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Monday, July 5, 2021



          Since I began the last update with a health report, I’ll do the same here. Had another MD appointment because my right shoulder was/is so sore and I thought perhaps she’d send me to physical therapy before I totally screw it up and need shoulder surgery. Meanwhile, between the time of making the appointment and getting there, my entire body decided to revolt. Waking up in the morning sucks because the pain throughout my body is so dreadful, I don’t want to get out of bed. Everything hurts, but as the day progresses, the pain diminishes until by evening I feel more or less fine.

So, at the MD, we talked of various possibilities and she ordered labs again which all came back normal. I’ve begun keeping a daily journal to see if there’s any kind of pattern. I’ve also decided to not eat any nightshade plants, i.e., potatoes, tomatoes (and I’ve five pots growing), peppers, eggplants and various other stuff which I don’t normally eat. The reason for this is itching and the other night, I had ten cherry tomatoes in my salad and almost scratched myself raw the following day. If it is a new allergy to these plants, then that’s an easy fix.

After the labs came back, I emailed my MD and asked her if I could have fibromyalgia. Her response was that it is possible, that or some other central nervous problem, but I’m already taking two of the meds they prescribe for fibromyalgia, so if I have that, the meds should be helping with the symptoms, but don’t seem to be doing much.

My MD also encouraged me to return to my morning exercises, fitness class and walking because exercise helps with fibromyalgia. I am back in the fitness class but haven’t begun a daily walk. I’ve also tried the morning exercises and the second time, ended up with a huge cramp that made me stop.

Folks talk about the quality of life as being a reason for continuing. It’s not that I would ever do anything to hurt myself, it’s just that when it comes to my physical health, the quality of my life sucks at this point in time.

Okay, enough of that. So, as I said in my pervious update, I do try to do stuff and look at the accomplishments achieved. The three fuchsia pots that became five are doing well and should soon be blossoming. That pleases me a lot. I’ve managed to keep the huge hanging pot and huge deck pot of flowers Angie picked up for me at Costco going as well. Was even smart enough to move it out of full sun (the deck pot) so those really HOT days didn’t cook it.

And, speaking of those really hot days. I’m assuming everyone survived it as did I and now live in the hope nothing like that ever returns to the Pacific Northwest. A friend who is usually optimistic told me, “Just wait until August.” Personally, I’m hoping we just had our August weather and that when August arrives, fall comes with it. As for the garden, that hot sun did a real number on so many of my plants and trees, i.e., apple and tulip trees have burned leaves, alstroemeria was cooked, lots of leaves on nasturtium burned, hostas terribly burned, most likely peas and beans won’t be producing and, of course, my lovely green grass is now brown. I also planted some more lettuce and spinach and it’s come up, but seriously doubt anything will be harvestable for another month or more.

Besides all that, my lilies are blooming way too early and will probably be completely done by the middle of July.  But, that’s okay because by the looks of things, the dahlias should begin to flower just about then. I’m not looking forward to my water bill, but I can’t not water and simply let everything I’ve worked so hard on just die. Plus, there’s the new plants I purchased or was given that haven’t taken complete hold quite yet.

The lean-to on the side of the house remains because the day AJ and Alex were going to come take it down, the weather was way too hot. Haley wouldn’t have been able to join in as planned because she has a new job and would have worked that day. Maybe some time in the next month they can all figure out a cooler day when they’re all available and come remove it.

I did finally, just this past week install the indoor-outdoor carpet at the entrance to my house. It looks great except I’m not happy with myself because I absolutely knew better. I have sewn most of my life and know that material goes in a certain way and you need to cut your pattern so it doesn’t look odd. You think I thought of that when I prepared the second piece to be glued down??? NOPE, I didn’t give it a thought, so the second piece goes in the opposite direction of the first. Haley told me she notices the seam, but not the direction. I still need to cut a small piece to place adjacent the first piece (it’s about an inch or so wide) to cover up the concrete that shows.

I still haven’t finished cleaning out the marital bedroom, but I have made some progress.  By the end of July, I hope to have it emptied, painted and a new bed purchased. We’ll see how I’ve done in the next update.

          I did pick up Xander, but unfortunately, it was a rainy day so we couldn’t do much. We just came back here and ordered pizza, played games and watched some television. Even though we didn’t do anything special, it was wonderful to have him here and by the way he was telling his dad what we did, I think he had fun.        

          This coming Sunday I’ll be giving my niece a bridal shower. A number of invitees will be joining by ZOOM, so the total folks in attendance will probably be less than 15. Still, it’s the first event I’ve had in more than a year and I’m looking forward to it, not to mention, my house will be CLEAN for the first time in more than a year. Arayli’s 13th birthday is also this coming week. We’re going to go to Sprouts and pick up sushi, then walk aboard the Kingston ferry for a ride back and forth. Then, on Thursday, Arayli’s actual birthday, I’ll join the family for cake and ice cream in the evening. What fun things I have to look forward to this week.

          I got through John’s birthday and Father’s Day without too much difficulty and AJ helped in that regard. He took the glass orb that includes John’s ashes for a ride in the ‘57 Chevy pick-up. He sent me photos of the orb in the front window, but for safety’s sake, he put his dad in the seat while they were driving. That definitely made me smile.

As most of you who read my blog know, I did finish Under Construction, and have begun thinking/planning the next book. So far, I’ve the basic idea, the names of the man and woman and a few other things figured out. But, since I’ve now finished three novels, I really should get them in order and submit to an agent and/or publisher.

So, there’s my update.