Blog Archive

Wednesday, July 1, 2020


It appears June is going out on a gray note. The radar on my phone indicated there were no rain clouds this morning when it was time to walk, but there were definitely tiny droplets in the air. I guess misty rain like that doesn’t show up on radar, but it does make you damp. I don’t know about anyone else whose lived the majority of their lives in this area, but this June definitely reminded me of June months in my youth. It was always rainy and damp, but with the advent of July, the sun came out and summer arrived. Since the weekend, for the first time in four or six weeks, is supposed to be sunny, maybe that’s the way it will be in July and August…maybe even September.

When it comes to watering, I won’t be happy about having to do that. Every single year, I say I’m going to lay down soaker hoses in ALL my flowerbeds. I have them in the flowerbeds along the fence and house in the back yard, but nothing in the huge area around the deck. I have to water that by hand. That’s where the majority of my dahlias are and you know how they love water. In front, I have a soaker hose in the flowerbed that goes around the house, but the street and driveway flowerbeds have to be hand watered. Then, of course, there’s the water bill that rises dramatically for two to three months.

I hope you don’t think I’m whining because I’m not really. But I’d also like to ask about your grocery store bills. I only go once a week unless I run out of salad makings or milk, but I do try to plan ahead. The last couple of times, I’ve been surprised at the final total of my bill. I don’t feel like I’m buying any extra stuff or more expensive stuff than in the past, and yet, the total seems almost double from what it was before…or was I just not paying attention then?

We are all saving money on gas though, right? I go to Costco maybe once a month and fill my gas tank then. Usually, it is barely half down because I’m not going anywhere. It certainly doesn’t take much fuel to go to the store and back and maybe every couple of weeks I drive in to Greenwood, but that’s really it. So, I guess the extra at the store is being made up at the gas station.

Something else came up when I was watching “Heartland” over the weekend. One of the women in the show has a blog called, Mom’s Time Out (at least I think that was the name). Out of the blue, and the skies in Alberta are really blue, she gets a phone call from a publisher in Toronto. They want to make her blog postings into a book and think it will be a best seller because she has so many people reading her blog. Wow, isn’t she lucky, and okay, it’s all fiction, but where’s my phone call and how come I don’t have tens of thousands of followers? I haven’t had a text, email, phone call, telegram (do they still do those?) informing me that my blog is wonderful and should be published. Seriously, though, I don’t and haven’t really expected that to happen…just another little whine that maybe brought a smile to your faces.

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