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Tuesday, June 22, 2021



          After what seemed like months instead of weeks, Charlie’s wedding day arrived. Althea had insisted she spend her last week as an unmarried woman at home in her old bedroom. It didn’t make any sense to Charlie and Adam, but if that’s what her mamma wanted, she’d go along to get along. Besides, there’d been a bridal shower that week, plus a sitting at the photographer’s and a minutia of small details that her mamma insisted she help with.

Althea bustled into Charlie’s room with a tray that contained decaffeinated coffee and a sweet roll. She pulled open the curtains once she’d set the tray down and instructed Charlie to get up while she ran a bath.

“There’s lots to get done today, so the only relaxing time you’re gonna get will be in this bath. After you pull yourself together, we’ll head for the salon. We have appointments to have manicures and pedicures and our hair fixed. By the time we get through all that, it will be time to go to the church and get dressed for the wedding.”

“Yes mamma. You’ve only told me that about a hundred times now. And, yes, I know Patricia and Sandi and my bridesmaids will all be at the salon.” Charlie yawned widely and stretched. “I am so tired. I’ll be so glad when this day ends and I can do nothing but sleep as long as I want.”

The morning flew by and before she was really ready, Charlie was at the church with her bridal party. As a gift, she had chosen necklaces. Each one was slightly different because each pendant was a crystal that reflected a rainbow of colors, reminiscent of Charlie’s gleaming dress. Each pendant was suspended on a slightly thicker gold chain because of the crystal’s weight. If her bridal party didn’t want to wear them after the wedding, they would also make great suncatchers dangling in front of a window or from the car’s rear view mirror.

Charlie had wanted the photographs to be taken before the wedding, but her mother wouldn’t agree. The photographer would take all the pictures while the guests left the church and traveled to the hotel ballroom. Since Charlie hadn’t had to weigh in on the church, the ballroom, the decorations or pretty much anything at all, she gave in and agreed to photos after. Besides, it might be fun to see Adam’s face when he saw her in her wedding gown.

Althea, Sandi and the other four bridesmaids were dressed and ready to go well before Charlie. That was because they were going to fuss over her to the point where she wanted to kick off her high heels and run right out of the church. But finally, everything had been taken care of appropriately. When Charlie looked in the full-length mirror, she had to admit she looked better than she’d ever looked in her life.

Her dark hair had been brought up into a chignon at the back with tendrils allowed to escape both beside her face and in the back. The band of white rosebuds with baby’s breath Sandi had envisioned, graced the top of her head like a crown. The gown wasn’t too tight and the pearls she’d received as a gift on her sixteenth birthday graced her neck. The short lacy glittery train would look elegant as it glided along the aisle behind her. After the wedding, it could be unbuttoned and removed.

Althea brought her the sheaf of white roses Charlie would carry down the aisle. “Baby, you look so beautiful. If I’m not careful, I’m gonna start bawling and ruin all my makeup. I’m so happy Charlie. Thank you for this experience. Your mamma loves you.”

“I love you too mamma. Now go on, git. You need to be walked down the aisle by Adam’s brother so he can join Adam up front. And, here’s daddy, ready to escort me down the aisle and give me away.”

Althea gave Charlie one more little hug and then turned to Simon and gave him a hug too. “Isn’t she beautiful Simon. It’s our little girl. “

“Yes Althea, Charlie is very beautiful today, but then I’ve always found our girl beautiful, even when she was a red-faced squalling newborn.”

It wasn’t long before the doors were opened and the bridesmaids began their walk down the aisle. Sandi came last and once she’d arrived at the front and turned; the wedding march began to play.

Simon patted Charlie’s hand which lay upon his arm. “Here we go baby. I just want you to know though that while I may say I’m giving you away, you’ll always and forever be daddy’s little one.”

Her daddy’s pet name for her had always been little one, no matter how old or big she got. His words made her eyes well and she took a huge breath to keep her eyes from overflowing. Instead, she squeezed his arm as she looked toward Adam at the front. Adam’s face registered what she thought was awe as well as pride and so much love. They stared at each other as her daddy slowly walked her down to meet him.

“Who gives Charlotte to Adam to be his bride and wife?” The minister asked.

“Her mother and I do.” Was her daddy’s response.

The minister moved on with the wedding, saying all the phrases Charlie and Sandi had practiced when they were playing wedding as they grew up. She and Adam got through the “do you take” and “with this ring” parts, but the most important part was what they’d written to say to each other just before the minister pronounced them husband and wife.

They had already turned and were facing each other. Now, they held hands and Adam began, “Charlie, on this our wedding day; and besides the vows I’ve already said, I promise to: Always share the events of my days as I hope you will share yours. Always make sure you leave each morning with a good breakfast in your tummy and have a hot meal waiting at the end of each day. Always share my joys and sorrows with you because I know sharing will increase the happiness and heal the sorrow. Always share my bed with you so I may feel your presence even while sleeping and dreaming. And always and forever keep you at the forefront of my mind and heart because I love you.”

Now it was Charlie’s turn. “Adam, on this our wedding day; and besides the vows I’ve already made, I promise to: Always put your wants and desires at the very top of my list. Always include you in whatever plans I make, even those I didn’t consult with you about. Always be your best friend and advocate. Always be the best wife and mother, when the time comes, as I can possibly be. Finally, it is my fondest wish that we, as a married couple, grow together as our own parents have during their lifetimes.”

They turned back to the minister who said, “I now pronounce you husband and wife.”

Together, Charlie and Adam walked back down the aisle. Each one had a huge smile they shared with those in attendance. They went right into the bridal parlor where they were joined by the rest of the wedding party and the parents. As soon as the church emptied, they went back out to join the photographer and allow him to order them about as needed.

Even though she felt great, Charlie wasn’t sure she was capable of smiling one more time as ordered. Fortunately, the photographer was just about finished. After a few more photos, Sandi unbuttoned Charlie’s train and with it layered over her arm, she joined the rest of the party out front. Once sorted into the various cars, they headed for the hotel.

In the ballroom, a greeting line was quickly set up and people began to file through, congratulating everyone and wishing everyone well. Charlie’s feet were numb by the time they got to go sit down at their table. She kicked the heels off and vowed she wasn’t going to put them on again. Not having eaten anything since the roll her mamma had provided for breakfast, Charlie was ravenous. The wait staff couldn’t bring the courses fast enough as far as she was concerned.

Once dinner had been served and cleared, Charlie found it was necessary to cram her toes back into her shoes. First, she and Adam had to cut the cake so the attendees could be given desert. Then, Adam had to get the garter off her thigh so he could fling it at the unmarried young men. Then, Charlie had to throw the single women a wedding bouquet prepared for just that purpose. Her sheaf of roses would go home with her mamma. Finally, she and Adam had to lead the first dance before she could move on to her daddy and then Adam’s daddy.

When they were able to return to their chairs, Charlie leaned over and told Adam, “You’d better be ready to massage my feet for at least an hour if we ever get out of here. My feet are killing me.”

Adam laughed and responded, “Charlie, take those damn shoes off. You can go without shoes the rest of the night and if I have to carry you out of here, that’s just fine. For that matter, can you get your feet up in my lap now?”

Charlie had again removed her shoes and managed to scoot her chair around so she could put her feet up. The sounds she made as Adam began to rub her feet were practically orgasmic.

“Charlie, cut it out. People are going to think I’m doing more than rubbing your feet.”

“Sorry Adam, but you have no idea how good that feels. My feet just might not fall off after all.”

The party continued for a while and various people stopped by their table to chat, offer advice and just plain tell them how happy they were for them and their future. Eventually, at least half the attendees had left and Charlie sought out her mamma to ask if she could leave now too.

“Yes, you and Adam can go on up to your room.”
          “Room. I thought we were leaving on our honeymoon.”

“You are. Tomorrow I thought. You know Adam hasn’t shared much about the honeymoon with me. He did tell me and Sandi what to pack for you beyond the lovely wedding night ensemble.”

“What did he tell you to pack? He hasn’t told me a single thing.”

“Not telling missy. I want to stay on Adam’s good side.”

Charlie went back to Adam and told him they could sneak out and go to their room. Once in the elevator, Charlie asked, “So, I thought we were leaving on our honeymoon tonight, but mamma said we’re spending the night here. Now, tell me what’s gonna happen tomorrow.”

Adam pushed Charlie back against the elevator wall and indulged himself in a big kiss. He was going to add a little foreplay when the door opened on their floor. Fortunately, no one was waiting to get on, so they didn’t have to be embarrassed.

At the room door, Adam used the card and opened the door before picking Charlie up and carrying her into the room. “I plan to do that again when we get back to your house as well as when we move into our new house.”

Charlie’s arms were around Adam’s neck. He’d loosened his tie and opened his collar, so she nibbled on his neck and his ears. “You’d best stop that unless you want me to toss you down, yank up that skirt and have my way with you. “

“Mmmmmm, that sounds delightful although if you do that, you won’t be able to help me out of this dress or see me in what my mamma called my wedding night ensemble. It’s probably all white lace and silky but still sweet and demure.”

Adam put Charlie down, but clasped her hands with his. “Did I tell you how beautiful you looked walking down the aisle with your daddy? If I didn’t, I meant to. I thought my heart was going to swell out of my chest. I didn’t think I could possibly love you more than I already did, but seeing you in that dress, those roses in your hair, I fell even more in love than before.”

“No, Adam, you didn’t actually say those words to me, but all I had to do was look at your face and see them. If I’d had a single doubt about marrying you, and I didn’t, seeing your face as my daddy and I started down the aisle would have erased it.”

They shared a long and intimate kiss. When Adam pulled back, he said, “You’d best turn around so I can undo all those buttons. If you want me to see that wedding night outfit, we’d best stop kissing and touching or you won’t get to wear it.”

Once Adam had undone all the buttons with a little touching and kissing here and there on her back, Charlie went into the bathroom and was amazed by the gown hanging behind the door. It was made of the finest cotton, so sheer you could see right through it. Long, billowy sleeves and a high neck, with a row of small buttons down to mid-chest, it looked very demure. Not exactly what Charlie had thought a wedding night gown would look like.

Charlie took a quick shower and lotioned herself up with Adam’s favorite. Teeth brushed and hair combed so it fell down the front and back of the gown, she couldn’t believe how the gown no longer looked demure. Her nipples poked out and the hair at the base of her tummy showed through as did her skin wherever it came in contact with the material. It was remarkable how something that looked so prim on the hangar practically screamed sex, sex, sex once it was on her body.

Adam had turned down the lights and the bed while he waited. As Charlie moved around the bed to her side, his eyes widened and a soft whistle sounded in the silence. “Wow, if that’s your mamma’s idea of demure, I’m extremely impressed.”

“Go on Adam, get yourself ready for bed. I’m so tired I just might fall asleep before you get back.”

“Be back in a jiffy.”

Adam came out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist. “My daddy didn’t get me a wedding night outfit, so you’ll have to be happy with this towel.” He did a bit of a bump and grind before yanking it off and letting it drop.

It was obvious his penis was ready to begin the festivities. Charlie got up from the bed and did a slow waltz in front of the candles. Every part of her showed through the thin cotton and it wasn’t long before Adam joined her, rubbing her breasts through the material as they swayed together and his cock rubbed up against her soft clad tummy. They were both more than ready to move to the bed when Adam leaned down and grabbed the gown’s hem. In one smooth move, he pulled it up and over Charlie’s head. She didn’t know when he’d undone the little buttons, but it wouldn’t have fit over her head if they’d been closed.

Adam picked Charlie up and moved to the bed. They exchanged kisses and then began to kiss and lick each other’s necks and ears. As Adam began to move relentlessly down Charlie’s body, she managed to squirm around so their heads were moving in opposite directions. As he nibbled on her tummy, she nibbled on his, holding his cock out of the way. As he moved further south, so did she, wet kisses were blown upon, thighs were gently scratched, sucked and kissed. They ended up at each other’s toes before moving back up each other’s bodies.

This time when Adam got to Charlie’s pussy, he spread her lips and began to blow on her clit. When she took his cock into her mouth, her hands gently clasped his balls, Adam took her clit into his mouth and gently sucked. Both were ready to orgasm, but neither one wanted to take that last final step to make it so. Instead, they licked and kissed their way back up until once again their mouths found each other.

Then it was slow languid kisses, hands that moved slowly over warmed skin, bodies that rubbed against each other in a slow and voluptuous manner. Finally, Adam pushed Charlie’s legs wide and positioned himself between them. Charlie reached down and drew his penis to her entrance. Barely inside, they both halted, shared more kisses and slowly Adam entered Charlie until he was buried inside her. They lay there together, joined, excited, happy, sharing additional kisses until Charlie couldn’t stand it another second.

“Now, Adam, now. Please fuck me now. Pull it out, plunge it back in. I’m so ready to come. Please. I need you now.”

As if that’s all he’d been waiting for, Adam pulled back and plunged himself back inside. He did this slowly at first, but as Charlie’s legs came around him and clasped his ass, he began to move faster. She met each and every one of his thrusts until she could feel her orgasm begin the rip though her. As she came, on one long exhalation, she muttered, “I love you, love you, love you.”

Those words were Adam’s catalyst and he buried himself more deeply than he thought he’d ever been. His climaxes with Charlie were always great, but this one was astonishing in its power and duration. He felt boneless as he lay atop Charlie.

She was laughing as she said, “So, was that as good for you as it was for me?”

Adam started laughing as well and responded, “If I’d had any idea married sex was this good, we’d have eloped months ago.

They lay like that, laughing now and again until sleep claimed them.


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