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Thursday, March 25, 2021



          Charlie didn’t hear anything from either Adam or Rebecca, but that was just fine. She was concentrating on getting her little house completed so she could live there instead of at her parents. They’d decided not to go off again until after she had her housewarming party and she desperately wanted to get that on the calendar. It wasn’t that she didn’t like her parents, she loved them, but her mamma kept trying to get her to meet this or that man who would “…be absolutely perfect for you my dearest.”

Actually, the last man her mamma had invited to dinner hadn’t been too terribly bad. He was tall with dark hair he kept clipped very short which emphasized the five-o’clock dark shadow on his face that he seemed to have no matter what time of day. He was also slim and athletic, hated golf as much as she did, and was even more interested in environmental causes than Charlie. He had a job with a nonprofit that worked on projects that removed dams from rivers around the world.

His name was Bradly, not Brad, and he had a wicked sense of humor that complimented Charlie’s own. She saw him when she could and because she really liked sex and he was very available, she visited his condo after their second date. The sex was okay, he was tender and considerate, asking what she did and didn’t like and made sure she orgasmed each time. Still, there was no zing to the relationship and Charlie knew she’d eventually become bored. Still, he was fun and interesting for now.

Adam had indeed gone north to visit family. He’d even given serious thought to staying and had looked up some of the women who’d interested him at one time. Unfortunately, with the exception of one, they’d all found their soul-mates and weren’t interested in him any longer. Susan, the now divorced one was available, but after having dinner with her twice, he was so bored with their conversation, it was all he could do to keep from yawning. Not only that, but he kept comparing her to Charlie and the comparison wasn’t good. Charlie was vibrant, interesting, fun, opinionated, and knowledgeable about a lot of stuff while Susan wasn’t. Her favorite topic of conversation seemed to be the latest fashions.

His parents and Susan weren’t happy when he announced he was returning to his cabin on the lake. He also used the excuse that if he didn’t go back, he lose his job and he actually like what he did down there. They all thought he was some kind of salesman, a terribly poor occupation in their opinion. Adam sometimes laughed at the idea of sending everyone in the north autographed copies of his books.

Once Adam settled in, he decided he’d walk over to Charlie’s place and see how it was progressing. He’d decided he was going to see what kind of a relationship they could have. Charlie had been right when she said he felt something just like she did. A bit before he reached the edge of the woods, he heard voices and laughter. It was Charlie and a man and Adam assumed it was probably one of the crew. Just before he stepped out from behind the huge tree he had to pass to stay on the pathway, he looked toward Charlie’s dock and there she was, almost naked and with an almost naked man.

Adam felt like a voyeur standing there, but he couldn’t look away from the two figures. He watched as the man reached out, unbuttoned and unzipped her jeans and knelt to yank them down, leaving her standing there in a very brief pair of panties. When the man stood up, Charlie performed the same ritual for him, except he was commando, so his cock sprang up like it was on a spring. Charlie stood up, reached out and grasped the hard member while the man used both his hands on her breasts.

Suddenly, Charlie let go and gave the man a huge push. He fell backward off the dock into the water while Charlie first grinned and then laughed delightedly. When he rose from beneath the water, Charlie gave a little bow and then did a cannonball right beside him. When she came up, she put her arms around the man’s neck and placed her mouth over his. It was obvious where this was going to go and Adam was torn. He wanted to stay and watch, but he also felt like a real shit standing there hidden from view.

Adam decided he’d feel much better about himself if he left, so he very quietly turned and made his way back over the path to his cabin. That’s what happens, he told himself, you just had to ignore the signals and the feelings and now Charlie’s with someone else. He pulled down his bottle of Glenfiddich, retired to the porch and decided he’d maybe drink one too many and have a serious discussion with himself about his total and complete stupidity.

 Charlie didn’t know Adam had returned and he didn’t try to visit again for several weeks. When he did go over, he did it during the day, figuring the crew would be on hand. When he stepped into the clearing, his heart almost stopped. Charlie was high up in the air on one of those man lift things. She was leaning over the edge of the platform, far too much of her extended as far as Adam was concerned. She had something in her hand and once she finished whatever it was she was doing, her crew cheered and clapped.

There hadn’t been much wind, but as if Charlie had summoned it, a breeze sprang up and took the various long colored ribbons she’d put at the very top of her cupola and made them dance. Charlie herself clapped and bowed, then stood back so the lift could be lowered. It was at this point she saw Adam and she smiled and waved, calling out “Welcome back stranger. You got here just in time for the finishing touch.” And she pointed to the streamers flying and lifting in the air.

On the ground, Charlie addressed her crew. “Thank you all for coming out here today just to see my freedom flag installed. You know you’re all invited to my housewarming this coming Saturday. There’ll be food and drink. Come early and stay late. Bring your wives, husbands, kids, whoever. I really want to christen the home you’ve all helped me create. Thank you, thank you, thank you.” Then, Charlie went from man to man and the one woman Adam had never noticed before, giving them each a hug, saying something that either made them laugh or at least grin, and providing pats on some of their butts.

Todd began to button up the man lift so he could transport it back to town. A couple of the other staff assisted and it was soon rolling out of the yard. Charlie told them to be sure to stop at the pub for their last beer for this project and added that she’d join them in a bit.

As everyone drifted away, Charlie walked over to where Adam was standing out of the way. “So, do you want a tour or would you rather wait until Saturday when everything is perfect and all the signage is up?”

“Signage? What are you talking about?”

“I’m proud to announce that the Environment Design and Construction Magazine heard about this project and asked if they could feature it in their magazine. I, of course, told them that was a terrific idea. So, I’m making signs that will be installed throughout the in- and outside of the house identifying the various products used and why I chose them. I’m quite excited about this recognition.”

“Congratulations. Another wonderful project to illustrate your and Terrance’s hard work on your web sites. I think I’ll wait until Saturday and see the entire finished product.”

“Suit yourself. Care for a beer? I eventually have to hit the pub, but I wouldn’t mind having a beer in the peace and quiet first.”

“Sure, I’ll wait out here on the porch which, by the way, looks a thousand percent better than the last time I was here. The paint and furniture really set off the entrance.”

“Thanks, be right back.”

When Charlie returned with two beers, Adam was sitting in one of the chairs. She set his beer on the little table and took the other chair. “I thought you might be on the porch swing when I got back. It’s the absolute best place to lay and watch the lake, clouds and any birds and animals that come visit. It’s probably my favorite place of them all. You’re going to have to give it a try.”

“It looks tempting and perhaps I’ll return one of the afternoons when I could really use a break or a nap, assuming you’re going to be off at work on another project some place. I really do love the fact the noise was pretty much gone when I got back.”

“So, how was the home visit. Did you confess and tell your family what you actually do down here? And, since you came alone, I gather you didn’t marry an old girlfriend and bring her back.” Charlie said with a laugh.

“The visit was fine. The girls I knew are all married women now and I found I really missed being here. As for telling my folks what I do, everyone thinks I’m some kind of salesman and deplore the fact I’m doing such menial, way beneath my education job. If I’d only come back home, my dad and brother would welcome me into their company and I’d finally be doing something worthwhile, not to mention something I would absolutely hate.”

“Will you be bringing Rebecca on Saturday?”

“Um, no. Your little announcement about my heading north at the end of your mother’s party pretty much took care of that problem for me. If you’ve invited her and she’s here Saturday night, she probably won’t even speak to me, but that’s okay. I feel bad she felt hurt, but I did actually try more than once to get the point I wasn’t interested in a long-term relationship across. You pissed me off at the time, but I have to say thank you because you actually helped me.”

“I don’t know if Rebecca will be here or not. As usual, my mamma pretty much took on the housewarming. I did give her a list of people I wanted to invite, but I don’t think I included you or Rebecca. Now, of course, that I know you’re back you are indeed invited.”

“Well thank you so much. I look forward to it.” Adam sat there and tried to figure out how he could ask if she was involved with anyone. He really wanted to know about the man he’d seen her with, but it looked like he’d have to wait until Saturday and she if she had a date.

“So, you going to start another book, or have you started another book?”

“I’ve been toying with an idea for a while, but haven’t actually put any words into the computer. It’s not going to be the kind of stuff I’ve written before so I’m just a bit unsure of myself and the topic.”

“What is the topic?”

“I’m sorry, but I’m not quite ready to talk about it. I’ve found I have to let the words and ideas stew away in my brain for a while. Then, at some point, I sit down and the words flow from my fingers into the keyboard. Doesn’t mean I don’t revise or get stuck or decide I’m not happy with my creation, but that’s how it’s pretty much been with the books I have written. And, then sometimes, my characters have their own ideas about where they want to go and what they want to do and I simply follow along.”

“Wow, you make it sound pretty easy. Maybe I could try writing a book and see what I come up with. And, is it really true that your fictional characters come alive for you and take over, so to speak. I’ve heard that said by other authors, but wasn’t sure I actually believed it.”

“Yes, at least for me. When it happened with the first book, I was so annoyed I stopped writing for a couple of weeks. I hadn’t intended to write a bodice ripper. I was working on a historical fiction novel set in the wild west. I hadn’t planned on my female protagonist becoming involved with a Native American. I hadn’t even planned on calling it Savage Surrender, but when it was finished, there it all was.”

Seriously, I enjoyed that book and one of the reasons was because it was obvious you’d researched the wild west and Native American history. It didn’t seem like you were making a lot of it up as you went along. And, to be perfectly honest, I had to simple had to Google some of the information and found what you wrote was based on an actual historical happening. I was impressed.”

“Well, thank you. I did and do try to write fiction that’s not all just erotic sex and more sex, so I do a bit of research, depending on the time and location.”

Charlie glanced at her watch and exclaimed, “Oh my gosh, I didn’t realize so much time had passed. I’d better get into town and to the pub or I may have to drive most of the crew home.”

“Thanks for the beer and I’ll see you Saturday. Oh, by the way, what time are the festivities set to begin?”

“The invitations say it starts at 3:00 pm and it will go until the last person leaves. You’re welcome to come whenever you wish and stay as long as you wish. Oh yes, no housewarming gifts either. That was in the invitations as well. I am in need of absolutely nothing. Having people attend and enjoy is all the gift I want.”

Adam went down the stairs and headed for the path while Charlie gathered up the empty beer bottles, took them inside, locked up and got read to head for town. She still had a lot to do in the next three days, but she’d get it done. Outside, she stood for a second and watched her colorful ribbons wave about in the breeze. The sight made her heart swell and her brain happy.

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