Blog Archive

Tuesday, June 16, 2020


          On Sunday, AJ and Haley came over and cleared out half of the garage attic. As you can see from the photos, Haley should have a ton of fun come Wednesday when she arrives to continue sorting with me. I’ve also a feeling that we’ll be taking a trip to the waste management facility. I’ve a couple boxes of stuff that can be put into metal recycling, and judging from the way AJ shook his head when he peered into some of the boxes, there will probably be boxes of stuff destined for a land fill. 

          I surely do wish John were here so I could ask him about some of this stuff. There’s a very weird looking heater that AJ says probably still works. It’s about the size of a small stove. I’m thinking I’ll send that to Goodwill, although AJ said I should put it into the garage sale I may have some day/year. There are a couple of tents that I never knew we had. Our camping was always with a rope and a large tarp. There was even a very small camp stove that had never been out of its box.

          How about a box of old porcelain tubes for old time electric wiring? I called the younger son to ask about it, first because he just bought an older house and second because he’s always finding and selling stuff in a variety of ways, most recently via an E-Bay account. He said to keep it; he’d take it. There are people on the lookout for such items and there isn’t much like that available out there.

          One of the things AJ pulled down sent me off in peals of laughter. I had to explain once I stopped laughing and Haley told me, “TMI, Nana, TMI.” Anyway, it was the first clock radio I ever bought once I had a real job. When I moved into an apartment, the apartment was furnished. It had one of those bookcase headboards. Since I used the clock radio as my alarm, I put it on the top of the headboard…perfect. Well, one day when John and I were having a rather great time, the motion of the bed caused the radio to fall down and hit him in the head. For just a moment, I’m sure he thought he was having one hell of an orgasm. It actually cut his eyebrow and the fun stopped so we could administer first aid. I hadn’t thought of that radio or that “fun” in decades. I’d like to ask John if he saved it because of the memory. I wonder if it still works?

          Another box came down that probably holds the furry seat covers to the old orange VW. Haley was a little excited at first because she figured she’d put them on the seats of her truck. I told her that if they didn’t fall apart in the washer and dryer, they’d probably be almost as good as new. Her enthusiasm waned and they’ll probably go to Goodwill or the garbage. AJ also found two more huge sets of keys and identified one as being to the orange VW. He took that one, but left me the rest. I have absolutely no idea to what these keys and about 50 others go to. I’ve a feeling John didn’t always return the key to the folks he did work for, and I think the majority of those folks are all dead as well. 

          I have no idea what’s in a bunch more boxes. Hopefully, there won’t be lots more tools or stamps and envelopes with stamps. I can’t imagine that John would store those in the garage…they might have gotten damp and he wouldn’t want that. But I’ll find out on Wednesday when Haley comes to continue with our crap-fest. I don’t think I’ll make our lunch just in case we do head out to the Waste Management Facility first thing. If we do, then Nana will buy lunch. 

          And, don’t worry. Should we find anything of any great value, I’ll be sure to include it in a post. Plus, we’ve the other side of the garage attic to haul down before the garage crap-fest comes to an end. I’ll beT you can hardly wait for more posts about all the fun I’m having.

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