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Monday, April 20, 2020


         Does anyone remember the bed sheets of their childhood? I do and I have tried repeatedly to find sheets like that. They didn’t have elastic corners or ends and the top and bottom were both flat sheets. Of course, I’d still want the bottom sheet to have elastic…I’m not a total dummy. Does anyone remember the mangle which one used to iron those sheets? My mother never had one, only people with more money than us had those kinds of appliances. Besides it was big and took up a lot of space. It also wasn’t much good for ironing anything that wasn’t flat. 

          Anyway, back to the sheets. I would like to find sheets that are crisp, but not scratchy. I bought a new set in January and it was like sleeping between two pieces of sandpaper. I sent them back. I don’t want 10,000 thread count sheets that are as soft as a baby’s bum. I would like sheets that have some heft to them, that almost but not quite, could benefit from the use of a mangle.

          I also need sheets that are twin extra-long, because that’s the kind of mattress I have. My mattress is also thick. I bought a second set of sheets the end of February and returned it as well because my mattress was too thick. I gathered from the individual at the Bed, Bath and Beyond store that extra long twin sheets are easy to purchase in August and September because of all the kids going off to college. Perhaps I’ll need to wait until then in order to find a set of sheets that’s not too soft and not too scratchy.

          This just occurred to me this very second. What I really ought to do is clean out John’s bedroom and move myself in there. That’s going to be a lot of work, however because of all the stuff in there. I’d also need to paint the walls, purchase new blinds; and, of course new bedding. His (our) bed is a California King. I wonder if I’d have any better luck at finding crisp sheets for that bed. Maybe I need to eliminate that bed and get a double bed instead. Unless I had the doggies come sleep with me, the current bed would be much too big. On the plus side, I’d only ever have to make one side because I’d never move around enough to disturb three-quarters of the rest of the bed.

          Then, there’s the fact I really like my own room. I’ve decorated it with the various pictures, glass and a wide variety of jewelry mounted on black velvet in shadow box frames. Of course, I could take those down and mount them on the walls across the hall. It could actually be fun to eliminate all the stuff in there, although I’m not sure where I could move it to. And then to paint the entire room, including the closet (John never painted the closets). And, new frilly female-type bedding with lots of color. I think John’s favorite colors were brown and beige.

          I’m going to have to seriously think about changing rooms. I’m going to have to research and find out how much a new double bed would cost. If I buy one, will they take the old bed away? And then bedding. I’d need to decide on bedding before I decided on paint. Can I actually go to Home Depot or Lowes and look at paint chips at this point in time? I’m sure I could find a bed and bedding on line, but could I really pick out a wall paint color on line?

          I’m wondering if I’ve gone a little nuts to even consider doing this. What would be the point if I turn around and sell the house a few months or even a year after doing all that work. I’m sure whoever were to purchase the house would want to paint things in their own colors. And, moving a double bed would be more difficult than a twin. But, for the first time in a while, I feel a bit excited about having a project. I’m going to have to give it some more thought. Maybe all I really need is a new set of extra-long twin sheets in a color I like. That would certainly take a lot less effort, time and money…but, it certainly doesn’t sound as exciting as redoing an entire room.


  1. Hi Paula, love your postings and this one really resonated because we have the same issue with finding comfortable, reasonably priced sheets. The thing that really resonated though is to move to your old bedroom and to paint or not- PAINT! Who cares if you decide to sell in a few months? This is your personal space and you deserve to make it as comfortable and cozy as you want. If you sell- the new owners can figure out what they want to do but for now do this for you! I know that Home Depot is pulsing customers through so with your mask, you could easily go pick out paint chips and have some fun letting your imagination run wild. Stay safe and well and keep up these wonderful posts! TB

    1. Wish I knew who you were. Thanks for affirming the decision I believe I'm making to move ahead.
