Blog Archive

Friday, April 17, 2020


         Well, my rat population has increased in the last couple of weeks. I guess catching the one in the have-a-hart trap was a fluke because all I’ve caught in the last week is two squirrels which I released. Now, it appears I have two large black rats and two smaller gray ones…don’t know if they are males or not. So far, they remain back by the chicken yard, but I don’t want them coming any closer to the house.

          So, I checked out which pest control companies had been recommended on Next Door and called a three before I ended up calling the company John contracted with when he was alive. It’s amazing the response you get from the various companies.

The first which had the most positive comments on Next Door told me they actually prefer looking at your house and taking care of any problems that might allow rats inside. But, they could provide pest control away from my house. I was aghast at the price for just that and wonder how much the cost would be if they were in my house.

          The next company I called was answered by an individual whose English was difficult to understand. Unless my understanding was incorrect, this company really wasn’t interested in providing the service.

The third one asked a number of questions then told me he couldn’t give me a price until his exterminator came out and looked around. He talked about putting a hose down the tunnels to flush them out which, in turn, would flush out the rats and provide some idea of the extent of the problem. Just what I don’t need are a whole bunch of rats running all over the yard instead of staying back by the fence.

          So, finally, I called the company John used and they’ll send someone out on today to replenish the bait boxes they left here last fall. Now, I know this isn’t a good idea, that the bait they eat kills them someplace else and there’s a potential for another animal to eat the poisoned rat. I’m really sorry for that, but I. DO. NOT. WANT. RATS. I know the best method would be to set traps, but my hands aren’t all that strong and I just know I’d end up snapping my finger(s), or somehow the dogs or cat would end up in the trap. And, speaking of the cat, why isn’t she taking care of this. Maybe I should stop feeding her???

          If only Mabel would join her sisters in the big Chickenyard in the Sky, there wouldn’t be any food out there to attract the rats. Mabel originally belonged to the woman who does my hair…wonder if she’d be willing to take Mabel back now that she’s all alone. Of course, Mabel is the hen that crowed which is why she had to give them up, but Mabel doesn’t crow anymore. Maybe I should call her???


  1. As someone who has had a rat problem before yes please do all you can to keep them away from the house. Why are they all of a sudden coming into the yard after so long a time of scattering food for Mable?Are there any chicken feeders that would keep the food up off the ground?

    1. There are chicken feeders and I have a couple, but they have to sit someplace and the rats would still get to it. Plus, you need to put in a lot of feed as opposed to the 1/2 cup I put out for Mabel. Thanks for posting here!!!
