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Saturday, April 3, 2021



          When Adam arrived at Charlie’s company offices, he was impressed by how clean and modern they were. He hadn’t ever had many occasions to visit a construction company, but he’d always thought they’d be like the job site trailers…dirty, dusty and not very pleasant.

There wasn’t anyone at the reception desk, so he wandered around until he found Charlie’s office. He stood in the doorway and watched her as she looked first at the papers on the desk and then at whatever was on her computer. She made some notes in both places and would have probably continued, but Adam knocked softly on the door.

Charlie turned to look at him and he was struck by how business-like she appeared. She’d pulled her hair back from her face into a tight bun at the nape of her neck. Not a single hair escaped and until she smiled, she looked rather forbidding. “Hi Adam. You’re right on time. I’m glad you found your way in. I told Stephanie that when she left to leave the door unlocked because I knew you were coming.”

“So, staff work a regular eight hours while the boss puts in extra time, I take it?”

“Yep, that’s the way it works; the way it has to work if you’re going to be successful. And, we’re far more successful than I would actually like.”

“Ah, you want to lead the lazy life I guess. Most people would be overjoyed at the success your company has. The web site alone has to bring you a lot of business. You also seem to update it regularly because when I looked at it today, there were some new photos I hadn’t seen before. I didn’t see any of your magic little house though.”

“We have a web master who keeps the site updated and organized. There won’t be any photos of my home until after the magazine article appears. That was part of the agreement, that they’d publish the first photos and then I can have some placed on the web if I want. I’m afraid that article is only going to increase our business and I’ve been thinking about what I need to do to meet the demand.”

“What would that be?”

“You know what, I’m starving. How about I close up shop and we head out for dinner. If you really want to know more, we can talk about it once we’ve placed our order. I was too busy for lunch and I’m famished. Where are we going by the way?”

Charlie had stood up, turned off her computer and straightened up the piles of paper as she was talking. The sleeves on the white shirt she was wearing were rolled up and it was tucked into a very tailored pair of black shorts which hit just above the knee. And, perhaps the trailing scarf that went around the collar had been tied at her neck at some point. She looked very business-like. A matching jacket hung from the back of her chair. She pulled it off and draped it over her arm, pulled a bag from her desk drawer and walked around the desk.

“So, shall we?” Charlie questioned.

“Yep, I’m hungry too. I thought we’d go to Ebenezer’s for ribs although judging by your attire, we should probably go someplace a little fancier.” Adam replied.

“Forget that idea.” Charlie responded, locking the office door. “First, you’re not dressed for someplace fancier and I can adjust. Besides Eb’s is my most favorite place in the entire city.”

“Well, if you’re sure.” Adam opened his car door for her. By the time he’d walked around the car and got in, Charlie’s appearance had changed. She’d taken off the scarf, opened a couple more shirt buttons and let her hair down to fall over her shoulders and down her back. Now, she looked more fun and way less forbidding.

At Ebenezer’s they were lucky enough to snag a booth because the people who’d been in it got up to leave as they walked in the door. It was a two-person booth, so the other people waiting couldn’t utilize because their groups were too large.

“Wow,” Charlie exclaimed, “this is so unusual. I’ve always had to wait at least 10 or 15 minutes, even when I order to-go. I may have to put you on speed dial so the next time I want to come here, I can call and make you go with me. I hate waiting for anything.”

They ordered beers and a full rack of ribs each with collard greens, and cornbread. While they waited, Adam returned to his question asked in the office. “So, what are you planning that’s going to help you meet the demands for your company’s services.”

The waitress put down their beers and Charlie lifted hers to take a sip. “Well, I seriously need a second in command. Before my folks took up traveling, and I’m so glad they did and are enjoying it, I could always go to dad and ask him for help or advice. With them gone, it’s just me, myself and I. There’s a definite need for someone with experience and knowledge who could step up and lend a hand, take over some of the work I have to do in the office. I think I’ve mentioned my first love is actually working at the job site. Having to dress up, look professional and meet with clients is not my favorite thing to do. I know it’s necessary, but I still don’t enjoy that part of the job.”

“You have any people in mind for the job? Is there anyone on any of your crews who could step up and take on a more managerial position or are you going to have to advertise and interview?”

“There are a couple of foremen who might work out, but I haven’t brought up the subject with either of them. It would depend on whether or not they prefer using a hammer as opposed to a pencil and computer. One, or even both of them, would be my first choice, but I’ve got to finish writing the job description first.”

“I don’t know a thing about business, but from listening to my dad and brother, it usually makes sense to hire from within. Looking outside the company is always more difficult and even when they thought they’d found the right person, it didn’t always work out.”

“I know and thanks for the advice, even though it’s kinda second-hand.”

At that point, their platters arrived. Charlie grabbed her bib and put it over her head. Then, she yanked a number of napkins out of the holder and placed them within easy reach. She looked at Adam, winked and said, “Now, you’ll get to see the real me, chomping on bones and getting barbeque sauce all over myself. But I’ve never been able to resist from the first time my daddy brought me here. I was barely walking and having a single rib with mild sauce kept me busy the entire meal. Mamma took photos of her messy girl and I don’t think there was a square inch of my face, head and arms that didn’t have sauce. I still remember that and how really good it was.”

Adam followed Charlie’s example and put on his own bib and gathered napkins. They began to work on the platters before them and between biting and chewing and swallowing, there wasn’t really any way they could talk. Charlie hadn’t lied about how messy she got eating her ribs. Adam found himself wondering how it would be to lick or suck the sauce from the various locations before him. Even though she was messy, she didn’t eat quickly, but appeared to enjoy every single bite, even closing her eyes sometimes. Adam wasn’t sure, but he thought she might be moaning with pleasure at those times, but he couldn’t quite hear.

The platter in front of Adam was empty first. He used the little packets of wash-its to clean his fingers and mouth. He only needed a couple because he was a daintier eater than Charlie. As he looked over at Charlie, she laughed, her mouth stained with sauce, and winked as she threw the last empty bone back on the platter.

“Yum, yum, yum. That was so good.”

Adam started laughing and asked, “Have you ever heard of or seen a movie made some time in the 60s called Tom Jones. Tom is a young Albert Finney and there’s a scene in there where Tom and his lady friend, I think it was Joyce Redman….”

Charlie burst out laughing and interrupted Adam. “It’s the sexiest eating ever filmed in my opinion. I was thinking about that very movie a couple of months ago when I got ribs to go. The only thing that would make it better here is if Eb would let us throw our bones over our shoulders.”

“You do know the movie? Do you or did you see the movie when the scene where Mrs. Waters, or Joyce Redman puts a raw oyster in her mouth and holds it on her tongue before swallowing it. Because the director refused to delete that scene, the movie got an “X” rating. In the updated version, that scene was cut.”

“I don’t remember seeing that in the movie I watched. About all I do remember is how much they enjoyed their dinner; and, most likely how much they enjoyed each other in one of the rooms at that inn…that is if that’s what happened.”

By now, the waitress had removed their empty dishes and returned with a second beer for each of them. Charlie excused herself to go to the restroom and give her hands a serious wash. Adam watched her move across the room, stopping now and then to say a few words to someone or respond to whatever was being said to her. He watched as she reached the end of the bar where an old black man sat. He was slim and his hair was as white as new snow. He reached out to Charlie and she hugged him hard with both arms and gave him a smacking kiss on his cheek. They talked and laughed for a minute before she continued to the restroom.

Adam watched Charlie’s return, which was in much in the same fashion as her departure had been. This time, she took the old man’s hand in hers, raised it to her cheek and then gave it a kiss. Before he took his hand back, he gave her chin a little nudge and they both laughed again.

When she arrived back at their booth, Adam asked, “Who’s the old guy at the bar?”

“Oh, my goodness, you’ve never met Mr. Ebenezer. He’s the one who started this place long ago. He gave me my first rib and was delighted by how I bit and sucked and made a huge mess. He says the reason he’s lived so long is his ribs and secret sauce. Mr. Ebenezer is the most delightful man. He always makes me laugh over something and is usually in his place at the bar on Friday and Saturday nights. His family runs the place now, but he likes to come ‘enjoy the ambience’ is how he puts it. I’ll have to introduce you. I’m sure you’d like him…everybody does.”

They finished their beers and prepared to leave. Charlie took Adam’s hand prepared for the sizzle she’d receive and led him over to Mr. Ebenezer. “Mr. Eb, I’d like you to meet a friend of mine, Adam. He’s a yankee, but he has good taste because he loves your ribs.”

As the two shook hands, Mr. Eb, spoke in a very lazy southern drawl, “Course this young man has good taste. Look who he’s with. Only a man with good taste would have brung you here. And since you hardly ever come in for a meal with a man, I’m thinking maybe this here yankee might be a special friend.”

“I’m very pleased to meet you Mr. Ebenezer. I found your restaurant probably the first week I came to town. I haven’t eaten inside often because I hate having to wait for a place, plus I hate eating alone. Your ribs and sauce are the very best I’ve ever had.”

“Thank you. I’m glad you enjoyed your dinner. I saw you didn’t have any bread puddin’. That’s another specialty. Here, let me send some home with you. Hey, Sammy, put some bread puddin’ in a to go box for this young friend of Ms. Charlotte’s.”

Adam started to object, but Charlie told him it was fruitless. When Mr. Eb makes a decision, ain’t nothing gonna change his mind, ain’t that right Sir?”

“It shore is.” Mr. Eb said as he took the little bag from Sammy and handed it to Adam. “You enjoy now, yuh hear.”

“And, Ms. Charlotte, don’t you go being such a stranger. I know you get ribs to go, but I sure do like seeing your pretty face a lot more often than I have been. Your daddy’s workin’ you way too hard.”

“It’s not daddy that’s making me work so hard Mr. Eb; it’s the company. Mamma and daddy are off on another one of their trips, so it’s just me, myself and I left behind to handle it all. Say, didn’t your grandson just graduate from Georgia Tech last spring?”

“Yes, that would be Dennis. He graduated at the top of his class. We’re all mighty proud of that boy.”

“Does he have a job? Is he working someplace right now?”

“Yeah, he’s workin’ for that Nelson Company, but I don’t think he’s real happy with his job or the work. Why you askin’?”

“Until tonight, I’d forgotten Dennis had graduated and I think he was in the same or very similar program as I was. I’m thinking about doing some hiring. Can you tell Dennis to drop off his resume or give me a call? I’d really appreciate that.” Charlie said as she pulled a card out of her bag.

“Happy to do that Ms. Charlotte, happy to do that. Now, you take care yuh hear. And, you, young man, be sure you stop over and say hi the next time you’re here if I’m sitting at the bar. Always like to greet people and watch them enjoy the ambience.” Mr. Eb laughed and patted Adam on the shoulder while he gave Charlie another hug with his other arm.

Outside, Adam took Charlie’s hand as they walked toward the car. Once again, she received the expected sizzle and seriously hoped Adam intended to spend the night at her house or take her home to his cabin. They didn’t say much as they returned to his car and Charlie was sad to let go of his hand when he opened the car door. Instead of climbing inside, Charlie turned and with the door between them, reached up to kiss Adam’s mouth. What ensued was the best kiss Charlie had ever received. It was brief and left her wanting more, but Adam stepped back and said, “I find public displays of affection embarrassing, probably because I’m an uptight yankee. Go on, hop in.”

Charlie looked up at him, into his eyes and would have sworn she saw desire there, but if he wanted to be more circumspect, she could do that too. It was only when Adam got in the car and asked, “So, where did you park your truck? I’ll drop you off there.” that Charlie realized there would probably not be any fun and games at either one of their places that night. She now wished she’d gone home and had Adam pick her up there. Damnit anyway.

Charlie told him her truck was behind the building that housed her company. Neither one said much as Adam drove the short distance, stopped and turned off his car. He opened his door saying, “A gentleman always walks a lady to her door, even if it’s a truck door.”

Adam came around the front of his car and opened her door. Charlie allowed him to take her hand and help her out. Once the car door was shut, but before he could walk her to her truck, Charlie faced Adam and murmured, “There’s no one to watch back here.”

With that, Charlie reached up and clasped her hands behind Adam’s neck and pulled his face to hers. The taste she’d had just a short time before didn’t prepare her for the shockwave of feeling that went through her body. Their lips met, separated and met again, changing direction but never really breaking contact. Adam’s tongue found its way into Charlie’s mouth and she welcomed it with her own, sucked it gently and then offered her tongue to Adam’s mouth. Adam pulled her tongue inside with suction and deepened the kiss. His arms were around her, holding her so their bodies were pressed tightly against each other.

Charlie had never shared kisses like the ones they were sharing now. She would have been happy to go on kissing Adam and having him kiss her for an eternity. She love, love, loved the kissing. At the same time, she could feel Adam’s erection pressed against her and she desperately wanted to feel more of that as well. Her nipples were hard and she knew her panties were becoming damp.

Adam pulled away and used his hands to hold her away from him. “Charlie, you were right when you told me I felt something when we touched. I do and it scares the crap out of me. All I can think about is kissing you and having sex with you and this is just happening way too fast for me.”

“Oh Adam,” Charlie murmured, “I’ve been thinking about how it would be between us because every time you touch me, every single hair on my body stands at attention. I want to crawl all over you, fuck you, suck you, do anything and everything we can think of that would pleasure us both. I know you probably think I’m way too forward, but I believe in being honest and I’m being honest. I want to have sex with you. I want to have sex with you now, tonight.”

Adam wasn’t sure what to say. Part of him wanted to have sex with her in the cab of her truck. Another part wanted to put her back in his car and take her home to his cabin. But the sane, sober part of him simply couldn’t move ahead this fast. As it was, Charlie saying she wanted to fuck and suck him both thrilled him and left him a bit aghast at how forward she was. He simply didn’t know how to respond aside from backing away until he felt more sure of his feelings.

“Charlie, I enjoyed having dinner with you. I enjoyed the kisses we just shared. I also desire you, but this is moving way too fast for me. So, I’m going to say good night even though I know I’m going to kick myself later when I’m alone in my bed, but that’s the way it has to be for me. A northern yankee, you know. Now, drive yourself home safely and I’ll see you soon.”

With a quick peck of a kiss on her mouth, Adam moved away and got into his car. He waited for her to get into her truck. Charlie just stood there for what seemed like forever, feeling like the world’s biggest fool. She’d done everything but, well everything…damnit, how could he possibly refuse her. She unlocked her truck, climbed in and slammed the door.

Once Adam saw her inside her vehicle, he started his car and drove away. Charlie sat in her truck, fuming, “He’ll see me soon,” she muttered. “Like hell, he’ll see me soon. Fuck you Adam. You’ve missed your chance. No need to see me soon. I’m done. Finished. Don’t bother your little self. I’m just fine as I am and don’t need you one single tiny bit.”

Charlie started her truck and headed for home. All the way there she kept muttering a wide variety of epithets, half formed sentences that consigned Adam to hell and back. Even so, there was one tiny shred of hope that she’d find his car in her driveway and him waiting with open arms when she left her truck.

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