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Friday, March 19, 2021



          A couple of weeks went by and Adam didn’t show up at the job site, but that was fine with Charlie since she barely gave him a thought. Her house was coming right along and before long, they’d put on the roof and install the windows. Since it was an odd little house, she’d had to special order the windows, but she’d planned ahead, so the installation could happen almost as soon as the windows were delivered.

          Charlie would be glad to move the work inside the house because the weather was heating up. Today hadn’t been bad, but she was still contemplating a skinny dip in the lake. She’d filled up her huge ice tea mug and added a dash of bourbon and was sitting on the steps to the front door, enjoying the peace and quiet and shade when seemingly out of no where she heard, “Well hello there, neighbor. Hope you don’t mind my dropping by, but Adam’s talked so much about your building I simply had to come see for myself.”

          A blond woman had emerged from the woods to Charlie’s left. She spoke with a sweet southern drawl that almost made Charlie’s teeth ache. She just bet the woman used, “Well, bless your heart.” a lot. She also figured this was the blond woman that had been at the pub a couple weeks before.

          “Hello yourself,” Charlie responded. “You’re welcome to come see what we’ve been up to. Would you like some sweet tea?”

          Charlie watched as the woman approached. She wasn’t terribly tall, but had shapely legs although her hips were a mite wide. Short shorts displayed the tan beautifully. A small waist was emphasized by the huge boobs, also accentuated by the low-cut top that flaunted a lot of cleavage. Charlie wondered if she was as tan all over as the rest of her indicated.

          “I’d dearly love some sweet tea if it’s not too much trouble. It’s hot out even walking in the shady woods. I’m a bit parched.”

          Charlie got up, invited the woman to sit, found a glass and asked if she would like a taste of bourbon in with the tea. A full glass in hand, bourbon included, Charlie returned to the steps. “My name is Charlie,” she said as she offered the glass.

          “Oh my, how rude of me. My name’s Rebecca and I’m a good friend of Adam’s. I’m afraid I wore him completely to a nubbin this afternoon. He’s in bed sound asleep and I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if he didn’t wake up until tomorrow morning. Well, cheers.”  Rebecca winked and giggled as she said that and clinked her glass to Charlie’s mug.

          Charlie was tempted to ask if Adam was as good a lover as the hunk in his books, but bit her tongue before the words could escape. “Depending on what kind of work one does, it can be quite tiring. I know when I crawl in bed the end of the day, I’m asleep almost before my head hits the pillow.”

          “Adam told me you own the construction company that’s building your house. He also said you work right alongside your crew. I simply cannot imagine doing that kind of labor. In fact, I’m kinda surprised to see your pretty nails. You must not work too hard to keep them so nice.”

          “A sturdy pair of gloves, a good manicurist and lots of lotion is all it takes,” Charlie responded.

          “Well, bless your heart.”

          Charlie turned her head away and rolled her eyes. This was the type of woman her mamma had wanted her to become and had tried to make her that way with a variety of classes for young girls and young women. Charlie had had to attend, and she worked hard to perfect the lessons taught, but she never ever used them. If anything, she’d worked so her diction didn’t flow like molasses in mid-winter. She was sure Rebecca had taken all the same classes and religiously practiced what she’d been taught until it was second nature.

          “Yes, well it’s work I enjoy. I like to see my vision slowly become reality and knowing the result is a product of my efforts and that of a great crew makes it all worthwhile. So, did you want a tour?”

          “Why, yes, that would be so nice of you, that is if it’s not too much trouble.”

          “Well, come on then,” Charlie said, and led the way off the stairs and around the side of the house. The foundations were complete and appeared to simply rise up out of the ground.

          “Oh, my goodness. It looks like your house just growed right in place. However did you do that?”

          Charlie started to explain, but quickly saw Rebecca’s eyes begin to glaze over, so she stopped and just continued around to the back door.

          Inside, some of the framing was in place and Charlie pointed out where the kitchen, master bedroom, and bathrooms would be located. A huge open space, which took up almost half the floorplan would be her living room. At the left side of the room by the front door, was a small spiral staircase which would eventually lead up to her office and studio the only place there would be a second floor because she wanted a cupola.

          “It’s so hard for me to imagine what you’re telling me. It just looks like wood sticks on a wood floor.”

          “You’ll have to come back when I have my open house. I’m hoping to have it pretty much finished and furnished by the end of summer.”

          “Oh, I’d love that. You just tell Adam when and we’ll be there.”

          Charlie offered to freshen Rebecca’s sweet tea, but she declined, saying she wanted to be able to walk back through the woods without stumbling. “Afraid I get tipsy so easy when I have something to drink. If Adam wakes up, I wouldn’t want him to think I was a bad girl and into his Glenfiddich. You know that stuff’s nasty.”

          “I think it’s an acquired taste,” Charlie responded. “I don’t much care for it myself. Kentucky bourbon’s always been my liquor of choice.”

          While Rebecca finished her sweet tea, Charlie steered the conversation to Rebecca’s background. Sure enough, she had attended many of the same classes as Charlie, just a couple of years after her. It was almost as if Charlie could see inside Rebecca’s head as her oh-so-feminine brain wondered how on earth a woman who’d gone to all those required classes as a member of their city’s high society could have ended up in dirty jeans, boots, and a smelly, sweaty tank top.

          Without even trying, Charlie also got Rebecca to talk about Adam. They’d met at a book signing and Rebecca had hung around and boldly offered to buy him a drink after.

          “Don’t you go telling my mamma I did that. Ladies don’t offer to buy strange men drinks, but I simply loved his books so much I just had to get to know him. He was real nice and wouldn’t even let me pay for the drinks. I gave him my phone number and he called and invited me to dinner. We’ve been together since, although I don’t ever stay long at his cabin. My mamma would have a cow if she knew what I do with Adam. Course, my mamma’s never read one of his books, so I don’t think she has any idea the kind of sex we have. I think my mamma’s probably only ever had sex three times cause she and daddy only have three kids.”

          Charlie nodded and made little sounds of agreement as Rebecca continued to talk about her family and what she expected out of life.

          “Course, mamma’s gonna have a cow when Adam and I get married, but that’s simply too bad. He’s such a real man compared to all the boys I’ve dated.”

          “So, you two are engaged?”

          “Well, no, he hasn’t asked me yet, but it’s only a matter of time. We’ve been together for almost a year now, but he was busy writing his last book, so some of that may not count. He has to be on his very own when he’s creating. Now that it’s gone off to the publisher and we’re together more, I just know he’s going to ask me to marry him real soon.”

          Charlie felt her heart sort of cringe at the marriage news, but figured it was mainly because she was so hungry. And, she’d had enough of sweet Rebecca and all the topics Rebecca found interesting and she didn’t. Well, maybe except for Adam.

          Charlie picked up her glass, drained it, added Rebecca’s empty glass and stood up. “Well, it’s time I headed out and had some dinner. I’ve stayed longer than I usually do, but surely did enjoy talking with you Rebecca. Feel free to stop by any time.” But, please don’t. Charlie added under her breath.

          On the way home, Charlie stopped by the rib joint and bought her dinner. There was nothing like spicy ribs, collard greens, corn bread, and an ice-cold beer for dinner. She sat at the kitchen table and ate like she was starving. By the time she finished, she had barbeque sauce almost to her elbows and all over her chin. It made her think of the scene in a very old movie about someone named Tom Jones. It was set far back in time and the way Tom and his lady friend ate their food, throwing the bones over their shoulders for the dogs, was extremely erotic. They appeared to go right from the table to the bedroom, grease, sauce and all even though the movie didn’t show that part.

          Charlie thought it was too bad she didn’t have a boyfriend she could jump on the kitchen floor, but her last relationship had ended more than a year before. Ben had been a really nice guy, but he wanted the usual sweet southern woman for a wife and there was no way Charlie was going to take on a role like that. Of course, if she didn’t get out there and try to meet an eligible man or men, she was likely to end up an old southern maid.

          As she tidied up the kitchen and moved toward the shower, Charlie thought it would be right nice if there were brothels that provided men for the discerning woman. Course that would never happen, or if it did, it wouldn’t last. She’d heard someone had tried to start a place like that in Nevada, but there weren’t enough women interested to keep it in business. Charlie really didn’t understand how women could not be interested in sex with a handsome, built man. She knew she’d certainly be willing to pay for an evening or night filled with skin-to-skin orgasmic experiences.

          Ah well, she told herself as she stripped and climbed into the warm shower, at least you know how to satisfy yourself. Actually, when she thought about it, she couldn’t remember ever not knowing what an orgasm was. She didn’t know the name for the feeling way back then. All she knew was that it felt so good to touch herself there. She also knew it was something private although it was possible her mamma had caught her and told her that. She didn’t think so though because she’d never felt ashamed and surely if her mamma had talked to her about that, there would have been shame involved.

          Charlie spread lotion all over every single inch of her skin, dried her hair, brushed and flossed and pulled on her nightie and climbed in bed. Squeaky clean, tummy full, she tried not to think about her future and how it was entirely possible she’d be climbing into a bed all by herself for most of her life. She sighed and turned over to her belly and hugged her pillow. Her mamma would be home soon and perhaps this time when she wanted to match-make, Charlie would be way more cooperative than she had in the past. There had to be a man out there that would accept and love her as she was. Songs, movies, books all claimed there was someone for everyone. Her last thought as she fell asleep was that she was ready for her someone and it was too bad it wouldn’t be Adam.

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