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Friday, April 30, 2021



         Charlie and Adam flew north the day before Thanksgiving. She was very nervous about meeting his family and Adam was nervous because he was going to tell them about his writing career. Still, they both looked forward to this next step in their relationship, Adam especially because he was sure that once they were over this hurdle, Charlie would be more amenable to a life together.

Rather than have family pick them up, Adam had rented a car. He said it was because he wanted to be able to take Charlie to some of the places he’d told her about and this way, they could go without having to depend on one of his relative’s cars. They were staying with Adam’s folks and he’d told Charlie to be prepared for a room separate from his. Even though she’d become accustomed to sleeping with him every single night, she thought under the circumstances, she’d be able to sleep alone just fine.

When Adam pulled into the drive that led to the house, Charlie was a tad bit surprised. She’d come to the conclusion that his family had some money, but she hadn’t been prepared for the neighborhood which seemed to be made up of rather large pieces of land with the homes set back from the streets amid trees and shrubs that made viewing them difficult or impossible. As they drove forward and the house came into view, again Charlie was amazed.

The house looked to be all one level but spread out with a central portion flanked by a wing on each side that appeared to be attached to the central part but was angled back. She wondered if there was a patio or courtyard in the middle that would connect the entire structure. She guessed she would find out. It was beautifully landscaped around the house, but further away, nature had been allowed to grow pretty much as she pleased. It was definitely a small estate.

Adam stopped the car in front and said that normally, he’d pull around to the garage in the back, but since it was her first visit and she was a guest, they’d be welcomed by his folks in the hallway. He leaned over and gave her a quick kiss before he got out and came around to open her door. Charlie had never felt this nervous in her life, not even when the principal had called her parents because of a huge stunt she’d pulled in high school.

As they walked up the steps, Adam holding her hand, the door opened and a very patrician looking woman stepped out, followed by a man who looked so much like Adam, she would have known they were father-son if she’d seen them together on the street.

“There’s my boy, safe at home again.” Adam’s mother said as she hugged Adam and kissed his cheek. “And this must be your friend Charlotte. Welcome my dear.”

“Please call me Charlie.” She responded, taking the woman’s hand in hers for a small squeeze.

“This is my husband, Adam’s father, Paul and I’m Patricia. Now, please come on in out of the cold.”

Charlie took Adam’s dad’s hand and allowed him to escort her through the door. “I would have known you were Adam’s father. You look so much alike and now I know what Adam’s appearance will be once he reaches your age…still handsome.”

“Why thank you my dear. Even old codgers like myself enjoy compliments.”

“Come along now.” Adam’s mother encouraged them. “I’ve some snacks and drinks ready just down here.”

Adam took off his coat and then took Charlie’s. He put them on a hall tree Charlie hadn’t noticed because it was in sort of an alcove or more like a fancy mud room just off the entrance.

In what seemed to be the main living room, Patricia offered Charlie her choice of drink and she elected to have a white wine. Without asking, when Adam’s mom brought her wine, she also brought Adam and his dad a beer in the bottle. Somehow Charlie had expected the beer would be served in a glass. She then brought a tray filled with small canapes and napkins to the coffee table. Finally, Patricia made herself a martini and came to sit on the couch next to Paul. “Now, just help yourself to anything that looks good. Just a little snack before we have dinner at 6:00 pm. I do hope you’ll be hungry at that time. If you’re used to eating later, we could postpone.”

“No, that time is just fine. Depending on when I leave work pretty much depends on when I usually eat, but since I’m not working, dinner at 6:00 sounds perfect.” Charlie responded and mentally slapped herself. Dummy, you’re blathering. Just stop it and try to talk like an adult.

“So what do you do Charlie?” Paul asked. “Adam hasn’t told us too much about you and we were so surprised to hear this old confirmed bachelor was bringing a woman for Thanksgiving, I don’t think we even thought to ask.”

Charlie smiled and immediately felt comfortable because she would be talking about something she loved. “My father started a construction company when he was a young man. He had a fairly serious heart attack about eight years ago and I stepped in to help out. Now, my daddy and mamma travel the world and I keep the company going in his absence.”

“Construction?” Patricia asked with a raised eyebrow. “What kind of construction? You seem very feminine to be in charge of a construction company?”

“It’s called The Ridgeway Construction Company and our tag line is, Only one way to do it right, the Ridgeway Way. We build homes, office buildings, pretty much anything a client wants. Since I took over the company, we’ve gradually moved toward using products and methods which are environmentally friendly.”

“So, you have a single project or multiple projects?” Paul asked, sipping from his bottle.

“Multiple projects. The company currently has five crews working on different projects. Each one is headed by a foreman who runs the job but checks back with me about any questions or difficulties. Of course, my favorite work is to be out on a job site with the crew swinging a hammer and doing what daddy taught me to do so well.”

Adam spoke up for the first time. “That’s how Charlie and I met. She was building a house on the property next door and I marched over there and disconnected her power because of all the noise that was being generated. That little piece of heaven I’d been living in for so long went from peaceful one day to loud and prolonged noise the next. But she didn’t let me get away with pulling the plug. She gave me what for and started the noise right back up.”

Adam looked at Charlie and they laughed. “Then, a couple of weeks later, I caught him nosing around my project after the crew had gone home and peace had returned. I offered him a beer and he accepted and we had the first of our little chats.”

“So, is the house finished now?” Patricia inquired.

“Yes ma’am, it was finished before Labor Day and I live there now.”

“If you’d really like to know what Charlie builds, there will be an article published in the January issue of Green Design and Construction magazine. Her little house looks as though it grew in place and is both beautiful and earth friendly.”

“It certainly sounds like you’re managing a going and growing firm. Is it difficult to handle all the men that have to be involved in the various projects?” Paul inquired.

“Actually, no, it’s never been a problem for me and the few times it’s come up, the individual hasn’t remained with the company. Ridgeway Construction offers excellent benefits and opportunities to its employees and their families. To be hired by my firm is a definite sign the individual brought on is at the top of his or her trade. Quite a few employees were hired by my father and they mentored the new ones brought on by me. It’s a good company to work for.”

“You mentioned your mamma. I’m surprised she allowed you to take on that kind of work. Perhaps it’s just fake news and ideas, but I always thought southern girls were raised to be ultra feminine.” Patricia said.

“Well, it’s not like my mamma didn’t try. She certainly did and I did learn all the proper manners and the important information a girl or woman is required to know to get along in society. But, as an only child, I’m afraid my daddy spoiled me some and mamma didn’t have much of a chance when it came to some of that girlie stuff. But, I do know when to get my back up and battle as well as I know how to acquiesce when necessary. My mamma has a backbone of steel and I’ve lost way more debates than I’ve won.”

Charlie heaved a quiet sigh of relief when Adam and his dad took over the conversation, discussing how the family business was doing and how his brother Matt was managing when it came to assuming the reins. She and Patricia sipped at their drinks and listened. Every once in a while Patricia would add a snippet of information about the topic being discussed. When Charlie’s glass was empty, she declined a refill. It wasn’t soon enough, but Charlie was immensely relieved when Patricia said, “I’ve had your bags put in your rooms. Adam, I put Charlotte in what was your sister’s room. I’m sure she’ll be very comfortable there.”

“I’m sure I will Mrs. Foster. Thank you so much.”

“Please, call me Patricia. Why don’t we all repair to our rooms and meet again at 5:30 for a libation before dinner. And, Charlotte, we don’t really dress for dinner. What you’re wearing is just fine unless you want to freshen up after your flight.”

“I just may do that Patricia. Thank you so much for making me so welcome.”

Adam took Charlie to the wing on the right. “This was the kid’s wing when we were growing up. Mom and Dad and the grandparents were on the other side. You’d think we kids would have gotten into all kinds of trouble being on our own over here, but we never did. I think the folks simply terrified us to the point we knew we’d never stop being in trouble if we snuck out or behaved badly.”

“If electronics had been what they are today, I’d say your folks had you on camera, but that’s not likely. Wonder if they’ve installed any now and could catch us being naughty?” Charlie said with a laugh as her hand patted Adam’s butt.

“Here’s what was my sister’s room and is now the first guest room.” Adam said opening the door and pulling Charlie inside. He followed that with a kiss that made her want to toss him onto the bed on the other side of the room and have her way with him.

“Now, you just stop that, Adam.” Charlie said pulling away. “We’re going to be good while we’re here at your parents, so don’t go tempting me. It’s not fair when I’m trying to make a good impression.”

“Oh, we’ll be good, promise you that.” Adam responded, putting a hand on each of her ass cheeks and pulling her tight against him so she could feel his erection.

Charlie laughed and pulled away. “I mean it Adam. Or, at the very least, wait until every one goes to bed. I don’t want to appear for a,” and she used her fingers to make air quotes, “libation before dinner. Now, go, git. I’m going to shower and change.”

Just before 5:30, Adam knocked on Charlie’s door and she answered, clad in black leggings, a red turtleneck covered by a red and black printed top. Her feet were shod in soft short black boots and her hair had been allowed to flow down over her shoulders. “Wow, you look terrific.”

“Thanks. Wait until you see the attire I brought for dinner tomorrow night. Your mamma is going to know without a doubt that my mamma did her best.”

“Now, just relax. I think my parents were as nervous as you. My dad came to my room and asked me just how serious I was about you.”

“What did you say.”

“Just that eventually you’d become my wife. Now, let’s get down stairs.”

Dinner was relaxed and delicious. Charlie listened as Adam and his parents talked about people she didn’t know, family members that would be present the next day and a wide variety of topics in which Charlie was able to participate. As she’d expected, his parents were conservative, but more than willing to listen to her opinions and debate the facts. She found herself enjoying their company quite a lot. In some ways it was like being at dinner with her folks although they weren’t quite as conservative.

After dinner, they played a card game and finished off the evening with snifters of an excellent brandy. Charlie found it so good she could have inhaled the entire amount and told herself she was going to have to find out the brand so she could buy some for her folks and gift a bottle to Adam’s parents.

Adam kissed her good night at her door. It wasn’t passionate or long. He followed it with, “Night Charlie. Sleep well. Tomorrow the hoard arrives. I’ll see you in the morning.”

“Night Adam. I’ll miss you.” Charlie responded, giving him a quick kiss before stepping back and closing her door.

She thought she might have trouble getting to sleep all alone, but as she snuggled down beneath the covers, she found it very difficult to keep her eyes open and the next thing she knew, Adam was knocking on her door. “C’mon sleepy head. Time for breakfast. I’ll be back in 15.”

Charlie stretched and hopped up. Teeth brushed, hair combed, dressed in jeans and a t-shirt, Charlie was ready in less than 15. She was standing with her door open when Adam left his own room.

 “C’mon, slow poke. I’m starving.” Charlie said and leaned in for a quick kiss. Holding hands, they ran down the stairs together.

Monday, April 26, 2021



         The next few weeks were the happiest Charlie could remember ever experiencing. Work and company business was booming although she still hadn’t received a definite response from Jessie Flanagan, but the company had way more work than time and that was very good. The best part, however, was Adam.

Practically overnight, her days began and ended with Adam. If she bought take-out and brought it home, he was waiting when she got there. If she went to his house, he would have cooked some wonderful food for them to share. The evenings were spent talking, laughing and loving. They always ended up in bed and that time remained a revelation to Charlie.

In the past, she’d loved sex and had many partners, but none of them had ever made her feel the way Adam did. Not only was he inventive when it came to having sex, or making love as she’d begun to think of it, but he was always tender even when his superior body strength dominated hers. And, when they’d both orgasmed, sometimes together and other times separately, neither of them got up, dressed and left. They always spent the night curled up together. Some mornings they made long, languid love or if Charlie had to get to the office, it would be quick, but fun and rewarding.

Adam hadn’t made any further pronouncements about what he wanted from her, so Charlie had let his wants remain in the locked box in the back of her mind. She’d have to deal with them eventually, but for now she was just going to enjoy what was for her a wonderful wonderful time.

Charlie had even stopped fussing about why they hadn’t heard from Jessie Flanagan. She'd decided she'd hear when she heard. Having made that decision and turned her thoughts to other matters, Stephanie buzzed her that very afternoon.

“It’s Jessie Flanagan on line one.” 

“Thanks,” Charlie responded and took a deep breath before pushing the phone button.

“Hi Jessie. It’s good to hear from you and I hope all is well in your neck of the woods.”

“Hi yourself Charlie. I apologize for taking so long to get back to you with a decision, but I wanted to be absolutely positive about my choices.”

Charlie’s heart clenched a bit at the word, “choices,” but responded with, “I’m sure it was difficult because of what you want as well as the cost.”

“Here’s what I have in mind Charlie. I’m going to give the office building contract to the Simmons Company. They have two platinum awards to their credit, so even though you and your team were most impressive, I decided to go with their company.”

“I can certainly understand that; and I actually take it as a compliment to be your second choice after Simmons. They are fabulous and you won’t be sorry.”

“That leaves my house. I heard via the grapevine that there was going to be a magazine article about your own personal house. Since I went to university with one of the editors there, I called and begged for a chance to see the article and photos ahead of publication. I have to tell you I was tremendously impressed by your little house. It does appear to just grow out of the ground and all the products you used and the way you used them gave you a beautiful home. I want you and Terrance to design a similar house for me and I want Ridgeway Construction to build it.”

Charlie wanted to jump up and shout halleluiah. She hadn’t seen the article or photos herself, but they must be really good she thought. “Wonderful news, Jessie, wonderful news. Have you found a location yet?”

“After I saw the article about your house, I changed my mind about what I wanted when it came to the building site. I have found about an acre that has some gently rising hills as well as a small stream that runs through. Your Terrance will have to take a look, and maybe you too, to see if building a house that looks as though it grew there will be possible. I’m in the process of negotiating with the current owner, but will definitely end up with the property.”

“So, once you’re the owner, how soon do you want Terrance and I to come take a look?”

“I think we can wait until after the first of the year. The holidays are coming faster than I think we all realize, so I’d like to start the year with fewer commitments than I’m looking at right now. Would that work for you?”

“Yes, that would be perfect. I know Terrance and his family have a huge celebration with all kinds of relatives coming to visit. And, someone I’ve been seeing has talked about taking me north to meet his family. I’m not yet sure if I want to do that or not.”

“If he’s taking you to meet family, it sounds pretty serious on his part. I’m just being nosy here, but you don’t reciprocate his feelings?”

“Well, it’s not that exactly. It’s just that I’ve never really considered getting married or having kids and he wants both. He’s told me in no uncertain terms and it kinda scares me a lot.”

“Well, speaking as a happily married mother of three kids, I highly recommend both providing you’ve found the right person. My husband is extremely supportive and doesn’t expect me to be the perfect wife or perfect mother. It’s really a partnership where he does just as much as I do to make things work; and in some cases, goes beyond the 50 percent he’s supposed to give when I’m too busy to do my half. Of course, it works both ways and there are times when I need to step up and do much more than normal when he's very busy. If you’ve found a man like that, grab him and hold on tight.”

“I didn’t realize you were married or had kids. I also just realized we never really met in your personal office where you most likely have photos displayed. And, your advice is very sound and Adam, that’s his name, Adam may just be a guy like your guy. It’s just terribly new and for once in my life, I’m a scaredy cat.”

“You haven’t asked for my advice, but here it is. Go north and meet his family. You’ll be able to tell a lot about him by his interactions with them. Then, depending on your gut vibes, you’ll know if you want to go all in.”

“Thanks for that Jessie. I guess we’ll be in touch after the first of the year. Until then, wishing you and your family a wonderful holiday season.”

“Charlie, you’re not getting off that easy. I’ll be sending you and Terrance some photos of the land once the deal is done. I also want emails back from you about Adam and how the trip went. I told you I was nosy, didn’t I?” Jessie laughed and they both said goodbye.

Charlie couldn’t wait to tell Adam the news. It kind of surprised her because she would have thought her first calls would be to Terrance and Dennis. But no, she hit the speed dial for Adam. When he answered with his usual, “Hi Babe.” Charlie said, “You’re never going to believe this. Well maybe, but I’m so excited.”

“You got the Texas job.”

“Well, not exactly. We didn’t get the factory and office building, but Jessie does want us to design and build her home. She knew someone at the magazine and got a draft copy of the article about my little house. She wants the same kind of home, only larger. We haven’t talked specifics yet, but I think it will need to house a family of five with room for visitors.”

“Congratulations Charlie. That’s wonderful news, but I guess that means you’re heading off to Texas soon?” Adam responded while trying to keep his voice congratulatory and upbeat. He actually wanted to moan because this meant she wouldn’t be going north with him for Thanksgiving.

“No, not yet. And that was the other thing I wanted to tell you. Yes, I’ll go north with you for Thanksgiving, but I do have one requirement.”

“That’s great news too, Charlie, but what’s the requirement, separate bedrooms. We’d probably get that at my folks in any case.”

“Nope, I want you to tell your family how you make your money. I want you to admit to them that you are A. M. Foster. I plan to take them copies of your books as a bread-and-butter gift. It’s time you stopped not exactly lying, but not really being honest either. It’s important to me, Adam, and should be to you too, that you give your parents and family the gift of complete honesty.”

“Charlie, I’m not sure that’s such a good idea. My parents are very conservative. They just might kick us right out of the house.”

“Adam, we can talk about this more tonight. My other line’s ringing, so I have to go. Love you.”

Charlie couldn’t believe the last two words she spoke had been love you. She hadn’t meant to say that. She hadn’t used that word once during their relationship and yet it had come out as natural as saying goodbye. She shook her head and picked up the phone on her desk.

Adam was ecstatic. Charlie had finally used the L word even though it seemed as though she hadn’t really thought about saying it before she said it. He tamped down his happy reaction. It could just be her way of getting him to fess up to his parents. She’d go north and say the L word if it meant he’d come clean. He shook his head and stretched his shoulders. He needed to move on with the research he was doing for his next book. As she’d said, they’d talk more tonight.

Adam’s research went well. There were a multitude of articles and information out there about the Salem witch trials. He’d decided his next book would be historical fiction set in those times. In some ways, he wished he’d been able to live back then. So many wrong ideas and knowledge existed then that had been proven incorrect over time. He’d been pushing the idea around in his head forever, but now, he had a name for his female protagonist, Josephine or Josie by friends and family. He also knew that many of her attributes would be the ones he’d found in Charlie. She was an excellent example of what he wanted his heroine to be.

That evening Charlie acted as thought she’d never used the L word and Adam didn’t bring it up. Instead, they compared calendars and discussed the trip north. They also discussed her desire to have Adam be honest with his family. She was positive they wouldn’t do something drastic when they found out he wrote erotic fiction. For all he knew his sister and sister-in-law had already read some of them even though he didn’t think they would have. As for his mother, he was positive she’d be appalled at the very idea of her son knowing such things, let alone writing about them.

In the end, Adam gave way only because he was working on a more acceptable book. It wouldn’t have any eroticism in it and would be based on history. If nothing else, even if it didn’t become a best-seller, it would at least be a topic his mother would find acceptable and might even read.

“Adam, you know your family loves you. And I don’t want to have to watch what I say and do just because you haven’t told them about your writing career. I want everything to be open and honest. I think you also know or understand my going with you to meet your family is a huge step for me. For the first time, I’ll really care about what they think of me. I’m going to be so nervous I’ll probably make an absolute ass out of myself.”

“There’s no way you’ll manage to do that Charlie. You might have butterflies or be nervous, but your career and your dealings with people from all walks of life will hold you strong. Besides, my family isn’t going to be unkind or exceptionally nosy if for no other reason than I’ve never brought a woman home to meet them.”

Charlie practically stuttered, “You’ve, you mean you’ve never brought anyone home to meet the parents before? Tell me that isn’t true. Oh. My. God. The pressure I was feeling just increased about a thousand-fold. Not one? not ever?”

“Well, I don’t count the girls I dated in high school because there was a whole crowd of us hanging out in one home or another. In college, I didn’t meet a single girl or woman I liked well enough to introduce to my family. Sorry, but you’re the first and I’ve waited a long time for you.”

“Great, just great,” Charlie muttered.

“Hey, look on the bright side. At least there’s no other person they really liked that they’ll be comparing you to, and even if there was, they’d fall way short of impressing the family the way you’re going to.”

They’d been sitting on the couch and Adam pulled Charlie to him and settled his lips over hers in a long and tender kiss after which he murmured. “They’re going to love you Charlie, just as much as I do or maybe even more. Now stop worrying about Thanksgiving.”

Adam’s mouth sought her ear and his tongue tickled it and sent shivers throughout Charlie’s body. She rearranged herself so she was laying across Adam’s lap and his hand crept beneath her shirt to grasp her lace covered breast. She could feel his erection against her back. As always, Charlie’s only thoughts turned to Adam and what they were doing to each other.  

Before long, Adam scooped Charlie up and carried her to the bedroom. They’d both decided love-making, and that’s what it was Charlie had decided they did, was best done in the comfort of a big bed.

They loved each other lingeringly, stripping off each other’s clothes until they were at last skin-to-skin. As if they’d discussed what they’d do to each other, Adam caressed, licked, and brought Charlie to the brink of orgasm before he entered her hot and very wet pussy. Once there, he knelt between her thighs and used his thumb on her clit to make her orgasm. He loved watching her and knowing he was responsible for her pleasure.

Then, it was Charlie’s turn to give Adam pleasure. Her legs went around his ass and pulled him tight against her. Her hands reached down and caressed the very base of his erection and gently clasped his tight balls. She looked into his eyes and met each of his thrusts with her own, watching his open mouth, hearing his breath become gasps as he reached toward his own orgasm. With a final thrust that had him grinding against her, she watched his eyes close in ecstasy. When she felt his final pulse in her pussy, she used her legs to pull him down so he was laying on her. She ran her hands up and down his sweaty back until his breathing returned to normal. By then, Charlie was almost asleep and allowed Adam to move and move her so his front was close against her back, her legs bent to cover Adam’s.

Satisfied, tired, happy, Charlie’s last thought had nothing to do with Adam’s family and Thanksgiving, but was about how much she was coming to love this man.

Friday, April 23, 2021



          They really should have just taken their dinner into the bedroom. Adam hadn’t made anything fancy. The table held a tray with a variety of crackers and from the fridge, he pulled a couple of more trays. One held a variety of cheeses, hard and soft as well as sliced fruit and the other held smoked oysters and giant prawns with a bowl of red sauce adjacent and a bowl of mixed cut vegetables.

“I figured, actually hoped, that when we decided to eat, we could just nosh on a variety of cold foods. Go ahead, dig in.” Adam said as he placed the platters on the table.

Charlie didn’t waste any time, filling her waiting plate with a bit of everything on the table. Adam did the same thing and sat down beside Charlie. He proffered a fork with several small smoked oysters on it. “Try these. They are scrumptious.”

They talked and laughed while eating and feeding each other small morsels in between kisses and touches. By the time they finished, the trays had been totally ransacked and they were no longer hungry, at least for food. Charlie stood up and dropped her sweatpants, throwing a leg over both of Adam’s.

“What do we have here?” She inquired, pulling the waistband of his boxers lower and allowing his erection to spring free. “Is this dessert?”

Charlie’s hand caressed Adam’s cock while exchanging long and wet kisses until he was moaning and then she stood on her tiptoes and allowed it to graze her very wet opening. She slowly sank down until she was impaled on his penis. Adam’s hands went to her ass and squeezed the soft mounds. He tried to raise Charlie up, but she wasn’t ready to go any further just yet. She turned and found the red sauce and put a finger full on each nipple. “May not be prawns, but I bet you’ll like this even better.” Charlie coaxed, pushing her breasts toward Adam’s mouth.

While Adam licked and sucked, Charlie slowly moved about on his penis, not exactly rising up, but causing a pleasurable friction for both of them. It wasn’t long before that contact had them both wanting more, much more. Slowly Charlie rose up to the point Adam was barely inside and then slowly lowered herself back, rubbing herself against him when he was fully encased.

Adam’s hands returned to Charlie’s bottom and this time he grasped her cheeks so he could manipulate her rise and fall. His clenching her bottom was almost painful, but added to her pleasure as he pushed her up and brought her back down. Once again, their mouths met and as the pace increased and Adam’s hands tightened even further, Charlie could feel herself rising toward a climax. She murmured against Adam’s mouth, “Soon, coming soon. Need more.” As Adam pushed himself against her as he brought her back down, Charlie added, “Yes, yes, that, just that.”

Adam pulled his mouth from Charlie’s. He wanted to watch her come impaled on his cock, sitting on his lap. Her head went back and her spine straightened as though she was going to get up and leave. Once again, Adam brought her back down and watched as Charlie orgasmed. It appeared as though she were in pain and had stopped breathing for a bit of time. Then, her body seemed to shrink down until she was nestled against Adam’s chest. She began to giggle and in between each giggle, she heaved a huge breath. “Ah, it just gets better and better, doesn’t it?”

When the giggles stopped and her breathing eased, Adam raised her up again. “Oh my,” Charlie smiled at him, “you need a little release do you?” Adam’s answer was to pull her down by her ass and push her back up without a pause. Charlie was amazed to feel her clit begin to throb as Adam increased the timing of his push and pull. This time it was Charlie who watched Adam, her eyes on his as he prepared to erupt and he didn’t have to do it alone because Charlie was ready again. They stared into each other’s eyes as they both began to orgasm and kept their eyes open until it was no longer possible and their eyelids fell over their eyes, covering the look of pleasure and bliss.

Both slumped on the chair for a bit and then Adam stood. Charlie’s legs went around him and still inside her, Adam carried them off to the bedroom. Once there, he slipped out and they spooned, falling asleep almost instantly.

During the night, Adam woke Charlie once and in the dark, barely moving and barely awake, they once again shared their pleasure with the other. Adam woke first in the morning and looked over at Charlie. She was on her back, the sheet down around her waist, her small perky breasts pointed toward the ceiling. She looked as though she were about ten years old, providing he kept his eyes above her neck. He couldn’t believe how wonderful the last 12 or so hours had been. He’d never had sex with a woman as responsive and enthusiastic as Charlie. Just thinking about what they’d done made his cock twitch and begin to grow. And, it wasn’t a pee hard-on, but one that wanted to be satisfied.

Adam carefully raised himself so he could blow on Charlie’s nipples. He’d found they were so sensitive the slightest touch, even the warm air of his breath made them tighten into little rosy buds. Once they were small and all wrinkled up, Adam put his mouth on one and sucked hard. It woke Charlie up instantly and he couldn’t believe she was immediately ready for sex. She sat up and pushed Adam back. Before he could do anything else, she’d climbed on him and sat down on his penis. What followed wasn’t early morning lazy sex, but the I want it now, need it now, don’t wait a second sex. Charlie started to orgasm almost immediately and Adam couldn’t hold back.

Charlie fell back on the bed on her tummy. They were both breathing hard and for once Charlie didn’t get the giggles. Instead, she murmured, so soft Adam almost didn’t hear what she said, “I can’t believe this. I can’t believe it just gets better and better. I think I have to keep this one.”

When their breathing returned to normal, Adam said, “Charlie, why don’t you have the shower first while I go make coffee and prepare breakfast.”

“Mmmmm hmmmm.” Charlie muttered into her pillow.

When Adam checked back a short time later, Charlie was still in bed, sound asleep. So, he took the coffee he’d brought her into the bathroom and had his own shower. He’d just let her sleep until she was ready to get up.

Showered, dressed, another cup of coffee and some toast in hand, Adam moved to the front porch. It was going to be another lovely day. Not too hot, but not frosty cold either. He was grateful for the jeans, wool socks and flannel shirt because it kept him just right temperature wise. Later on, the shirt would probably have to come off, but for now it felt good. When he finished his toast, he took up the I-pad on the table, pulled the pen free and began revising the outline he’d been working on for his new book. He knew when Charlie finally got up because he heard the shower come on. It wasn’t long before she joined him on the porch, her own coffee cup in hand.

“You let me sleep.” She said, dropping a kiss on top of Adam’s head. “That was wonderful. I really needed it I think. I hope, no I know you had as good a time last night and this morning as I did. You are without a doubt, the best sex partner I’ve ever had.”

“Maybe that has something to do with your feelings for me and mine for you.”

“Um, uh, no. Well, maybe, but I’m not ready to go there yet. This is all so new, not even a day old.”

“Well Charlie, I definitely know how I feel about you. I love you. I want to marry you. I want you to be the center of my life. I want to take you up north to meet my family. I want to give you a dozen kids.”

“Oh, holy fuck, that’s an awful lot of wants. I don’t know if I have the same wants.  Jesus, a dozen kids. Oh my God, you’re scaring the crap out of me.” Charlie got up from her chair and began to pace back and forth.

“Hey, Charlie, I’m not suggesting we run away and get married today or immediately fulfill any of the wants I just expressed. I’m simply saying that for me, you’re it, the woman of my dreams and desires. So, take your time. I know without a single doubt that you already want me like I want you or if you haven’t realized it yet, you will.”

“Yeah, well. Well, I think I have to go.”

“Nope, not happening. We’re both going and we’re going into town for a late breakfast or brunch or lunch. I still haven’t heard how your Texas interview went and I am seriously interested. So, put your shoes on and I’ll meet you at my truck.”

Charlie hadn’t given a single thought to Ms. Flanagan and the Texas projects since Adam’s lips had met hers the night before. She pushed her discomfort over Adam’s declarations into a box in the back of her mind and brought the trip and interview to the forefront. She couldn’t wait to tell Adam all about what she thought was a definite potential success.

In town, Adam helped Charlie out of the truck and held her hand while they walked to the diner. He didn’t necessarily perform any public displays of affection, but Charlie thought it was undoubtedly obvious they had become a couple. She found she was okay with that idea.

Food ordered, Adam said, “So, tell me all about it.”

Charlie did so, sometimes forgetting her manners and talking with her mouth full she was so excited. They were on their second cups of coffee when she finished by saying, “I really liked Jessie Flanagan and the site she’s picked for the factory/office building is perfect for all the LEED platinum requirements. She doesn’t yet have a site for her house, but is looking and hopes to have one chosen in the next month or so. And, money isn’t an object. She’s very successful and very wealthy and wants everything to meet exacting environmental standards.

“So, you think you’ll get the job?”

“I think so. At least that’s the feeling I had when we left. I know she’s interviewing a couple of other firms, or has already interviewed them. She told us she’d be making a decision by the end of the month.”

“Well, if you have to go live in Texas for a time, I can certainly go with you. I’m able to write anywhere, so my work isn’t an issue.”

 Once again, Charlie’s heart sort of stuttered. Wow, she thought, he’s really serious about a genuine lasting relationship. I’m not sure how I feel about that. The sex is great. I like Adam, but do I like him enough to actually join him in a long-term relationship that includes marriage and children? She was really going to have think hard about what he wanted and try to figure out what she wanted besides a lot more sex with him.

When they left the diner, there was Sandi and Les walking down the sidewalk toward her shop. They stopped and as usual, Sandi and Charlie hugged as did Les and Charlie. “Sandi and Les, this is Adam Foster, but I believe you know him better as A. M. Foster.”

“Hello,” Sandi said, extending her hand. “I’m very happy to meet you….”

“As am I,” Les broke in. "Thanks to your books, I’ve had some extremely delightful evenings with my lovely wife. Not that we wouldn’t have had those evenings anyway, but her reading your prose certainly didn’t hurt a dang thing.”

“Now you just stop that Les. This man doesn’t need to be all in our business the first time we meet him. As I was saying, it’s a pleasure to meet you Adam.”

“It’s extremely nice to meet you both. Charlie has talked about the two of you a bit here and there. It’s nice to have faces to put with the names. And, thank you sir, for the compliment about my prose.”

“I guess you guys just finished lunch?” Sandi inquired.

“More like brunch. I slept in this morning, so it was too late for breakfast.”

“How’d the interview go?”

“I think it went very well. I’ll know more by the end of the month. We really need to get together for a girls’ dinner…and soon.” Charlie responded.

Sandi opened her bag and pulled out her phone. “Okay, how about Tuesday evening?”

“That works. I’ll pick you up after work. Think about where you’d like to have dinner.”

“I don’t really care if we eat or not as long as we have wine and catch up Charlie.” Sandi responded with a raised eyebrow.

“Works for me,” Charlie responded with a wink and very small nod.

It was their old way of communicating. Sandi was asking if Charlie and Adam had had sex and Charlie’s wink and small nod was an affirmative response.

“Great, can’t wait Charlie. I’ll see you about 5:30 unless you call to say you’re going to be late and I just might kill you if you do.”

While this had been going on, Les and Adam had been talking about something. Charlie and Sandi hadn’t paid enough attention to really know if it was sports, women or the weather and they didn’t really care. With farewells and more glads we met, the couple went their separate ways.

“So that’s Sandi, you’re best friend since diapers huh?” Adam asked as they walked toward his truck. “She and her husband seem like really nice folks. We should double date or something, or do people do that anymore? Maybe we could invite them for dinner and I’ll expose them to my cooking skills?”

“That would be fun, but we’ll have to plan ahead. Sandi works some evenings at her bookstore and Les does parent duty. We’d need to find a night they’d both be free to get a sitter and come. I’ll work on that, shall I?”

“Yes, you shall,” Adam responded as he opened the truck door. As Charlie climbed inside, Adam caressed her ass and when she turned to look at him, he looked back with a very innocent face.

“Guess we’re headed right back to your place?” Charlie asked with a smile.

“Yep, unless you can think of a better way to spend the afternoon.” Adam responded with a smile.

They spent the rest of the weekend more or less in bed. By Monday, Charlie found she was just a tad bit sore as she got ready for work. But it didn’t matter because she had a huge smile on her face. In her opinion, it had been the best sex ever, the best weekend ever and only slightly marred by Adam’s declarations. Charlie shrugged her shoulders as she climbed into her truck. She knew sooner or later, Adam would make her choose, but until then she was determined to enjoy every single minute she could spare with him.   

Monday, April 19, 2021



           When Charlie arrived home after being gone for five days instead of three, Adam couldn’t wait to see her. He was amazed at how much he’d missed seeing her each day. True, they’d talked at least once and sometimes more than that every day, but it wasn’t the same as seeing her in person, being able to breath the faint gardenia scent that seemed to always accompany her, to touch the soft creamy scent, to pull her body against his. He felt as thought he could toss her on his bed and ravish her for hours, maybe even days.

Charlie had also missed Adam, the feel of his hard body against hers, his lips in the best kisses she’d ever had, the comradery they shared when together, the food Adam so painstakingly prepared. She hadn’t had a really decent meal since she’d left.

Charlie was also excited to tell Adam about the interview and her expectations from it. Adam knew he was going to have to be careful when she talked about the project to not say something that would make her think he didn’t want her to accept the job. They came together in the late afternoon after Charlie had checked in at the office, found everything just fine, and walked from her place to Adam’s cabin for dinner.

Fortunately, Adam had prepared something that wouldn’t be hurt by them waiting to eat. When Charlie arrived, clad in a pair of sweats and a tank top covered by a heavy sweatshirt, Adam swept her into his arms and smothered her with long deliberate kisses that left them gasping and Charlie’s legs barely able to support her. Without stopping the kisses that had gone from their mouths to their ears and neck, Adam scooped Charlie up in his arms and walked through to his bedroom.

He knelt on his bed, which he’d made fresh that day with clean sheets and a clean duvet cover. He’d even gone so far as to turn the covers down to the bottom of the bed. He laid Charlie gently down, never breaking their kiss and joined her, laying his body on top of hers.

Charlie’s arms went around Adam and pulled him as close to her as she could. She hoped like hell he didn’t plan to get her all aroused and then get up to finish making dinner. She thought she just might commit her first homicide if he did that. But no, one of Adam’s hands was on her hip and then sliding up beneath her sweatshirt and tank top to gently fill his hand with her breast. Her nipple was already a very tight bud and as he pinched it gently between his thumb and finger, Charlie thought she might very well orgasm, the feelings between her thighs so strong.

Adam straightened up, his knees on each side of her and yanked off his t-shirt. Then he took the bottoms of Charlie’s shirts and pulled them up over her head. Both bare from the waist up, Adam returned his body to rub against Charlie’s. His matt of chest hair provided a thousand tiny stimulations to Charlie’s nipples. She moaned and tried to writhe beneath him, but he wouldn’t allow her any freedom to move her own body. His lips left her mouth and slowly traveled back to her ear and neck, then so slowly, she wanted to take his head and vigorously move it so his mouth was on top of her nipple he moved toward her breasts. He kissed all around them before finally licking the nipple and then blowing on it.

The only thing Charlie was aware of was Adam’s mouth and hands. As he laved her breasts, his hands moved downward, pushing her sweatpants and undies down her belly. She could feel his cock beneath his jeans pressed against her tummy and wanted to touch it, hold it, rub it, but again, Adam held her prisoner on the bed, taking his time, driving her crazy with desire. All she could do was to rub and scratch his back or hold his head against her breast.

Charlie surrendered. She let Adam have his way, let him direct their sexual experience. She laid there and let Adam kiss her with an open or closed mouth wherever he chose. When he straightened up to remove her pants, she didn’t resist, didn’t try to participate, just waited to see what he’d do to her next. When Adam had her totally naked, he knelt to the side and slowly worked his way down her torso to her center. Even then, he didn’t try to reach the area where Charlie wanted him to be the most. He kissed and nibbled his way down her thighs, calves, feet, sucked and licked her toes before he began to work his way back up.

Charlie had had no idea there were sensitive areas below the juncture of her thighs, especially her toes, but she was slowly finding that with Adam she might not have a single cell that wouldn’t respond to his touch. When Adam reached the top of her thighs, he moved and pushed her legs apart to kneel between them. Again, he returned to her mouth and kissed her slowly and completely, as if he had all the time in the world. Then, once again, he traversed the area between her mouth and her center. His fingers spread her vulva, exposing the erect little bud that had desired his attention and ministrations for what seemed like decades.

Still, Adam made Charlie wait. He blew on her clit, then licked it and blew some more. Charlie’s hands tried to reach his head, her hips tried to rise to meet his mouth, but Adam kept control. Charlie’s head moved to and fro on the pillow, she moaned and gasped and begged, “Adam, please, please suck me. Please. I want you. I need you. I want you now. Please Adam, please.”

Adam chuckled deep in his throat, the huffs of warm breath floating over her clit. “Be patient Charlie. I want this to be the absolute best sex ever for both of us. Just be patient.”

He returned to licking and blowing and then inserted one finger into her. She was so wet, she could barely feel it and she moaned, murmuring, “More, more.” Adam acquiesced and inserted another and then a third finger, gently moving them first in and then back out. Charlie was on the verge of orgasm, but every time she thought she was going over the crest, Adam would back off and leave her panting and wanting and crying out for more.

Finally, when Charlie felt she’d simply pass out from desire, Adam shoved his fingers into her and his mouth found her clit. While he sucked hard, his tongue flicked over her clit again and again and Charlie felt her orgasm taking hold. Adam didn’t retreat this time, but continued his ministrations until Charlie stopped quaking and was lying completely still.

It was then he stood up and removed his jeans and returned to the bed. He moved between her thighs and placed first one leg and then the other over his shoulders. That left her wide open and Charlie gasped with pleasure as he rammed his rock-hard cock into her vagina. For a few thrusts, Adam moved slowly, but then as Charlie’s response increased and Adam was positive she was moving toward another orgasm, he increased the timing of his thrusts until he was moving fast and slamming himself into her. He was desperately trying to stave off his own orgasm when he felt Charlie begin to quiver, to moan and say, “Now, now, come now.” And, so he did.

Charlie’s legs felt boneless as they slipped off Adam’s shoulders and he collapsed on to her. He didn’t feel heavy and his cock remained inside. She thought she wouldn’t mind actually dying right that very second just so they could stay like that forever. They were both sweaty and breathing like they’d run a 100-yard dash in mere seconds but they both also felt as though they’d just had the best experience of their lives.

It seemed like hours but was probably only minutes before Adam’s semi-flaccid cock escaped its velvety surroundings and he rolled to the side and brought Charlie with him. Still, they didn’t speak but just held on to each other while their hearts and lungs began to function normally again. Suddenly, Charlie began to giggle. “What the hell?” asked Adam, angling his head so he could look down at her.

Charlie looked up, a huge smile on her face as another giggle escaped. “When I’ve had an earth-shaking orgasm, I always end up laughing. I guess because it feels so good and, Adam, this wasn’t earth-shaking, it was universe-shattering. My God, but you practice what you write don’t you?” She snuggled back against him, putting one leg over his legs. Her hand went to his now flaccid cock, touching and caressing. “It’s so hard to believe that something so tender and soft can grow and bring such pleasure to a woman.” Charlie said meditatively. “I’ve always been fascinated by the penis. And when I got older and discovered what it could do, I found it even more interesting. I swear it’s a good thing I don’t have my very own, because I’d be so mesmerized, I’d probably do nothing but play with it all the time.” Charlie gave it a little squeeze and asked, “How come men aren’t enticed to jack off all the time, or at least play with it all the time?”

          Adam laughed and shook his head. “Are you fascinated by your own sexuality or is it just part of you as it’s always been? I’ll admit I was fascinated for a while after I discovered what it was to jack myself off, how it felt to have an orgasm, but once the actual novelty wore off, I never felt like I needed to do it every day all day. I’m sure it’s that way for most guys. What about you? Do you have sex with yourself every single day or more than once a day?”

          Charlie kind of shrugged her shoulders. “Well, it seems like I’ve always known what an orgasm was, that it was something that felt really good. I don’t remember ever getting in trouble for making myself feel good, but I think I also somehow knew it was a private thing. And I didn’t do it all the time, just every now and then until I entered puberty. Then it was like every single cell in my body wanted, demanded sex and orgasms. Of course, me and my best friend talked about it all the time and wondered how it would be to do it with a guy.”

          “How old were you when you found out?”

          “My best friend, Sandi, didn’t find out until she married Les. I was braver or possibly more stupid because I couldn’t wait and didn’t wait. I was just past 16 and what a disappointment. I somehow thought having sex with my high school sweetie would be like the books Sandi and I sneaked when we were younger and figuring things out.”

          “Disappointed, were you?”

          “Hell yeah. I was all hot and bothered and expecting to have the best orgasm I’d ever had in my life. My boyfriend barely got it inserted and came. Then, he was like done. I had to give myself my own orgasm once I got home.”

          “Sounds pretty much like my own first experience. Of course, I didn’t know my girl was disappointed and hopefully she wasn’t, but I really have no idea because we never talked about it. She didn’t want to do it after that…might get pregnant you know…so that was that.”

          “So, how did you learn such fantastic control? How did you learn to do what you did to me this afternoon? How did you learn everything you know and use when you write?”

          “That’s a secret I may share with you one of these days. Now, let’s get up and have something to eat. I’m starving and if you keep handling Tally, he’s going to grow up and take notice and we’ll be even more hungry.”

          “Your penis has a name? Tally?” Charlie let go of his penis and sat up laughing. “What’s it mean? Is it short for Tally Ho? Do all guys name their penises?”

          Adam sat up as well and put his legs over the side of the bed. “I don’t know about all guys, but me and some of my friends did. My mother always referred to it, when she had to refer to it, as my tallywhacker. So, I just shortened it to Tally. One of my friends had the biggest penis I’ve ever seen outside porno movies and he referred to his as the Big Guy.”

          “Fascinating,” Charlie responded, pulling on her sweatpants and tank top. “You’ll have to share some other penile names with me. If I ever meet any of your friends, I want to be able to shake Tommy’s hand and say nice to meet you as I think ooooh, it’s the Big Guy.”

          Laughing, they headed for kitchen and dinner, but once there, Adam pulled Charlie in for a long and deep kiss. When he let her go, he said, “Let’s have dinner and replenish our energy.”

          “Replenish, whatever for?” Charlie responded, dipping her hand to the base of his tummy and rubbing.

          Adam pulled her back for another kiss, his own hand reaching down to cup her mons. “I think we’re going to need a lot of energy before this night, or hell, this weekend is over.”

Friday, April 16, 2021


           As it turned out, Charlie didn’t have time to have a talk with Adam. The very next morning, a new client in another state reached out and wanted to talk to Charlie or someone in the firm about the construction of an office building and home that would meet LEED requirements for a Platinum award. The design and construction of such buildings would bring additional recognition to the firm.

The only problem was the client didn’t want to get in line and wait for her firm’s attention. It also meant millions and millions of dollars in earnings as well as taking the company from being sought after within her own state to being pursued elsewhere if they landed the contract and did the work. Charlie told the client she would get back to her by the end of the day.

First, she called Terrance to establish his availability. She would need him there as well to provide input on the design. After talking to Terrance, she called Justin in to her office and asked if he would be available to travel out of state for a few days and explained why. He told her he’d be happy to join her and Terrance for the interview stage with the client.

All her ducks in a row, so to speak, Charlie asked Stephanie to make travel arrangements for the three of them. Once the arrangements were confirmed, Charlie shared the information with Terrance and Justin and asked them both to join her that afternoon to talk about the presentation they’d be making. Then, just after noon, Charlie called and told the client, a Jessie Flanagan, that she and her team would be there the following day and ready with a presentation the day after that. Ms. Flanagan seemed impressed by the immediacy of Charlie’s response.

The three of them met and talked about what each of them would say and present to Ms. Flanagan. Terrance would go first and talk about his ideas for a multi-story office building as well as the home. His presentation would include slides of homes and office buildings that were based on his architectural renderings. Justin would go next and talk about LEED certification, what was required and how Terrance and the Ridgeway Company would implement all the requirements to achieve the award once the buildings were completed. Justin indicated he had a presentation he’d prepared for one of his school projects and could update and make it useable for the interview. Charlie would make the final presentation, discuss how her company would come into Ms. Flanagan’s territory, hire local craftsmen and union workers to do the building. In the beginning, the three of them would be on hand, but once the projects were well underway, there was the potential of handing off the day-to-day supervision to a local company or expert. She would include some photos of the largest projects the Ridgeway Company had completed, especially the few that had received LEED gold awards. If they landed this contract, it would be the first Platinum award.

It was after 5:00 pm by the time the three of them had completed their discussions and plans. Charlie was so excited by the prospect she could hardly sit still. She spent some time sending emails and instructions to the various foremen for the jobs currently underway. She also made sure Stephanie had all the information she would need in her boss’ absence. It was going on 8:00 pm by the time she picked up her cell phone and checked for messages.

There were seven just from Adam. Charlie realized she hadn’t given Adam a single thought since she received Ms. Flanagan’s phone call that morning. She waited to feel bad about ignoring him, but there was no discomfort or guilt waiting to rise into her consciousness. So, before she headed home to pack, she called him back.

He answered on the first ring. “Hi Adam, it’s me. Sorry to have ignored you all day, but I’ve been so busy and I’m so excited I can hardly sit still.”

“What’s going on? I’d hoped we could have lunch or dinner for sure, but I got hungry and ate without you.”

“That’s okay. I had Stephanie order in for Terrance, Justin and me. Once we finished planning, I had to make sure everything would move along smoothly while I’m gone.”

“Gone? Where you going.”

Charlie laughed delightedly. “This morning I received a phone call from a Ms. Jessie Flanagan. She wanted the Ridgeway Company to make a presentation about the design and construction of a six-story building as well as her personal home. Both projects are to be designed and built to meet and earn a LEED Platinum award.”

“So, where is this woman located and what’s a LEED building?”

“She lives in Texas and started a company years ago that specializes in personal care products that are made from organic plant products. Not only that, but the production of these products is friendly to the environment. It’s her goal to be completely carbon-neutral by 2030, if not before.”

“So, what does that have to do with you and your company?”

“Ms. Flanagan went on the hunt for companies that are led by women as well as taking the environment into consideration. She wants a six-story building that will house all her company’s offices as well as the production side of the products. And, as long as she’s having that done, she wants a new home that follows all the LEED requirements.”

“I still don’t know what a LEED is. I’m not even sure if it’s spelled LEAD or LEED.”

“LEED is spelled with two e’s and stands for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design. It is a certification program for green buildings created by the U.S. Green Building Council. There are four categories of award, LEED Certified is the lowest, followed by LEED Gold and LEED Silver. The highest award is Platinum and that’s what Ms. Flanagan wants for her buildings. The building must meet certain criteria with regard to energy and water efficiency, reduced carbon dioxide emissions, the quality of the indoor environment, thoughtful selection of building materials and the building site must be sustainable. Under each of those additional criteria are lists of requirements which apply to each one. A truly LEED building will meet every single one of the lengthy list of standards.”

“Wow, that sounds quite demanding and you’re going to do a presentation with only one day of preparation?”

“Yes, but the company has slowly been adopting the various principles of LEED building and Dennis just graduated from school and his final project was the design of a building which met each and every single one of the requirements. He’s going to sell this deal for us.”

“You sound pretty positive about landing the contract.”

“I am. Between Terrance, Dennis and myself, we’ll be unstoppable no matter who else is interviewed.”

“So, if you get the contract, what will that mean for your company and for you?”

“Well, it’ll mean I’ll have to live in Texas for a while, or at least until the project is well underway and I’ve learned the local folks are completely trustworthy and knowledgeable about what we’ll be doing.”

“I really hate the thought of you being so far away, but I’m excited for you and the recognition you’re receiving for the work you’ve already done. Will I see you tonight?”

“No, Adam, I’m sorry. I’m still at the office and have to go home to pack. We’ll be picked up at 5:00 am at the office tomorrow morning and I seriously hope I’ll be tired enough after packing that I can go right to sleep. I’ll miss you though and hope we can have dinner the evening of my return. I’ll be back on Thursday afternoon, or at least that’s the plan now.”

“Well, good luck with Ms. Flanagan. Maybe I’ll get some research done on the novel for which I’ve been drafting an outline the last couple of weeks.”

“Good luck with that Adam. I’ll miss seeing you. I don’t think we’ve missed a day in the last couple of weeks. Maybe the time apart will allow us to think about the relationship we now have and what we might want in the future.”

“That sounds a bit ominous Charlie. You planning to send me on my way? I don’t think I’d like that idea very much.”

“No, not exactly, but I do think we need to talk about our relationship and what we each want and expect. I’ve pretty much followed your lead since you sort of told me off. It’s not something I’m used to and I don’t like it very much. So, we do need to talk. Anyway, don’t worry Adam. I really like you a lot and do want to see what the future might hold for us.”

“Hmmmm. Guess that will have to do until you get back.”

“Good night Adam. I’ll text or call while I’m gone. Take care and be good.”

Adam chucked a bit and responded with, “You know I am a very caring person and always good. Good night Charlie and best of luck.”

As Adam hit the off button on his cell, he heaved a huge sigh. Crap, he thought. Just when things seemed to be going well, she’s off to another state with the possibility of having to live there for who knows how long. I don’t like that idea at all. On the other hand, if she gets the contract, I cannot very well demand she turn it down just to stay next door. Hell, even if we were a genuine couple as in engaged or married, I’d still have to stand back and let her move forward. Knowing Charlie as I do now, there’s no way she’d choose to stay here and let another company have the job.

Adam got ready for bed, but his thoughts were a bit tumultuous. There you were, you fool, he told himself, acting like the yankee prude. Telling her you didn’t want to have a sexual relationship without some kind of a relationship based on getting to know each other. He turned over and hit his pillow a couple of times. What happens if she gets this job and decides she just doesn’t have time for a relationship with me. Or, what happens if she decides it’s sex or nothing. Well, you’d be a real fool if she said that and you walked away. Although, face it, you’ve already pretty much done that already. He soon came to the conclusion he wasn’t going to get much sleep that night as he turned over and hit his pillow again.

Meanwhile, Charlie had arrived home, pulled her carry-on suitcase from the closet and began to pack the various items she’d need. The carry-on and her briefcase would be all she was taking, so it didn’t take too long to fold and pack the items. She’d toss in her toiletries after her shower in the morning. She told herself she couldn’t wait for her dad to come back home. She didn’t want to jinx the potential contract, so even though she wanted to call him and rave about the phone call and the potential for a LEED Platinum job, she wouldn’t let herself do that. She’d tell him once she got the contract or if she didn’t, she could tell him about the possibility then.

           Charlie didn’t think she’d get much sleep that night either, but it had nothing to do with Adam. Her head was filled with ideas about what could be done and accomplished on this project. One idea was followed by another and finally, she sat up, turned on the light and began to make notes. If Adam had known what was keeping Charlie awake was diametrically opposed to what was keeping him awake, he’d have felt very let-down and perhaps a trifle hopeless.