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Thursday, April 9, 2020


When I got up Monday morning, my temporary crown came off. I called my dentist and left a message, but didn’t call the emergency number. It didn’t hurt. When I returned from my walk, I called again and Dr. Nina herself answered. I told her about my crown and laughingly said I had some gorilla glue. I expected she would see me right away, but because of the restrictions from the Department of Health, it will probably be mid-May before she can reopen her office and see me or any other patient.     
         Dr. Nina told me gorilla glue wouldn’t do the trick, but I should go to the drug store and buy a product that would allow me to glue my temporary crown back on. So, mask in place, I went to the local drug store, and sure enough, they had a product called Recap-it. I bought it, came home, read the instructions and replaced my temporary crown. The only problem is that the tooth is now a bit sensitive. I’m hoping that sensitivity goes away. Meanwhile, I won’t be chewing on that side for however long I have to wait to get the real thing installed.

          I wrote the above this morning before I made my beef stroganoff and went out into the garden. My tooth seems to be okay, but I’m certainly more aware of it than I was yesterday. Am definitely not chewing on the right side. So, hoping for the best. 
          To change topics, Robert Burns is the individual who said, “The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry.” Well, I didn’t exactly have the “best-laid plans,” but I did make some plans and I do believe they are all going to go “awry.” 

          If you remember, I planned to have a huge garage sale the end of July, beginning of August as well as look into selling my house and moving. Well, I don’t think either of those plans are going to see fruition. With everyone’s finances in jeopardy, it’s not likely anyone is going to be going to garage sales to buy more stuff. And, who knows at this point what will happen with the house market. It’s also not like I can get out there and see what’s available.

          As for E-Bay, I did put three items up for sale. There hasn’t been a single nibble. I looked for other items similar to the ones I put up and made my price less. I wonder if there’s some way to find out if E-bay sales are way down during the pandemic? Anyway, I’m not going to relist anything at this point in time. It’s really kind of disappointing because I was feeling very gung-ho about my plans.

           I’m not alone though because everyone who had any sort of plans, whether it was to get a permanent crown, visit Europe, have a potluck, has had to cancel those plans. I’m lucky to have a home in which to shelter, a television and computer to keep me updated, amused or entertained, a smart phone if I become desperate for the sound of someone else’s voice. If I absolutely have to have something, I can order online and have it delivered.

          So, plans awry or not, I’m very fortunate and am counting my blessings…just hope one of those blessings is a very quiet tooth for another month or so.

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