          “So, what are we going to name the little guy?” Adam asked Charlie. I know we talked about several male names, but we never did make a decision. Now that he’s here, what do you think will best fit our boy? My siblings have already used my parent’s names, so we don’t have to think about that. You want to name him after your dad?”

          Charlie was silent for a bit, reviewing the various names they’d sort of put on their list before suggesting, “Maybe daddy’s name as a middle name, but I’ve never really liked the name Simon. How about Charles Adam and we could call him Chase?”

          “Using both our names doesn’t leave much for any other kid we have.”

          “Speak for yourself buddy. Your bottom doesn’t hurt when you plop down on it. I seriously doubt I’ll want to do this again…EVER.”

          “I heard that’s what most women who just gave birth say, but I’ve also heard that you’ll soon forget the pain and difficulty.”

          “Yeah, well I’m not most women, I’m me and don’t plan to do this EVER again.” Both times, Charlie had emphasized the word ever, but Adam didn’t seem to hear it.

          “Okay, well, how about the name that was at the top of the boy’s list? I really did like Jacob Rowan so we could call him JR. What do you think? I like that better than Charles Adam.”

          Charlie heaved a big sigh and yawned. “Okay, fine. JR it is then. I think I brought the paper home that we’re supposed to fill out and send in. You’ll have to find it. Geeze, but I’m tired.”

          Adam lay there for a while as Charlie slept. He was sure they’d have more children than just JR, but he didn’t plan to push the idea for at least a year. Surely by then Charlie would be like all the other women he’d known and have forgotten the trauma of JR’s birth.

          Adam was almost asleep too when JR began to fuss. Adam pulled away from Charlie who didn’t wake and picked up the baby. He changed his diaper and could tell the baby wanted to suck, so he woke Charlie up. Her milk wasn’t in yet, but what the baby did get now was full of good stuff.

          He hummed and jostled JR until Charlie returned from the bathroom, complaining loudly about how much it hurt to pee. She plumped her pillows and carefully got back in bed. When she was ready, Adam handed JR to her and watched as Charlie exposed her nipple to the baby and the small grimace she made as he latched on.

          Charlie leaned back against the pillows and looked down at her son. His little mouth worked hard sucking on her nipple. His eyes gazed into hers and again, she felt such a close connection with him. She continued to stare, as if hypnotized, until JR’s eyes began to lose focus and close. She was sorry to lose that connection but knew she would have it again and looked forward to the experience.

          Her own eyes began to drift closed too and she thought about the big changes that had occurred in her life in such a short time. Her little house, Adam’s entry into her life, his importance to her, the wedding, the pregnancy, and now the little mite whose weight gently rested against her.

          Charlie’s last thought as she joined her baby in sleep was that she’d never ever expected her life to be this good. Her lips curved up in a smile as she realized she had a whole lifetime ahead that included Adam and JR and maybe, someday, a sibling for JR.


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