I just printed out my medical “profile” as posted by the surgeon who may or may not perform surgery on my right wrist. Perhaps because I was a new patient to him, his “notes” listed every single thing that’s been and is now wrong with me. Under “Past Medical History,” there are twenty-five notations. Under “Patient Active Problem List,” there are twenty-nine subjects. And, okay, some of those were repeated from the past history list.
Blog Archive
Thursday, January 16, 2025
I just printed out my medical “profile” as posted by the surgeon who may or may not perform surgery on my right wrist. Perhaps because I was a new patient to him, his “notes” listed every single thing that’s been and is now wrong with me. Under “Past Medical History,” there are twenty-five notations. Under “Patient Active Problem List,” there are twenty-nine subjects. And, okay, some of those were repeated from the past history list.
Saturday, January 11, 2025
While I may have felt “forlorn” in my last blog post, it’s definitely not the way I was feeling Thursday evening. I was feeling very loved and very fortunate to be my granddaughter’s Nana. But first, a little background.
Some time ago, I made an appointment for Kuma to be groomed. Just a couple weeks ago, I had to make an appointment for an MRI for myself; and wouldn’t you know, it had to be the same day as Kuma’s appointment, although at a different time. Regardless, I wouldn’t be able to pick Kuma up in a timely manner when his grooming was finished.
So, I called granddaughter Haley and asked if she could pick Kuma up after she got off work. She agreed to do so. I was most grateful, and when we had a conversation the day before, she suggested we have Mexican food after I got back home. Sounded great to me.
Haley picked up Kuma and came back to my house. I had my MRI and managed to make it back home from Bellevue by 5:00 pm. Haley and I had already decided we’d go to the Mexican restaurant just up the road from here…her favorite food is Mexican. I figured I’d buy since she picked up Kuma for me. I was wrong because Haley said she’d told me she was buying when the subject of dinner came up.
So, I had a delicious Mexican dinner with Haley which included a Marguerita. Being treated by my grown-up granddaughter was a wonderful pleasure, but the absolute best part was the time she spent with me and the conversation we shared.
I cherish these experiences with her even though we may not talk about anything that’s earth-shattering or world changing. Just having her share this time, which included so much laughter and discussion about our mutual interests and futures means so much to me. The next time I feel “forlorn,” I must remember this delightful dinner and the warmth, love and joy it engendered.
Sunday, January 5, 2025
It’s the fifth day of the new year and I’m feeling forlorn. This feeling won’t last because I won’t allow it to, but meanwhile, I do, I feel forlorn.
It’s hard being a widow, being alone day after day with no other human to share events, experiences and even just the daily minutia. It’s lonely and the weekly check-ins and visits by family members and friends does little to assuage being alone on a daily basis. My various activities do keep me busy, but at the end of the activity, I’m still coming home to a house whose emptiness is barely mitigated by my faithful companion, Kuma.
Sitting here typing this doesn’t actually make me feel a lot better, but I’ve put my feelings into words. Now, it’s time to get up and get busy with today’s project. Keeping busy does keep feeling forlorn in the background, plus once I’ve completed my task, feeling forlorn will be replaced by the feelings of pride and completion.
Thursday, January 2, 2025
Perhaps I’ve started this year off positively. For some reason, Writer’s Digest began sending me emails, a lot of emails, almost every single day. Most of them I simply deleted because I do not want to join the various organizations or enter the various programs offered. I did take note of the short story contest; however, the submission date was far too soon for me to even consider.
The emails kept coming and this morning, there was one that said the entry date had been extended. So, I mulled that over, went through my writings and decided to submit something I’d written some time ago. I didn’t like the name, so I managed to change that and just completed my submission. Who knows if it will receive any kind of notice, let alone win one of the top three prizes. I won’t hear until some time in February. So, fingers crossed until then.
And, since the short story can be placed in a blog, I’ve pasted it in here. Enjoy…or not.
Wednesday, January 1, 2025
Here I go, poised at the beginning of a new year. When I think about all the days waiting for me to occupy them with fun experiences, chores, and interactions with family and friends, I try to think of ways in which I can enrich all the waiting days. I have to admit I don’t have a plan. I also have to admit there are already events and appointments on this newly turned calendar.
I wasn’t sad to see the end of 2024. It was a difficult year, maybe one of the most difficult I’ve experienced so far. I have high hopes for an uneventful and enjoyable year. I also have a strong desire to not allow the various challenging episodes of 2024 to be replicated in 2025.
As for resolutions, I’ve never been one to make any, but it is definitely tempting when I look at the calendar of 365 days. How can I not choose to decide to make a promise to myself about something, i.e., take up walking again, eat a much healthier diet, choose one day a week to find and experience something or someone new. Right now, those ideas seem very doable and no excuses for not adopting any of these or other positive ideas have popped up. But, wait. I’ll undoubtedly find an excuse without even trying very hard.
It’s best, I guess, to simply take it one day at a time. Keep the commitments already on the calendar (exercise and driftwood classes) and add any new ones that pop up. Not only that, but make an effort to make and adopt a plan that will bring enrichment and wonderful experiences into my life.
No promises, either to you or to myself, but I’ll let you know how it goes.