Blog Archive

Saturday, August 1, 2020


In last Sunday’s paper there was an article about hydrangeas. I purchased an Annabelle some time ago and planted it on the south side of my house. Every fall I cut it back to the ground and try to yank out spreading roots. Being a good gardener, I planted two of those starts in my back garden. I have also given starts to other people.

The article called these mophead hydrangeas and I can certainly understand why because the hydrangea heads are huge…the picture posted here is actually the size of a soccer ball and it’s not the only one on this, the smallest plant. I’ve a feeling if I’m not careful, this one type of hydrangea is going to take over my entire garden.

I do have others. Last year I rescued a hydrangea that was left out with a free sign. It didn’t look too happy, but I brought it home and planted it adjacent the Annabelle. It grew and appeared to be very happy in its new location. Well, I’m going to have to dig it up and move it to another location because between the Annabelle and the Japanese anemone, it’s not going to have a chance to get very big. I also purchased a couple of other hydrangeas a couple of years ago, plus I received three as memory gifts for John. They are all growing, although the mole managed to uproot one of those I bought…I’m not sure if I can save it. The others are doing well.

The last few days have been a bit of a problem. I’ve been having trouble staying afloat emotionally. I’d really just like to stay in bed and pull the covers over my head. Angie was here for lunch on Tuesday and Claudia on Wednesday, but once they left, I returned to feeling as though I was dogpaddling through life. I want to swim, damnit!!! Anyway, since I’m having trouble thinking of things to write about, I figured I’d remedy that by writing about all the things for which I’m thankful…maybe that will drag me up out of the emotional doldrums.

I’m extremely grateful to be healthy. Yes, I do have three auto-immune diseases, but none of them keep me from walking, talking, eating or doing anything I really want/need to do. Further, I’m grateful I’ve been able to remain healthy during this pandemic by taking all the necessary precautions.

I’m extremely grateful my house doesn’t have a mortgage. What it does have is property taxes for which I requested an exemption back in March. So far, King County hasn’t awarded me a lower tax or any kind of an exemption, but when I emailed them the end of June, they told me they were working on these requests and they’d get to mine eventually. Meanwhile, I paid the tax for April and will figure something out for the end of October if I haven’t heard by then. Makes me wonder how long you can go without paying property taxes before they toss you in the street.

I’m extremely grateful for all the years I held a job and earned money. It’s my social security that is paying the bills, putting food in my cupboard, and the investments made are there if needed in an emergency.

I’m extremely grateful for my family. No, I’m not seeing them on a regular basis because of the pandemic. In fact, I’ve only seen Arayli and Xander once since February 22nd, and Thor only a few times. I was seeing Haley weekly before she went to work and AJ a couple of times a month…AJ does call pretty much on a weekly basis. But the fact is if something horrible were to happen, I know that my family would rally round as quickly as possible in support. That knowledge is a true blessing.

I’m extremely grateful for my extended family, i.e., sister, brother, cousins, aunts and uncles. So far, they have all remained healthy and it’s also a true blessing to know that.

I am extremely grateful for my friends whether they are the ones I get to see now and then or the ones I am in contact with via email, phone or Facebook. There again, it’s a blessing to know they are all healthy and taking measures to remain that way. And when it comes to Facebook postings, I’m especially grateful for the funny ones my friends share and always try to share with them the funny ones I find. I have to work to find laughter these days.

I am extremely grateful for my garden and deck. The colors, smells, growth, sun and shade provide pleasure each and every day. My peas are finished and I cut them back, removing the remainders I hadn’t picked…I’ll be having fresh peas in my salad tonight. My tomatoes are coming on and I’ve had a couple of salads with my own freshly picked fruit. In another couple of weeks, if the weather remains good, perhaps I’ll be able to share my bounty with family and friends. The squash and pumpkin need to work a little harder on their production.

I am extremely grateful for my doggies. Their eyes are filled with love and devotion as they look at me throughout the day. Kaizer loves to go out in front with me and I allow him because he doesn’t run away. His mother, Karma, is terribly jealous, but she would run far far away and someone would have to bring her back or I’d have to go get her. She’s naughty that way. Still, the warmth of their little bodies on me (except when it’s so hot) is extremely comforting.

There are lots of other things for which I am grateful but pretty much take for granted, i.e., electricity, washer, dryer, dishwasher, water, shower, car, gas, bed, television, computer, I-pad, phone, music, refrigerator, freezer, etc., etc., etc. I’m sure it would be way more difficult to shelter-in-place without any of those modern conveniences, plus I’m sure there are others that I’ve left off the list.

I don’t know how you feel after reading this, but while I don’t feel like I’m swiftly swimming, I no longer feel as though I want to stay in bed forever. In fact, I think I’m going to print this post out and put it on my bulletin board for future reference. I mean, let’s face it, there’s little I really need or want (aside from more socialization) and I’m living a fairly blessed life which I need to recognize and appreciate way more than I’ve been doing.

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