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Friday, May 28, 2021


             First thing New Year’s Day morning, Charlie and Adam called both sets of parents to let them know they were officially engaged. Adam’s parents were ready to get on a plane and come down for a visit and to meet Charlie’s family. And, of course, Charlie’s mom wanted to begin planning the event immediately, but they managed to put her off by telling her that Adam’s parents were going to come visit and then they’d all get together to look at calendars and plan. Once they were off the phone, Charlie snuggled up to Adam and laughingly said, “Knowing mom, she’s up in the attic looking at the baby furniture she’s been hoarding forever.”

“Well Charlie, we’re not getting any younger, and we don’t want to be old and feeble when our kids are still young enough to be running around the house. We’d never be able to keep up.”

“I know, but I’d like us to at least be married for a little while before we bring another person into our lives. Plus, there’s no way we could live in my little house because it’s too small and this cabin is even smaller.”

“I’ve thought about that too and have the perfect solution.”

“Oh really, and what would that be.”

“I know neither of us would really want to move away from the lake. We both like it here, so my idea is to either completely tear this cabin down or remodel it, using all the ideas you used on your house except I’d want all the electronic stuff included. I know you left most of that out.”

“Yeah, I did but that was because I really felt my phone would be all the electronics I’d need. I guess you’d need some fast speeds for your computer, plus I guess we’d need to ere on the side of security if we’re going to have children.”

“Maybe we could do some making children practice?”

“After last night, you’re ready to go again?” Charlie laughed and jumped off the couch before Adam could stop her. “Nope, no practice today. I’ve got some places to go, people to see and things to do.”

“How can that be. It’s a holiday.”

“Well, first I have to go see Sandi and show her my new ring. She was gaga over my Christmas present, but wait until she sees this.” Charlie held out her hand and spread her fingers. “She’ll be just like mom, wanting to talk about plans right away, so I’ll probably be there for a bit. I was her maid of honor and she’ll be mine even though she’s no longer a maid.”

“Can’t we just elope?” Adam asked plaintively. “I went through the weddings for my sister and brother and cannot imagine being center stage for one of those huge events.”

“Nope, if we were to elope, my mamma, and maybe my daddy too, would string you up from the nearest tree. As their only child and a girl, there’s no way we’re getting out of a huge event, so you’re just going to have to suck it up and participate as best you can. You can start while I’m gone by thinking of who you want to stand with you and how many. I can only have as many women as you have men.”

“That’s fine then because I’ll just have Matt and that’s all.”

“Sorry Adam, you’re going to have to do better than that. I imagine mamma’s thinking no less than four bridesmaids, so besides Matt, you need four more guys.”

Adam groaned and pulled a pillow over his face, muttering, “Oh my Lord, what have I done? I may live to regret asking you to marry me.”

“Now, honeybunch, don’t be that way,” Charlie responded, pulling the pillow away and giving him a serious kiss. “You know now you have me, you couldn’t possibly live without me.”

Adam tried to turn the kiss into something more, but Charlie straightened up and told him, “You know the reward is always worth the wait. See you in time for dinner.”

Before going to Sandi’s, Charlie went by her parents to show them she really had an engagement ring. It took a bit longer than she planned because her mamma wanted to talk about guest lists. Charlie got away by finally telling her to put one together and she’d look at it later on.

It also took a bit of time at Sandi’s because after she’d admired and oooohed and aaaaahed over the ring, they had to reminisce about the ideas they’d had during all the years of their friendship about the wedding they’d each have some day. Sandi had pretty much stuck with all her original ideas and made them come true. Her wedding was perfect and exactly what she’d dreamed of and wanted. Charlie had always had more than one idea about how she’d get married, so they had to talk about which one was top of the list now. Charlie assured Sandi she would be invited to the big planning meeting when it happened, if for no other reason than to help Charlie keep her mother in check…if that was even possible.

Finally, Charlie was able to go on her way and stopped by the office. She hadn’t been in the last few days and Stephanie had called and told her that Jessie had sent her a large packet of photos and information. She wanted to look at the material and maybe take it home with her. The first phone call when the office opened the next day would be to Jessie. She wanted to make sure she was ready for that because if all was in order, she’d most likely have to go spend some time in Texas. Lord, she thought, a wedding and a huge project out of state. It was going to be some kind of year all right.

Back home, Adam had dinner ready and surprised Charlie with the dish most southerners usually began the year. He’d found a recipe for Hoppin’ John and prepared that as well as collard greens and cornbread. Each item stood for something in the new year. Cornbread represented gold and eating that meant you’d have some spending money. Collard greens were green and stood for luck and money. Without them, you’d run out of luck in no time. Hoppin’ John was made with black-eyed peas, rice and ham. It consisted of all that is good on New Year’s Day and represents a big pot of money.

For someone who’d never cooked these southern dishes before, Adam did a bang-up job. “Don’t be telling mamma this, but your Hoppin’ John is better than hers. I don’t know what you did that she doesn’t, but I like that little bit of spice in there. Gives my tongue a nice tang.”

“My lips are sealed provided you’re a good girl.”

“Adam, don’t you know by now that I’m always always good. That’s how I was raised. And, thank you for making these for us today. The way the year seems to be shaping up with our wedding and the project in Texas, we’re going to need all the money and luck we can get our hands on.”

“Don’t forget about remodeling or rebuilding this place, so we have some place to live.”

“Do we have to work on that now? Can’t we wait until at least the wedding has come and gone?”

“Nope. I’m going to call Terrance tomorrow and get him on the calendar to talk about whether we remove and build new or remodel.”

“But he’s going to have to go to Texas, probably in the next two weeks.”

“What’s one afternoon of his time? I won’t expect him to have the plans done right away. I’ll give him until the end of the month.”

Charlie caught Adam’s grin and threw the dishtowel at him. “You’re just funnin’ me Adam. I can tell. But, if you want to work on getting this project started, you can go right ahead. Whatever you and Terrance decide, he’ll run it by me anyway.”

“So, I don’t get the last word? I mean, it is my cabin.”

“How about we discuss it when the time comes and if I can’t sway you to my way of thinking, then you’ll get the last word.” Charlie responded, going to sit on his lap and blow in his ear.

“Aha, so that’s how you think you’ll manipulate me is it Charlie-girl?” Adam put one arm beneath her legs and stood up. He carted her off to the bedroom and they’d once again enjoyed great sex, Adam left her sleeping to go out and clean up the kitchen. He hated getting up to a mess in the mornings.

The first week of the new year was indeed busy. Charlie talked to Jessie and made plans for her and Terrance to visit Texas the following week. When she announced that at home, Adam went online and made reservations for himself so he could go along. Charlie wasn’t too sure how that would work, but guessed they’d find out first thing and if it wasn’t to Adam’s liking, then he could stay home on subsequent trips. Aside from that, she met with all of her foremen to review each project and make sure things were going smoothly. Charlie also drafted her dad to be on call for any real problems. He absolutely loved that idea and Charlie kinda wondered if she hadn’t made a mistake and would come back to find him knee-deep in the business again.

Based on the information Jessie had sent, Terrance had already prepared some sketches of various ideas about how the house would look when finished. Jessie had been smart enough to get the property surveyed, so he wouldn’t have to wait for that information prior to applying for the various permits. He figured he’d only need to be there for a couple of days to get some measurements and then he’d be ready to go back and draw up preliminary plans.

Charlie would need to stay longer because she was going to have to not only meet with Jessie a number of times to make sure she had all the information she needed with regard to design, landscape and other essentials Jessie would want for herself and her family. The more decisions could be locked in before building began, the smoother the project would move.

The other work Charlie needed to accomplish was to choose a construction company that would actually do the work. For that purpose, she would need a company that had employees who worked with women or who would be willing to work with her as a boss. She also needed a company that wouldn’t change from the course she set when she had to return home. She needed to be able to trust the man in charge. She set about interviewing the heads of the three top construction companies in town.

The good old boy she met with from the first company pretty much had Charlie crossing him off her list before the interview was finished. He acted as though she was an empty-headed girl who’d have no idea what she wanted or even what a two by four was. No way would him or his company work out.

The next two companies sent younger men to the interviews and Charlie felt she’d be able to trust and work with either one based on the information exchanged. But, the choice-factor would rest on Charlie spending a day with one of their construction crews. When she explained her desire to work for one day at a building site of each man’s choice, each one accepted the idea.

Bright and early on a Monday morning, Charlie showed up at a site where a four-story structure was moving toward the half-way point of being finished. She knew the boss and most likely all of the workers were watching as she climbed out of her car. She leaned back in and pulled out her well-born toolbelt and strapped it around her waist. She was dressed in a tank-top, jeans and boots with her hair coming out the back of her baseball cap.

She walked up to the boss and said, “Here I am, ready for work. Where or with who do you want me to start?”

“Morning Charlie. This here’s Hector. He’ll be your work-buddy today and have you doing a variety of chores.”

Charlie extended her hand. “Howdy Hector, it’s nice to meet you. And, as long as you have me doing real work, not just cleaning up, we’ll get along just fine.”

Hector led Charlie off into the building and she spent the next eight hours helping with framing on the top floor, installation of wallboard on the bottom floor and other miscellaneous carpentry work. In the process, she was able to talk to Hector and many of the other workers about the company and their jobs. She was a little shocked to find out quite a number of the workers, including Hector could be called illegals. She didn’t like that and wondered just how much less they were paid in comparison to the resident Americans. Still, everyone appeared to work well together and neither time nor effort was wasted.

Charlie repeated the exercise on Wednesday for the other company. Her greeting and introduction were a bit different. She arrived, as she had on Monday, about 15 minutes early, strapped on her toolbelt and walked over to Hoss, the construction boss. She still had trouble believing that was really his name, but that’s what he’d told her to call him.

“Howdy boss. I’m here, ready to work.”

“I see that, Charlie. First, I’d like to introduce you to the crew you’ll be working with today.” The employees hadn’t yet gone off to their various jobs on what appeared to be the construction of a very large house. They were milling around, coffee cups or water bottles in hand. Hoss went through all the names and Charlie shook hands with e ach one. Not too many said more than “Morning,” except for Nick who she thought might be the foreman. “Mornin’ Mam, looks like that toolbelt of yours has seen some hard work.”

“It’s not the one my daddy gave me when I was 10. I outgrew it once I gained these hips, but he bought me a new one and I’ve used it ever since. I look forward to working with y’all today and please don’t hesitate to speak up if I’m in the process of screwing somethin’ up. I’d appreciate the advice.”

“Okay,” Hoss said, “Let’s get busy. This place ain’t gonna get done if we just keep looking at it.”

Charlie went off with Nick who climbed up the ladder to the roof. “We’re hoping to get this roof done today, then it won’t be quite so hot for those working inside. Hope you’re wearing sunscreen.”

“Of course, and I have more in my lunchbox if needed. Now, what do you want me to do.”

Nick handed her a nail gun and pointed toward a stack of shingles. “Why don’t you get those locked down while I work on the other section.”

Charlie scrambled around the roof, hauling shingles to where she needed them and nailing them in place. It was hot and tiring work, but it was something she’d been doing forever. She’d almost finished her section when Nick called a break. “Think we need to sit in the shade and suck down some water. Working in the sun like this can really dehydrate a body.”

“I’m ready for a big drink,” Charlie responded, pulling up her tank-top to wipe her face.

They climbed down the ladder, grabbed some water bottles from a cooler and went to sit in the shade. “Got to admit I wasn’t too sure about having you up on the roof even though Hoss said you were experienced. There’s a few other women who work for the company, but they mainly do finish work. You’re quite impressive mam.”

“Please call me Charlie. Everyone in my company calls me that and my favorite days are the ones I go out and join one of the crews to do whatever needs doing. I sincerely hate the office work, but someone’s got to do it and, unfortunately, that’s what my daddy gave me once I’d grown up.”

When they’d finished their water and cooled down a bit, Hoss came by and invited Charlie to join him in the construction trailer. Nick returned to the roof with one of the other workers in Charlie’s place. In the trailer, Hoss had Charlie looking at the building plans and asked her questions about various aspects of them. Charlie knew he was testing her knowledge just as Nick had tested her ability to nail down roofing. This was also something the other boss man hadn’t done.

At lunchtime, Charlie retrieved her lunchbox which she’d brought from home with her and which Adam had packed and joined the men in a shady part of the house that caught a small cooling breeze. She sat on the floor with them and listened as they talked and joked and participated when included in the conversation.  

Following lunch, Charlie was sent with one of the obviously Mexican workers, Louis, to help install tile in one of the bathrooms. As they worked, Charlie asked him questions and found out that everyone on the crew that had immigrated from Mexico either had a Green Card or had become a US citizen. She came to understand the company supported and assisted the Mexican workers’ efforts to become US citizens. She also learned they were all paid union wages.

At the end of the day, sweaty and smelly, Charlie met with Hoss while the other employees were leaving. She had enjoyed her time with this crew.

“So, Hoss, I have one final question, well, two really. First, do you think you could work with me? Second, will you be able to take my orders and ideas and make them my reality without making any changes?”

“Well, Mam, I watched you today even when you weren’t aware I was watching and I have to say I’m impressed by your knowledge and know-how. Most of the men gave me a thumb’s up as they were leaving, so you impressed them too. I’d say we could all work for you or with you to make whatever you want to build come to fruition exactly, and I mean exactly, the way you want it.”

“Hoss, you’re, or rather your company is hired. Just as soon as I know more specifics, I’ll share them with you and on my next trip out, I’ll bring you in to meet with the owner and the architect. I really look forward to our partnership.”

“Me too, Mam, me too.”

Saturday, May 15, 2021



            The time between Thanksgiving and Christmas flew by. Adam stayed south and spent Christmas with Charlie and her parents. Adam had proposed he give her an engagement ring for Christmas, but Charlie had told him she wasn’t ready. Instead, he gave her a beautiful emerald pendant he’d had crafted from a brooch that had belonged to his mother, grandmother and great-grandmother. Patricia had gifted each of her children with a piece of handed-down jewelry when they’d become engaged and while they weren’t engaged at Christmas, both Adam and Patricia believed it was only a matter of time.

Adam had gotten the pin from his mother at Thanksgiving. He took it to a local, but well-respected jeweler and had the emerald removed and using the gold from the original setting, had it reset into a pendant. Charlie hadn’t taken it off since Adam had clasped it around her neck Christmas Eve. The chain was long enough that it almost hung between her breasts and if it didn’t go with what she was wearing, she still wore it, but beneath her clothes.

Early morning the day after Christmas Adam left for the north. She was barely awake when he sat down on the edge of the bed to say goodbye. He had taken the pendent from where it nestled between her bare breasts and told her he was delighted he got the brooch because the emerald color matched her eyes when she was in the throes of their passion. He’d laughingly added that he couldn’t look at the necklace laying on her chest without getting a hard-on. Her sleepy response had been that she’d just have to make sure it was concealed when they went out in public.

When Charlie got up later that morning, she found her little house silent and somehow very lonely. It surprised her because she’d actually looked forward to staying by herself and having some time alone. Instead, found she hated going home to the emptiness at the end of a day, having to figure out her own dinner plans and simply going to sleep and waking up all alone.

She was even more shocked to realize it wasn’t just the sex she missed, but the talk and laughter and time they spent together even when they were immersed in their own activities. Charlie liked being able to look up from the plans she was reviewing and see Adam across the room, his attention devoted to a book or looking up information on his tablet.

Charlie finally had to admit to herself that she not only liked Adam but that she loved him. She also had to admit she definitely could picture them having a life together, becoming parents and growing old together as his and her parents had. It was a bit of a revelation and one which she found herself more than happy to have.

Her fingers found her beautiful emerald and played with it, warm from her skin and reassuring to her mind. Now she was a bit sorry she’d told Adam she didn’t want an engagement ring as a Christmas present. They were definitely going to have to have a talk about their future and it was going to be up to Charlie to begin the conversation since she’d been so adamant when Adam had brought engagement and marriage up. She didn’t want to eat crow or admit she’d been wrong, so she’d have to think of some way in which to broach the subject.

Adam was due back the morning of the last day of the year. They’d celebrate New Year’s Eve together; and perhaps, if she planned accordingly, they could begin the new year as an engaged couple. She had a few days to think and prepare.

The night before Adam was scheduled to come home, Charlie called him. She knew he had plans with his family that night, so she’d be able to leave a message.

“Hi Adam. Happy almost New Year! I‘m sorry I couldn’t wait and talk to you voice to voice, but I have to make a flying trip to Texas. I’m at the airport right now, but I’ll see Jessie first thing in the morning and be back in time to celebrate the new year with you. Tell your family hi for me. Got to run. Love you.”

Charlie laughed as she pushed the end button. She wasn’t going to Texas, but she didn’t want Adam showing up at her place until she was ready for him. She had a plan and all she needed was time for its execution. The next day when Charlie knew Adam was on the plane and couldn’t receive her call, she left another voice mail.

“Hey Adam. It’s me. Got your message, but no time to call back. I’m getting on the plane right now and should be at home in my house by 7:00 pm. Why don’t you wander on over my way about then? Can’t wait to see you.”

Adam had been a bit annoyed by the voice mails, even more so when he called Charlie’s cell and left messages which she hadn’t bothered to return. Surely, she could have found two minutes to touch base. And what would happen if his plane or her plane were late. He’d made a rather spontaneous and expensive purchase while at home and he didn’t plan on taking no for an answer. The coming year was going to be filled with wonderful experiences, the best of which would be their wedding, even though Charlie might not yet know it. Adam patted his pocket as he headed toward his cabin.

By the time Adam was due to arrive at Charlie’s house, she was ready. She’d purchased a dinner that would keep well just in case they didn’t get around to eating right away. There were also a couple bottles of champagne cooling in the fridge. She’d lit candles in every room in the house, put fresh and nicely scented sheets on her bed. Besides that, there were all the little packages she’d wrapped and bowed and spread around her house. Adam was going to have to look and work for his reward.

Charlie had thought about greeting him in a kinky and seductive outfit, but opted for jeans and a sweatshirt, slippers and socks, and her hair in a pony tail. True, once he’d managed to remove all of that, he’d find the emerald-colored lacy silk panties and bra that were hidden beneath. But, first, he was going to have to play her game.

Adam showed up right on time. He brought a huge bouquet of red roses, a bottle of bubbly and a plate of hor d’oeuvres he’d whipped up that afternoon. He was a bit disappointed to find Charlie so dressed down as well as seemingly so tired.

“Oh Adam, the roses are beautiful. How about you get the cork out of the bottle and I’ll grab some glasses. We can drink and nibble while you play a game with me.”

“Play a game? What kind of game? Strip poker?” Adam responded, wiggling his eyebrows.

“No, this is a very serious game. I’ve put something in each room of my house and you have to find it. I’ll watch and tell you hot or cold depending on how close you get to it.”

“That sounds like a silly child’s game. I’m not too sure I want to play.”

“Oh, c’mon Adam. It will be fun. You might find something you really really want if you play along.”

“All I want right now is to yank your clothes off and have my way with you.”

“That’s one reward that’s definitely coming your way. Now, fill my glass and begin. The sooner you finish, the sooner I can take care of this.” Charlie reached out and caressed the bulge in Adam’s pants.

For the next hour or more, Adam moved around the various rooms in Charlie’s house. She hadn’t hidden the boxes in an order that would make her message easily figured out.

When Adam found the first little box in the living room, the piece of paper inside showed only the word “me.” “What the hell is this?” He demanded, waving the curly piece of paper around.

“It’s a word. Now, you need to find the other boxes.”

Finally, there was only one other box to find. This one contained the final word as well as a gift. Charlie had hidden it well, and it wasn’t until Adam moved his pillow on her bed that he found that box. At that point, he’d found the words, “me, will and you.” The final box contained the most important word, “marry” and with it a heavy gold ring that Charlie had chosen as Adam’s wedding ring.

When Adam opened that last box, he assembled the words, and holding the ring, looked up at Charlie in surprise. “You’re asking me to marry you?”

“Yes, indeed I am.” Charlie responded, kneeling between Adam’s legs where he was sitting on the side of the bed. “Since you’ve always been the asker and I’ve been the askee, I thought it was time I traded places. So, don’t keep a girl in suspense. Will you marry me?”

Adam started laughing and leaned back so he could push his hand into his pants pocket. “We really were meant for each other Charlie.” He continued to chuckle as he held out a small box. “Go on, open it.”

Charlie took the box and lifted the lid. Inside was a gorgeous emerald ring. The stone wasn’t large, but it sparkled as did the diamonds that encircled the stone. Adam took it from her and slipped it over her finger. It fit perfectly and looked completely natural adorning her engagement finger.

Adam pulled her up and on to his lap. “I guess neither of us wanted to begin a new year without some kind of a commitment. You have no idea how happy it makes me to know you’re finally willing to become my wife. I was beginning to think I’d have to do something drastic to get you to say I do.”

Charlie snuggled up to Adam’s chest and put her arms around him. “That may be true, but you have to admit I’m definitely waiting for, don’t you?”

Adam used his finger on Charlie’s chin to tip her face up to his. They shared a long and tender kiss. Adam’s hand went to Charlie’s waistband which had her jumping up and telling him he had to wait.

“I have one more present for you Adam. For this one, you don’t have to search or do anything but lay there on the bed. You get comfortable while I go get our glasses and that lovely platter of treats. Be right back.”

When Charlie returned to the bedroom, she’d also turned on some sultry music. Adam was sprawled on the bed, clad only in his own skin.

“Wow, I do like a man who knows how to get comfortable.” Charlie said with a laugh. “Now, I’m going to make you very uncomfortable…at least for a bit.”

Charlie placed the glasses and tray on the table adjacent the bed. Then, she went to the foot of the bed and began to move in time to the music. She did a very slow and teasing striptease. She pulled her hair from its band so it drifted down her neck and on to her shoulders. She raised up one side of the sweatshirt and then the other, allowing them to fall back down. Standing on one foot, she removed her first one sock and then the other. Then it was back to the sweatshirt, lifting up to provide a glimpse of lacy darkness and then back down. Eventually, she turned her back and pulled the shirt over her head. It was the same show with her jeans, down, then up and back down again. Finally, she stood poised at the bottom of the bed clad only in emeralds and matching underwear. “So, you want me to continue, or do you want the honor?”

“The way I’m feeling right now, I’d like to simply rip those pieces of silk right off your body and plunder.”

“Rip away Adam, rip away. Plunder me, take me, do as you will.” Charlie said as she climbed up the bed on hands and knees.

Adam rose up and pulled Charlie down to the bed. His hand went beneath her lacy bra to pinch her nipple and then turned to clasp the silk and give it a hearty yank. He threw the remains off the bed and lowered his head to suck greedily at first one nipple and then the other. Charlie writhed beneath him, turned on by Adam’s eagerness and his unexpected, though wanted, violence. Her arousal increased a hundred-fold as his hand found her panties and gathered them at the crotch before yanking them off as well.

Except for the one kiss they’d shared as she sat on his lap on the bed, they’d not kissed at all. Now Charlie was totally naked and ready for him, he left her breasts to rise up and begin kissing her mouth, fucking her mouth with his tongue. As he did this, his hands returned to her breasts, massaging and pinching and rolling the nipples between his fingers.

Charlie tried to raise up, to give back some pleasure to Adam, but he pushed her back, saying, “No, lay there, I’m enjoying myself.”

Charlie moaned but did as asked and gave herself up to Adam’s ministrations. He finally left her mouth, moved again to her breasts and then kissed and blew on the wet kisses as he went down her body. By the time he reached her mound, Charlie was so wet and so ready, as soon as the tip of his tongue touched her clit, she began to climax. Adam pushed his tongue against her quivering clit, then sucked until his mouth and chin were buried between her lips. When she stopped trembling so hard, Adam put his hand on her mons and gently massaged. That caused aftershocks which brought Charlie right back to the point she’d attained before Adam’s tongue touched her.

As if he’d been waiting for just that, Adam moved up and spread her legs wide. He pulled each leg over one of his shoulders and then, plunged himself into her hot and exceedingly wet core. He had barely stroked a few times before he could feel Charlie’s next orgasm on its way.

“Look at me, Charlie. Look at me as you come.” Adam demanded.

Charlie opened glazed eyes and stared up at him. As he felt her vaginal vibrations intensify, he stared into her emerald gaze and came in her and with her. When they finished, they were still staring at each other and simultaneously said, “I love you.”

They dozed for a bit, wrapped around each other and when they finally got out of bed it was to find the glasses of champagne flat. “That’s okay,” Charlie told Adam with a smile. “I have two more bottles ready to go. I also made sure we’d have something to eat for dinner, so while you open another bottle, I’ll put the food in the oven. It should be perfect by the time we’ve had a couple glasses and eaten those yummy treats you brought.”

“So, Charlie, you gave me a ring. Should I put it on and wear it now, or did you intend it as my wedding ring?”

“That’s up to you Adam. You can wear it now if you like and I or we can find another that could compliment this one.”

Adam slipped it on his ring finger. “I think I’ll wear it now. I’m not sure you or we could find anything more perfect than this one. Thank you, Charlie, it means the world to me.”

“You’re welcome Adam. My pleasure in more ways than one. Now, c’mon, put on your panties and let’s see about food and drink. I’m not only so thirsty I could drink half the lake out there, but I’m famished too.”

“That makes two of us. We need to fuel up now if we’re going to make it to the magic hour of midnight. You know Charlie, I don’t think I’ve ever looked as forward to beginning a new year the way I’m looking forward to this one. It’s going to be the best yet.”

Charlie gave Adam a little kiss and taking his hand led the way to the kitchen. After he’d opened another bottle and filled their glasses, Charlie raised hers and clinking it to his said, “Here’s to the best year of our lives so far. May we have many many more.”

Wednesday, May 12, 2021



          Thanksgiving weekend flew by and Charlie looked forward to returning home and sleeping in her very own bed. Adam kept up such a pace that she didn’t have the least bit of trouble sleeping alone because she was completely worn out at the end of each day. Adam took her around Boston to all his favorite places and Charlie liked or loved the majority of the places to which Adam took her, but she would have liked them ever so much better had they been warmer.

She hadn’t watched the television program “Cheers,” but Adam had because it was located in his city and he loved the pub that stood in for the one in the show. They had lunch there one day after breakfast at the Parker House where Parker House Rolls were first served. They also toured the Boston Commons and would have ridden in one of the swan boats if it had been warmer.

Then, there were the various trips around Massachusetts. They spent one day out on Cape Cod visiting the various cities. Adam told her they’d have to come back in the summer when the Plimouth Plantation was open. True, it did open for Thanksgiving, but you had to obtain tickets way in advance in order to attend the dinner and other festivities held there. Charlie couldn’t believe how cold the ocean was. She was used to the warmer waves of her home state. Even at its coldest, she’d never seen ice build up on the shore as it did on Cape Cod.

It was at the second dinner, a much more casual affair, with the whole family Adam came clean about his writing career. Charlie had brought a small shopping bag to the table with her, placing it beneath her chair. When dinner was finished and the kiddos had been released to play, Adam began.

“For the last eight years, I haven’t been exactly honest about what I do down south in that cabin. I don’t work as a salesman and I wouldn’t be confessing now except Charlie strongly believes I owe you all the truth whether you like it or not.”

“Oh, my little brother,” Matt exclaimed, “I can’t wait to hear what you’ve been up to.”

“Well, pretty much until I met Charlie, I hung out in my cabin and wrote erotic fiction. I now have six books published and out in the market. I never wanted to tell you what I did because I felt rather embarrassed by my success in such a field and….”

“Oh, my Lord,” Sybil interrupted, “You’re telling us you write those bodice rippers where the female is practically exposing herself to a very handsome and shirtless man on the covers. Oh heavens, I wonder if I’ve read anything you wrote?”

Maryanne chimed in, “You must write under another name because I pick up one of those now and then as well….”

“And, I’m so grateful when she does.” Tom broke in. “You wouldn’t believe how much her reading one of those improves our um, uh, well, I’m sure you get my drift.”

Matt laughed out loud and responded, “I definitely get your drift because whenever I see one of those tasty covers adjacent Sybil’s reading chair, I know our own relationship is going to improve dramatically for a while.”

By this time, the only folks who hadn’t said a word were Adam’s parents. They both sat at the table and looked from one speaker to another as the younger folks talked and laughed about Adam’s actual career. When all the kidding and laughter had subsided, Adam looked at his parents and said, “I hope you’re not too disappointed with this news.”

Charlie brought out her bag and began passing the paperbacks around the table. “I know the pecans were my bread-and-butter gift, but I guess you could say these are a small addition. I wanted you to see just how successful Adam is at his chosen career. He’s a very popular author.”

Sybil grabbed one of the books, “Oh my goodness, I read this one when it first came out and I’ve waited eagerly for the books that followed.” She got up and came around the table to give Adam a huge hug and smacking kiss on the top of his head. “Thank you for some of the best bodice ripper reading I’ve ever experienced. Your writing is absolutely the best.”

“Well, I certainly know what Charlie sees in you little brother,” Maryanne said, “provided you are as experienced, patient and roguish a paramour as the men you write about. Now, tell us Charlie, is he?”

Charlie felt her face turning red. This wasn’t what she’d expected at all and wasn’t sure just how she should respond. Before she could gather her thoughts, she was saved by Patricia who was holding one of the books and scanning the back cover.

“You know Adam, I never quite believed you were a salesman down south. I always felt you were holding something back and have to say I’m just a bit saddened that you thought you couldn’t tell me and your father about such a successful career. You do understand that your father and I had sex at least three times, right?” She said with one raised eyebrow. “Actually, we had sex far more than those three times, but I’m not going to share anything further.”

“All I have to say,” Paul added, “is that we still have sex, so I’m sure you’re not writing anything that we don’t already know about son.”

Now, it was Adam’s turn to be embarrassed and his cheeks began to glow with a tinge of pink. “Well, I just never thought, and I guess most kids don’t think about their parents having sex. And, well, this is the first time ever we’ve had a discussion like this.” Adam responded. “I guess it was my own embarrassment that kept me quiet.”

“Somehow, even though I saw the initials and the last name, I just never thought of you as the author of the books I liked so much.” Sybil said.

“How soon can we expect the next one?” Matt asked, winking at his wife.

“My last one will be published the beginning of next month to take advantage of the holiday sales.” Adam responded. “But that might be my last one because….”

There were multiple groans around the table.

“Now, just wait. I didn’t start out to write bodice rippers, it just happened. I wanted to write a serious novel and I’ve begun one about Salem and witches. Historical fiction if you will.

“Well, I don’t know about your other fans, but I certainly hope the witches you write about are buxom, sexy and enjoy great sex with the devilish man down the road.” Maryanne laughed.

“What’s so funny?” Paulie, Maryanne’s oldest asked as he came into the room. Before he could get an answer, he continued, “Can we go home now? I really want to get back to the book I was reading before you made me stop to come here. And, Mark and Luke are being buttheads. I know I’m not supposed to smack them, but I’m ready to.”

Maryanne pulled Paulie to her and responded, “Yes, honey-bunny, we can go home now, unless your Gran wants us to help with kitchen clean-up.”

“No, go ahead,” Patricia encouraged. “I know just how hard it is to leave a good book when it’s at the most interesting part. In fact, as soon as you all leave, I have one of my own I’m going to take to bed with me.”

There was more laughter which confused Paulie even further, but he was happy to go tell the other kids it was time to leave.

It wasn’t long before the two families had left and the four remaining had the kitchen spotless. Patricia returned to the dining room and came back with the first book Adam had published. She put her arms around Adam and gave him a quick squeeze and a kiss. “How exciting to know I birthed an author even though you took far too long to share the news. I’m looking forward to reading all of your works.”

She then turned to Charlie and clasped her in a hug as well. “And thank you Charlie for making Adam speak the truth. I can’t imagine what you must have thought of us based on his fears about being honest about erotic fiction.”

Charlie hugged her back and said, “It was probably the little boy in him that was having difficulty. I have to admit I insisted even if it meant causing a huge family problem and I’m ever so grateful it didn’t.”

Adam and Charlie went to the TV room with a couple of glasses of the excellent brandy. Charlie toasted him saying, “To the writer son, may his words continue to make his family happy.”

“I have to admit I was shocked and surprised by the response to my coming clean about my career. I was especially amazed at my parent’s comments. Sheesh, of course I knew they had to have had a sexual relationship, but I didn’t like to think about it all that much. Besides, I figured it must have come to an end by the time they were in their fifties.”

“Well, I think you were way off base with that thought.” Charlie responded. “I know my parents still make love and fairly frequently. I can almost always tell because my mom seems a little more relaxed the next day or that afternoon and my dad’s smile is just a bit bigger. I’m happy they still love and enjoy each other and I hope my future contains just such a relationship.”

Adam took Charlie’s snifter and put it on the table. “Well, if your future includes me, I think you can count on me having lots of smiley days and you being very relaxed.” He followed his statement with a kiss that had her melting against his chest.

“How about we forget the television and take our brandy to my room?” Adam suggested, getting up and pulling Charlie to her feet.

“What about your parents? Separate rooms? All that?” Charlie responded rubbing her hand down the front of Adam’s pants.

He handed her a snifter and put his arm around her, moving her toward the door. “After the conversation we all had after dinner, I’m not too worried about breaking any rules. Besides, it’s been four very long nights since I’ve felt you next to me, naked and wanton. I don’t think I can wait until we get back home tomorrow night. Unless you want to that is?”

Charlie laughed and caressed the bulge in Adam’s pants again. “Are you kidding. I’m just as eager, maybe more so for you. And, if you don’t get these clothes off me fairly soon, my jeans as well as my panties are going to be very very wet.”

In Adam’s room, they each set down their snifter on the table on each side of the bed. Then, watching each other, they slowly began to remove their own clothing. As Charlie pulled off her sweater and bra, she ran her hands down over her breasts and rubbed the already tight nipple buds. She smiled when Adam groaned. Adam reciprocated, rubbing his own chest once it was bare and Charlie desperately wanted to suck his nipples.

Together, they bent and took hold of the bedspread, blankets and sheet and pulled them down the bed. Charlie stood up and undid the button and zipper of her jeans. Adam stood and opened his own pants. Charlie could see his erection pushing against the waistband of his shorts. She put her hands beneath her panties and jeans and shoved them down over her hips. First, she removed one foot and then the other before placing one foot on the bed. This opened her wide for Adam’s view. She took her own finger and caressed her swollen vaginal lips and gently ran a finger over her own clitoris. The resulting sensation almost made her lose her balance.

Meanwhile, Adam had removed his own pants and shorts and his cock stood up tall and proud. “I can’t wait any longer,” he muttered as he leaped on the bed and grabbed Charlie to haul her down.

“I can’t either,” was Charlie’s response as she wormed her way beneath Adam and opened her legs wide. Adam didn’t pause, but pushed himself against Charlie and allowed her hand to guide him to where they both wanted and needed him to go. As soon as he felt the heat and warmth, he shoved himself as deep as he could get.

Once there, he stopped and raised himself on his elbows to look down at Charlie. “I have missed you and this so much.” He said.

“Me too, but stop the talking and get busy.” Charlie replied, pulling back just a bit and clasping her legs around his ass.

That was all it took. Their passion took over and for the next few minutes, all they felt was each other, their desire, the climb toward orgasm, and as they came together, the love they felt for each other.

Sweaty, exhausted, replete, Adam lay on top of Charlie for a while. Finally, he moved and pulled her over so she was laying on him. She reached for her snifter and took a sip which she gave to Adam before taking another sip for herself. “I love this brandy and keep meaning to ask your mom for the name.”

“I’ll remember to ask tomorrow,” Adam said, and asked for another sip. As Charlie’s mouth came to his, full of brandy, his opened and his hands held her head in place as the passage of brandy became a gentle and sweet kiss. The kiss continued until their tongues became involved. The kiss seemed to last forever and Charlie could feel Adam’s penis beginning to grow inside her again.

This time their love-making wasn’t as needy or greedy but slow and deliberate. Adam kissed and sucked and played with every part of Charlie he was able to reach and she returned every touch and kiss. They took their time, loving each other well, but eventually, Charlie was impaled on Adam’s cock, her knees on the bed beside his hips. “I love watching you fuck me.” He said as he reached up to fondle her nipples.

Charlie kept the pace slow for as long as she was able, but finally, they were both ready to explode. Still, she moved slowly and languidly until at last Adam took her hips and pulled her to him as he began to come. It was his hands on her hips, holding her tight against him that allowed Charlie to come as well. Complete, her fall to the bed was reminiscent of a tree going over. Adam pulled her tight against his chest and the next thing they knew, it was morning.

Showered, dressed and packed, they went off to a leisurely breakfast with Paul and Patricia. She had made Adam’s favorite cocoanut-pineapple pancakes and promised Charlie the recipe. They were delicious with the fresh bacon and scrambled eggs. Most of the talking at breakfast was between Adam and his parents and Charlie was content to listen. After all, she’d probably see him every day, but it might be months before they saw each other again.

Breakfast finished, Patricia refused any help in cleaning up. “I know you have to get to the airport, so never mind about a few dirty dishes. Paul will give me a hand. Now, Adam, you go get your bags and put them in the car. I want a private word with Charlie here.”

Paul went out with Adam and Patricia moved to the chair next to Charlie. “I know we’ve only just met. I also know you’re not quite sure about becoming a wife and mother, but my boy loves you with every fiber of his being. I can see that just watching him with you, the way his eyes follow you when you move about. He’s never ever shown this kind of behavior with any other woman in his life. I can also feel the electricity that sparks between you and I think I already said that, but what I don’t think I said is that when it comes to sparks like that, they only come around once.”

Charlie tried to interrupt, only to be shushed by Patricia. “I want to tell you something I’ve never told anyone. When Paul first came around, I could feel the glow between us. But he wasn’t what I wanted in a husband, or at least that’s what I thought, so I turned him away and accepted another suitor. But I couldn’t get Paul out of my head and lucky for me, he didn’t just give up and go away. He gave me some time and then renewed his pursuit. This time, I listened to what my body or rather our bodies were telling us. I broke off the other engagement and we ran away and got married. I’ve never ever regretted doing that because Paul made me and kept me a very happy woman and I’m glad to say I made him and kept him a very happy man.

“So, dear Charlie, I do so hope you listen to your bodies because I can guarantee you won’t be sorry. Now, enough sharing on my part. Please say you’ll stay in touch regardless.”

“I promise I’ll stay in touch and I also promise I’ll think hard about what you said. I must admit I’ve never felt with anyone else what I feel with Adam and it was there that first day when he came yelling about the noise. I absolutely love it and yet it scares me at the same time.”

“You’ll know when you’re ready Charlie. I know Adam will be patient until then. Now, here are the men, so it’s time for farewell.”

Charlie watched as Adam hugged both his parents and gave his mom a smacking kiss on the cheek. She accepted from and gave embraces to his parents and thanked them for having her for the weekend. She looked back at the couple standing in the door as Adam took the car down the driveway. It had been a wonderful weekend and she guessed if she and Adam could have and maintain a relationship like the one his parents and her parents had, then, it was more than possible there’d be a wedding in the coming year.

Tuesday, May 11, 2021



         Thanksgiving day was a revelation for Charlie. As an only child whose parents hadn’t had a child until they were in their late 30s, she barely remembered the grandparents on either side. And, of course, no siblings meant holiday gatherings were very small. True, her parents had held at least one open house during the holiday season when all their friends were invited to come and bring their own families. Still, it was nothing like Charlie experienced at Adam’s house.

As soon as they’d had breakfast which was served in the kitchen, Charlie and  Adam were put to work. Patricia sent them to the dining room with instructions to set the big table for 14. Charlie was thankful she’d been taught the proper way to set a table and was impressed by the fact her hostess had more than 14 place settings in both china and silver and the silver wasn’t silverplate. At home, she and her parents had always eaten in the dining room with the good china and silver, but it had been just the three of them. Charlie wondered how it would all play out when everyone was seated.

In the kitchen, Patricia was finishing up the various dishes her part-time cook had prepared the day before. The turkey smelled wonderful and Charlie assisted as her hostess instructed. Finally all was as ready as it could be prior to being placed on the table, so they went off to dress for dinner. The rest of the family was due to arrive within the hour, plus it would be an early dinner, served at about 3:00.

Charlie was ready when Adam tapped on her door. His eyes widened when he saw her appearance. She’d pulled her hair back into a chignon at the nape of her neck which was hugged by the pearls she’d been given when she turned 18. A few tendrils had been allowed to escape which made her appearance especially feminine. Identical pearls dangled from her ears, but it was the dress, a deep green with long sleeves and a sweetheart neckline that reached her knees. It wasn’t too tight or too loose, but just perfect. The heels she wore gave her a few more inches in height and allowed her to look into Adam’s eyes without having to look up. Her makeup was flawless because it appeared to be barely there and only enhanced her great features.

“Wow, you’re the epitome of a sweet southern belle,” Adam said, pulling her in for a quick kiss.

Charlie put on her most southern accent and responded, “Now sir, don’t you be tryin’ to turn this girl’s head. I’ve been warned ‘bout men like you sir by my mamma.” Then she laughed and said, “Think I should talk like that the entire afternoon?”

“Well, you could, but my folks would know that wasn’t normal for you. Besides I like, no love, the normal Charlie.”

Together, they went toward the central part of the house, just in time for Adam’s brother Matt and his family to arrive. They were quickly followed by Adam’s sister, Maryanne and her family. Introductions were made all around and while Charlie knew she’d remember the adults, she wasn’t sure she’d remember the names of the children as the day progressed. There were six all told and close enough in age that they seemed to know each other well and almost immediately disappeared to the room their Nana had set aside for their use when visiting.

The adults retired to the room in which Charlie had been welcomed and wine and drinks were poured and handed around. Then began what Charlie thought of as the inquisition with first Adam’s sister and then his brother corralling her and politely asking all sorts of questions. Charlie was happy to respond and had to laugh when Matt’s wife, Sybil told her she’d been given the same treatment the first time Matt brought her home.

“I don’t know what would have happened with Matt if Adam and Maryanne had given me a thumbs down. Then, when Maryanne brought Tom home, we all did the same thing to him. I do believe from observing the interactions that Adam will be given a rousing thumbs up when we provide our opinions.”

“Well, Sybil, that’s good to know.” Charlie responded, but before she could add anything else, they were joined by Patricia and Maryanne.

Maryanne didn’t waste any time. “So, for Adam to bring you here for Thanksgiving, I’d guess marriage was in the future. Is that true?”

Charlie laughed. “It’s been talked about, mostly by Adam. I’m still on the fence, so to speak, because I never thought I’d find someone who would be as understanding or supportive as Adam has appeared to be so far.”

Sybil smiled and patted Charlie’s knee. “You’d best watch out. If there’s one thing the Foster men are terribly good at, it’s getting their way, getting what they want. Oh, they don’t argue or get mad or do anything that is disturbing; they simply set their goal and slowly but powerfully find a way to reach it. If Adam’s goal is marriage, my advice is to start planning the wedding. I speak from experience because I wanted to finish my masters and maybe get my Ph.D. before ever thinking about a husband or children.”

“So, what happened. I know Adam’s referred to you as Dr. Sybil, so you must have reached your own goals.”

“True, I did, but during my efforts, I somehow ended up getting married and was pregnant with Donnie when I added the Dr. to my name. On the plus side of all that was Matt who supported and encouraged me in my efforts and then celebrated big-time when I reached my goal. That even continued after Donnie was born because I wanted to be able to work.”

“And, did you? How did that work out?” Charlie asked.

“Again, Matt was very supportive and helped with the process of hiring a part-time nanny because I only wanted to work part-time. Plus, he used some of his connections to help me find a position, one I still hold, although now all the kids are in school, I’m working more rather than less.”

“You found motherhood and working fulfilling?”

Maryanne jumped into the conversation. “I can speak for both of us and the answer is yes. If you have the right partner, nothing is impossible. Now, I don’t work as much as Sybil does, but that’s my choice just as hers was. I really do love being home with the kids and I’m going to be so very sorry when Luke goes off to school full-time next fall. I’m going to cherish every single moment these coming months because once your kid goes off to school like that, it changes the dynamic. I won’t be as necessary or perhaps even wanted when that happens.”

Patricia joined the conversation saying, “I never worked outside the home except for the various charities I supported. But then, the kind of work my girls do wasn’t necessarily available back then. Still, I loved being a mother and being able to stay home and participate in all the school functions for each of them. Now, lets talk of something else. Charlie’s going to think we are trying to help Adam wear her down and maybe we are, but let’s find another topic that’s more general.”

 The women talked for a while longer, sipping their drinks and nibbling at the hor d’oeuvres Patricia had put out. The men seemed to be having a great time on their own, their deeper voices providing a background that was often punctuated by laughter. Charlie didn’t add a lot to the conversation, but listened intently as the other three women talked.

Then, it was time to head for the kitchen. Sybil took on the responsibility of getting the children washed and to the table. Patricia, Maryanne and Charlie handled getting the food into the dishes and to the table. Paul came into the kitchen to haul the turkey into the dining room where he would carve the bird. Even though Charlie knew how to properly do things, with only the three of them at table, her father had always carved in the kitchen and placed a platter of meat on the table. When everything was ready, it look a lot like a magazine photographer should be on hand to snap some photos.

Before Paul began carving, the eldest child, Donnie, was asked to say grace which he did, his voice changing mid-verse and going a bit higher toward the end. Then, plates were handed round with your choice of meat, dark or light on them, followed by the various bowls and plates of other food. Once everyone had a full plate before them, eating commenced.

Charlie found the dressing to be quite different from the cornmeal dressing her mother made. Patricia’s was filled with cranberries and walnuts, some kind of spice and was actually quite good. The potatoes had been cooked with garlic, whipped with butter and cream and Charlie could have happily died with a mouthful of them. All too soon it seemed, her plate was empty and she accepted the offer of another portion of dark meat, helped herself to a bite more of dressing, potatoes and gravy and another heavenly biscuit. When her plate was clean again, she joined her table mates in sighing and almost groaning aloud because all their tummies were stuffed full.

There had been talk during the meal and Charlie had listened or responded or offered her own opinion if asked. Now they were finished, Patricia asked her how a northern meal compared to a southern. Charlie responded, saying about the only difference was in the dressing, plus her mom always served okra she’d pickled at the end of summer.

The children were excused and Sybil took them to the bathroom to clean up sticky hands before they returned to the playroom. Charlie had been quite surprised at the children’s behavior. There hadn’t been any tantrums or whining and all were fairly good eaters. Sybil and the children’s departure was followed by the men rising and beginning to clean off the table.

Patricia looked at Charlie and said, “We women cook and the men clean up after. Let’s go back to the living room where we’ll be out of the way and much more comfortable.”

Sybil soon joined them and there was discussion about the kids and how each one was doing in school. Included were some funny tales about behavior or things they’d said. “So, Charlie, do you plan to have children at some point.” Maryanne asked. “I think Adam wants a houseful, or at least that’s the impression I get from the way he plays with his nieces and nephews.”

Great, Charlie thought. I figured this was going to come up at some point. She nodded her head and plunged in with her response. “I think most girls are raised with the idea that motherhood is the first and main goal in life. That’s certainly what my mamma tried to instill in me. And, it’s not that I don’t want children at some point, it’s more that I’ve always looked at becoming a mother as something way off in the future.”

“Aren’t you worried about your biological clock ticking away?” Maryanne followed up.

“Until recently, I hadn’t given it much thought at all. But I guess at the ripe old age of 32, I should begin to think about the possibility. Also, until recently, I hadn’t met someone like Adam which whom I might consider making a family.”

“You’ve never had a serious relationship before?” Sybil questioned, then quickly following it with, “That is, if what you and Adam have is serious. It is, isn’t it?”

Oh. My. God. Charlie thought. Here it is. “Well, Adam has been perfectly clear about what he wants from me. I’m having a bit more difficulty in catching up to him, so to speak. I mean we’ve only really gotten to know each other in the last few months. I don’t want to rush into anything and have it be wrong. I mean….”

“You do love my Adam, though don’t you my dear?” Patricia asked with one eyebrow raised.

“Well, yes, I believe I do love him. I know he certainly is the most interesting man….”

“And there’s that electricity that jumps between the two of you. I saw that right off.” Patricia said. “That’s just the way it was and actually still is between Paul and I. Oh, my dear, when you have that kind of connection, you simply cannot let it go and I’m positive you won’t.”

Just then, the men returned from the kitchen and proposed a game they could all play. For the next couple of hours, with one of the women going in to check on the kids now and then, they played a game where each person put  words or sayings on three pieces of paper. The papers were all dumped into a bowl and then the decision was made to have teams, men versus women. When a paper was pulled from the bowl, the person with the paper had to give a one-word clue. The second and third rounds, different clues in different ways were provided. Charlie didn’t know this game, but caught on quickly. It was great fun with lots of laughter and kidding between the two teams. When the slips of paper had been exhausted for the third time, the women were in the lead by one single point, making them the winners.

It was time for coffee and dessert. Everyone returned to the table for pieces of pumpkin or apple pie with ice or whipped cream. Coffee was decaf, with milk for the kids, or you could have water if you wanted. Once again, everyone felt as though they wouldn’t have to eat again for a week. There was more talk, laughter and joking around the table and this time, the children remained and were encouraged to participate. It wasn’t long before Luke, the youngest was barely able to keep his eyes open.

Maryanne and Tom rounded up coats and mittens and the kids and provided hugs and kisses to all before expressing their thanks for dinner and a good time. They also told Charlie how much they’d enjoyed having her join them and hoped to see her again soon. Then it was time for Matt and Sybil to gather up their belongings and say farewell too. The house suddenly seemed awfully quiet once the door closed behind them as well.

Then, it was back to the table and to the kitchen where the four of them cleaned up the remnants from dinner and dessert. When the dining room table had been returned to its usual size and the kitchen looked as though no one had been in there at all, it was time to call it a day.

Patricia approached Charlie and gathered her into a hug. “Thank you my dear for putting up with all of us and all our questions, especially the ones that had to have been a trifle rude. I deeply admire your openness and grace and particularly the way in which you joined in with the family right away. Sweet dreams and I’ll see you in the morning.”

Paul had already said good night and left for the bedroom, so it was just Adam and Charlie in the kitchen. “How about a sandwich?” Adam offered.

“You’ve got to be kidding. My tummy feels like it’s the size of a bowling ball.”

“I can think of some exercise which might make you forget about your tummy.” Adam responded, pulling Charlie in for a hug and running his hands down her back to her bottom.

Charlie laughed. “How about we just do some snuggling in front of a television for a bit? I’d much prefer that at the moment.”

“Okay, we can do that, but I just want you to know that I plan to take such advantage that you’ll have to join me for turkey sandwiches at midnight because our exertions are going to use up all the calories you took in today.”

Charlie laughed again and allowed Adam to take her by the hand and lead her off to the TV room. Snuggled together they began to watch an old movie, but it wasn’t long before their eyes closed and they slept.