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Sunday, March 15, 2020


         No, I didn’t get out and purchase a lottery ticket on Friday the 13th. I didn’t leave the house at all, not even to go get the mail. I did open the front door to retrieve an Amazon package and a magazine and cookies my wonderful neighbor left for me. But that was it.

          Instead, I accomplished a lot of stuff. The biggest accomplishment was removing all the glass from the garden window by the computer and running it through the dishwasher for the first time in well over a year. While the dishwasher was working, I cleaned the window on the inside. It will be even better once I clean the outside. I even managed to push the desk my strong granddaughter had pulled away from the window back into place once I’d replaced all the clean glass. My goodness how everything now sparkles.

          If that wasn’t enough, I vacuumed the house and did all the laundry. Finally, I fixed myself a scrumptious dinner. I made the first meatloaf I’ve made in probably 50-some years. John didn’t like it. I didn’t use a recipe, just threw in stuff I thought sounded good. Then I cut up a bunch of vegetables and stirred them up with olive oil and balsamic  vinegar before putting them in a covered pan in the oven. It smelled absolutely lovely and tasted wonderful. Therein lies the problem. It tasted so good I had a second helping of both.

At bedtime a few hours later, I still felt a little stuffed, but went to sleep without a problem. I woke a couple of hours later with a tummy that felt as though it held a very large rock. I ate a few Tums and drank some water, but that didn’t seem to help at all. I watched some TV, tried to sleep again, watched some more TV and eventually went to sleep at maybe 4:30 am. 

          When I woke up a few hours later, my tummy felt fine, but so far all I’ve had this morning is a latte. I think I’m starting to feel hungry. I’m not sure about dinner tonight. I figured I’d eat the leftover meatloaf and veggies, but I don’t want another night like last night. I’ll see how my tummy feels at the end of the day.

          I also called the owner of Ginny’s Girls. It’s a company that helps you with your estate or garage sale. She’s going to come on Monday to check things out and talk about helping me with eliminating the majority of the stuff in my house. They do prefer you not be living in the house when they do this, so I don’t know if it will be a possibility. I’m sure I could spend a night or two in my car…ha ha ha. She told me they usually take $1,500 to $2,500 from the first $10,000 and then a percentage of the rest of the sale. Does this sound like a good idea? Has anyone out there dealt with this company? She may not want me as a client and I may not want to be a client. We’ll have to wait and see. 

          In the 51 years I’ve lived here, I believe I have done two, maybe three garage sales. One or two made good money, but the third was a complete bust with a huge pickup load of remainders being donated. Do you, my faithful readers, or new readers for that matter, have any ideas or suggestions with regard to having a company do all the work? Or, do you know anyone that’s worked with a company that performs this kind of service? If you have or know someone who has, I’d love to know the name of the company. I’d also be happy to have the benefit of your knowledge when it comes to successful garage sales if you’d like to share. 

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